Velarde, Giles 1935-

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VELARDE, Giles 1935-

PERSONAL: Surname is pronounced "Ve-LAR-de"; born December 2, 1935, in Liverpool, England; son of F. X. (an architect) and M. E. Velarde; married 1967; wife's name Celia Mary; children: Felix, Camilla, one other child. Ethnicity: "Mongrel." Education: Attended Chelsea School of Art. Politics: "Left of center." Hobbies and other interests: Cooking, painting, the English countryside.

ADDRESSES: Home and offıce—Fir Trees Studio, Cliff End Lane, Pett Level, East Sussex TN35 4EF, England; fax: 01424-813266. E-mail—

CAREER: Designer of museum exhibitions, 1959-2001; part-time designer and consultant, 2001—. Geological Museum (now Natural History Museum), designer and head of design, 1977-88; designer of more than 100 other commercial and government exhibitions in England and Europe. Lecturer in English and French, including lectures at Kingston Polytechnic, University of Humberside, Institute of Archaeology, London, University of Essex, University of Salford, and University of Southampton. Military service: Royal Navy, 1953-55; became sub-lieutenant.

MEMBER: Royal Society of Arts (fellow), Museums Association (fellow).


Designing Exhibitions, Design Council (London, England), 1988, Whitney Library of Design (New York, NY), 1989, 2nd edition, Ashgate Publishing (Brookfield, VT), 2001.

Contributor to books, including Manual of Curatorship, Museums Association (London, England), 1984; Did Britain Make It?, Design Council (London, England), 1986; and Manual of Touring Exhibitions, Touring Exhibition Group (London, England), 1995, 2nd edition, 2000. Contributor to periodicals, including Museum and Exhibition Design, Design, and Museums Journal.

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