Wilson, Doug 1948-

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Wilson, Doug 1948-


Born 1948; married; wife's name Karen; children: Bryan, Kayleigh. Education: Southern Methodist University, B.A.; Dallas Theological Seminary, Th.M.; University of North Texas, Ph.D. Hobbies and other interests: Surfing, snowboarding, classic guitar.


Home—Newport Beach, CA. E-mail—authors@gettingamericaright.com.


Consultant. Next Solutions (real estate investing), CEO; Townhall.com, chairman. Served on the advisory board of Empower America; taught at the University of Southern California.


(With Edwin J. Feulner) Getting America Right: The True Conservative Values Our Nation Needs Today, Crown Forum (New York, NY), 2006.


Doug Wilson is a consultant to corporations and business leaders and a founder of Townhall.com, a conservative news and opinion Web site. Wilson is the author, with Heritage Foundation president Edwin J. Feulner, of Getting America Right: The True Conservative Values Our Nation Needs Today. The book emphasizes the need for the Republican Party to combat corruption and waste in the federal government and lists a number of reforms they feel are necessary in order to revitalize the country and meet these goals. Among these measures are the disclosure of earmarks, the line-item veto, sunsetting of appropriations bills, and revisions to accounting practices. The authors feel that the country would benefit from free markets and trade, local control, limited government, and individual responsibility. They provide a list of questions that should be asked regarding federal policy, including whether it is fiscally responsible, necessary, and unifying. They advise cutting waste and favor a flat tax and a privatized Social Security. "And lest anyone think that our major problems only involve welfare cheats and Medicare defrauders," wrote Rick Moran for the American Thinker online, "Feulner and Wilson offer many eye opening examples of multinational corporations and other rich entities feeding unabashedly at the federal trough. The fact that we allow Congress to get away with this kind of tomfoolery goes to the very heart of what's wrong with America today. We are sleepwalking our way to disaster. In this respect, the book is a wake-up call as much as it is a blueprint for change."



National Review, April 10, 2006, Anthony Dick, review of Getting America Right: The True Conservative Values Our Nation Needs Today, p. 54.

Publishers Weekly, February 13, 2006, review of Getting America Right, p. 80.

Weekly Standard, May 15, 2006, Mary Rose Rybak, review of Getting America Right.


American Thinker,http://www.americanthinker.com/ (November 21, 2006), Rick Moran, review of Getting America Right.

Doug Wilson Home Page,http://www.gettingamericaright.com (November 21, 2006).

Townhall.com,http://www.townhall.com/ (November 21, 2006), author biography.*

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