Wolff, Justin 1969-
WOLFF, Justin 1969-
PERSONAL: Born December 12, 1969, in Princeton, NJ; son of Geoffrey (an author and professor) and Priscilla (an educator; maiden name, Porter) Wolff; married Megan Simpson (a graphic designer), October 5, 2002; children: Ruby. Education: Bowdoin College, B.A., 1992; Princeton University, 1999, Ph.D.
ADDRESSES: Agent—Sarah Chalfant, Wylie Agency, 250 W. 57th St., Ste. 2114, New York, NY 10107. E-mail—jwolff@fas.harvard.edu.
CAREER: Writer. San Diego Reader, San Diego, CA, staff writer and columnist, 1998–2002; Providence Phoenix, Phoenix, AZ, staff writer, 1999.
MEMBER: America Studies Association, College Art Association.
AWARDS, HONORS: National Endowment for the Humanities fellowship, 2004.
Richard Caton Woodville: American Painter, Artful Dodger, Princeton University Press (Princeton, NJ), 2002.
WORK IN PROGRESS: A critical biography of Thomas Hart Benton; research on Thomas Cole.