Williams, R.D. 1975- (Robert D. Williams)

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Williams, R.D. 1975- (Robert D. Williams)


Born May 11, 1975, in Cincinnati, OH; son of Robert and Pantha Williams; married Jamie Whitten, April 16, 2005.


Home—Cincinnati, OH. E-mail—rdwilliams@writing.com.




The Lost Gate, Outskirts Press (Parker, CO), 2007.

Author of blog, R.D. Williams.


R.D. Williams is an American fantasy writer. Born in Cincinnati, Ohio, on May 11, 1975, he grew up and spent most of his life in southern Ohio. On April 16, 2005, he married his wife, Jamie Whitten. In 2007 Williams published his first book, The Lost Gate, with Outskirts Press. The novel introduces a fantasy realm which is at war. Protagonists Geltharin and Delphine find themselves in a war that pits men and elves against six-span-tall stone giants and gremlins, and unsure how they will be able to overcome the odds.

R.D. Williams told CA: "My primary motivation in writing the type of fiction that I do is to entertain. If even one person finds some relief and escape, comfort, or solace in the pages of my stories, then I am satisfied. Any deeper meanings that are found in my writings are merely the reflection of the things that have influenced me through my life, for all things influence us, even many that we do not mean to."



Authors Den,http://www.authorsden.com/ (December 18, 2007), author profile.

R.D. Williams MySpace Profile,http://www.myspace.com/geltharin (December 18, 2007), author profile.

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Williams, R.D. 1975- (Robert D. Williams)

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