Werris, Wendy 1950-
Werris, Wendy 1950-
Born 1950, in Brooklyn, NY; daughter of a comedy writer and a housewife. Education: Graduated from Antioch University, 1987.
Home—Los Angeles, CA. Agent—B.J. Robbins Literary Agency, 5130 Bellaire Ave., North Hollywood, CA 91607. E-mail—whenwhere2@sbcglobal.net.
Writer, publishing sales representative, freelance writer escort, and photographer. Pickwick Bookshop, Hollywood, CA, sales associate, beginning 1970; Rolling Stone/Straight Arrow Books, San Francisco, CA, sales representative, 1975—.
An Alphabetical Life: Living It Up in the World of Books, Carroll & Graf (New York, NY), 2006.
Contributor to periodicals, including Publishers Weekly and Writer's Digest.
Wendy Werris first became involved in the book business when she took a job at the Pickwick Bookshop in Hollywood at the age of nineteen. Captivated by the industry, she delayed college and continued as a bookseller for several years before she eventually became a sales representative for publishers. She eventually went to college, studying psychology at Antioch University, but returned to the publishing industry rather than pursue a career linked to her degree. In addition to her work as a sales rep, Werris began working on a freelance basis as an author's escort, hired by publicists to make sure authors in town for signings or readings get to their appointments. Werris's book, An Alphabetical Life: Living It Up in the World of Books, chronicles her experiences and provides readers with a glimpse into her life in the publishing world, one that is peppered with celebrities and literary luminaries. Brian Bouldrey, in a review for the San Francisco Gate Online, remarked: "Werris's book is, among other things, an incidental chronicle of the radical changes that have happened in the publishing industry over the past 20 years." A Publishers Weekly reviewer called Werris's effort "a bittersweet tribute to the indefatigability of bibliophiles," while Donna Seaman, writing in Booklist, called it an "unusual and enlightening perspective on the publishing industry."
Werris told CA: "My father, Snag Werris, was a career comedy writer. Growing up in a literary community in Hollywood, I was surrounded by books, writers, readers and rascals. You might say I'm genetically disposed to writing—and to reading.
"Telling the truth influences my writing above all else. I strive for integrity in my work. When a writer is authentic, it shows respect for the reader. Believing also that the truth shall set you free, I write with the hope that the experience will be meaningful for both the reader and myself."
When asked about the most surprising thing learned as a writer, Werris said: "That I'm also a very good editor, which has led me to a good amount of freelance editorial work."
When asked which of her books is her favorite, Werris said: "The one I haven't written yet. I never want to stop growing in my craft."
Werris, Wendy, An Alphabetical Life: Living It Up in the World of Books, Carroll & Graf (New York, NY), 2006.
Booklist, October 1, 2006, Donna Seaman, review of An Alphabetical Life, p. 7.
Kirkus Reviews, August 15, 2006, review of An Alphabetical Life, p. 832.
Library Journal, December 1, 2006, Pam Kingsbury, review of An Alphabetical Life, p. 126.
Publishers Weekly, September 11, 2006, review of An Alphabetical Life, p. 44.
San Francisco Gate Online,http://www.sfgate.com/ (December 1, 2006), Brian Bouldrey, "Insider's View of Lively Bookselling Business."
Wendy Werris Home Page,http://www.wendywerris.com (June 27, 2007).
Wendy Werris Photography Site,http://www.wendywerrisphotography.com (June 27, 2007).