Whitman, Amber A. 1969-
Whitman, Amber A. 1969-
PERSONAL: Born March 13, 1969, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada; daughter of Gerald and Alice (Gallagher) Whitman; married David Currier (a tile setter); children: Mathew. Education: Attended Canadian collegiate schools. Religion: Christian.
ADDRESSES: Home— Ontario, Canada. E-mail— restless80@hotmail.com.
CAREER: Writer, poet and freelancer.
AWARDS, HONORS: Writing award from Today’s Woman.
Dreams of Grandeur (poetry), L&R Hartley Publishers (Murwillumbah, New South Wales, Australia), 2005.
Also author of short stories, poetry, and articles.
SIDELIGHTS: Amber A. Whitman told CA:“I have been writing since my youth when I attended a private school. I won awards for my writing. I have taken it up again and have been writing for several years now. Writing has become a passion, and I hope my work is read and enjoyed.”
Later, she added: “The most surprising thing I have learned as a writer is that it is a process. You have to be alone much of the time. I learned that it is competitive and can be overwhelming at times. It is surprising the number of people who have asked me certain questions about writing. The funny thing is that I learned basically everything on my own, without help. I designed my own Web site. I published without knowing much about it. I wrote my own press release, bio and resume. I am still going through the process, but I hope at the end it will all be worth it.”
Passion for Writing, http://homebody2001-ivil.tripod.com (October 23, 2006).