Weber, Maria 1951-

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WEBER, Maria 1951-


Born February 14, 1951, in Florence, Italy; daughter of Giorgio (an anatomic pathologist) and Donatella (a teacher and writer; maiden name, Contini) Weber; married Rouenti Sandro, 1974 (divorced, 1985); married Marco Croci, 1993; children: (with Croci) Leonardo. Ethnicity: "White." Education: University of Florence, M.A., 1975; graduate study at Bocconi University, 1977-82. Religion: Roman Catholic.


Home—Via Bergano 27, 20135 Milan, Italy. Office—Istituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale, Bocconi University, Via Gobbi 5, 20136 Milan, Italy; fax: +29-02-583-63309. E-mail—


Bocconi University, Milan, Italy, faculty member, 1977-88, lecturer in political science, 1988-95, international relations, 1993-98, and comparative politics, 1995-98, currently senior research fellow on Asia at Institute for the Study of International Politics, affiliated professor of comparative systems, associate professor of international relations, and member of scientific committee for Center of Comparative Studies. Certified psychologist. European Consortium of Political Research, member of Women and Politics Standing Group; founding member of Centro di Documentazione Jules Grossman and Centro Interuniversitario per gli Studi sulle Donne nella Storia e nella Società; Interlegal Research Center of Moscow, member of international board of advisors.


International Society of Political Psychology, Association Européenne de Cooperation avec l'Asie (founding member), Women Empowerment, Società Italiana di Scienza Politica, Società Italiana di Studi Elettorali, Donne in Carriera.


Global Business Book Award, Booz-Allen and Financial Times, 1996, for Vele verso la Cina: come fare affari con specificità cinesi.


Il voto delle donne (title means "Women's Electoral Behavior"), Biblioteca della Libertà (Turin, Italy), 1977.

(Editor, with M. C. Gibelli) Una modernizzazione difficile: economia e società in Cina dopo Mao (title means "A Difficult Modernization: Economy and Society in China after Mao"), Angeli (Milan, Italy), 1983.

(With G. Conti Odorisio and G. Zincone) La situation des femmes dans la vie politique en Europe, Council of Europe (Strasbourg, France), 1984.

Italia; paese europeo? (title means "Italy: A European Country?"), Angeli (Milan, Italy), 1986.

Rapporto Cina: il successo del socialismo di mercato ed il futuro di Hong Kong (title means "China Report: The Success of Free-market Socialism and the Future of Hong Kong"), Fondazione Agnelli (Turin, Italy), 1995.

Rapporto India: le riforme economiche e il difficile rapporto tra centre e periferia (title means "India Report: New Economic Reforms"), Fondazione Agnelli (Turin, Italy), 1995.

Vele verso la Cina: come fare affari con specificità cinesi (title means "Sails toward China"), Edizioni Olivares (Milan, Italy), 1996.

(Editor) After the Asian Crises: Perspectives on Global Politics and Economics, Macmillan (London, England), 2000.

(Editor) Reforming Economic Systems in Asia: A Comparative Analysis of China, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, and Thailand, Edward Elgar Publishing (Northampton, MA), 2001.

Il miracolo cinese (title means "The Chinese Miracle"), Il Mulino (Bologna, Italy), 2001.

Contributor to books, including The Politics of the Second Electorate, edited by J. Lovenduski and J. Hills, Routledge & Kegan Paul (London, England), 1981. Contributor to academic journals.


Research on U.S.-China relations after September 11, 2001; research on the role of China in the international arena.


Maria Weber told CA: "My primary motivation for writing is the pleasure of writing and enlarging people's knowledge of some specific issues. My mother, a writer of tales and plays, influenced my love for writing. China and Chinese civilization have inspired a large part of my work.

"My writing process is very simple. I begin to write without a framework, then I read my writing and decide the best framework for my argument. Any work I write passes through many different drafts, five at a minimum."