Wheeler, Douglas L. 1937-

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Wheeler, Douglas L. 1937-


Born July 19, 1937, in St. Louis, MO; son of Russell Charles (a dentist) and Lucille (a teacher and homemaker) Wheeler; married Katherine Wells (a state senator), June 13, 1964; children: Katherine Gladney, Lucille Lanphier Wheeler Goodrum. Ethnicity: "White." Education: Dartmouth College, A.B. (with distinction), 1959; Boston University, M.A., 1960, Ph.D., 1963. Politics: Democrat. Religion: United Church of Christ. Hobbies and other interests: Reading, walking, tennis, theater (including locally produced, amateur theatricals).


Home—Durham, NH. E-mail—dougwheeler2@aol.com.


Morgan State College, Baltimore, MD, part-time lecturer in history, 1965; University of New Hampshire, Durham, assistant professor, 1965-69, associate professor, 1969-75, professor of history, 1975-95, Prince Henry the Navigator Professor of Portuguese History, beginning 1995. Harvard University, Richard Welch fellow in history of intelligence at Center for International Affairs, 1984-85; Boston University, visiting assistant professor, 1969, visiting associate professor, 1972. Professional consultant to U.S. Department of State on Portugal and Africa, 1974, 1976. Missouri Historical Society, assistant to the curator, 1960. Military service: U.S. Army Reserve, active duty in Army Intelligence, 1963-65; became first lieutenant.


Historical Society, Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies.


Gulbenkian Foundation grants for Portugal; Fulbright grants, (for Portugal) 1961-62, 1969-70, 1972-73, 1979-80; decorated by presidents of Portugal, 1993, 2004; grants from University of Camões Institute and Luso-American Development Foundation, Lisbon, Portugal.


(With M. René Pélissier) Angola, Praeger (New York, NY), 1971.

Republican Portugal, University of Wisconsin Press (Madison, WI), 1978.

(Editor, with L. Graham) In Search of Modern Portugal, University of Wisconsin Press (Madison, WI), 1983.

A ditadura militar portuguesa, Europa-America (Lisbon, Portugal), 1988.

Historical Dictionary of Portugal, Scarecrow (Metuchen, NJ), 1993.

'Fifty-nine Remembers: A "Fifties" Tribute to Dartmouth College, Peter Randall (Portsmouth, NH), 1999.

Contributor of articles and reviews on African and European history to periodicals, including Armed Forces and Society, USA Today, Journal of Modern African Studies, Journal of Military History, Africa Report, Foreign Affairs, and Christian Science Monitor; translator of Portuguese articles.


Douglas L. Wheeler once told CA: "Since April, 1961, when I published my first (relatively) scholarly article, I have been interested in two regions in particular: tropical Africa and Iberia, especially Portugal. My direction in research and writing was initially influenced by my dissertation research years spent in Lisbon, Portugal, 1961-62, an experience which changed my life in many ways. First I concentrated on colonial African history, to the mid-1970s, and then, increasingly, I concentrated on the history of Portugal and her empire.

"I have enjoyed writing for a wide variety of different kinds of publications, in part because such work assisted my development as a nonfiction writer. Writing for encyclopedias, for example, was a more useful exercise than I had originally imagined it would be."



History Today, March, 1995, Tom Gallagher, review of Historical Dictionary of Portugal, p. 53.

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