Tunbjörk, Lars 1956-

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TUNBJÖRK, Lars 1956-

PERSONAL: Born February 15, 1956, in Boras, Sweden.

ADDRESSES: Home—Smedsuddsvägen 10, 112 35 Stockholm, Sweden. Agent—Tiofoto, Box 3252, S-10365 Stockholm, Sweden; Agence Vu, 11 Rue Beranger, 75003 Paris, France. E-mail—flemming@ journal-media.se.

CAREER: Freelance photographer, 1977—; Boras Tidning, Stockholms Tidningen, photographer. Exhibitions: Work included in permanent collections at Fotografiska Museet, Stockholm, Sweden; and Hasselblad Centre, Gothenburg, Sweden. Solo exhibitions include Fotograficentrum, Gothenberg, 1989; Lansmuseet, Kristianstad, Sweden, 1990; Landskrona Museum, Sweden, 1993; and Gdansk, Poland, 1994.


Liverpool, Swedish Television, 1984.

Photography Unbound, 1987.

Paris—200 Years after with Herman Lindquist, 1989.

(With Thomas Tidholm, and Goran Greider) Landet Utom Sig (title means "The Country beside Itself"), 1993.

SIDELIGHTS: Freelance Swedish photographer Lars Tunbjörk is known for his photographs that depict the shift toward commercialism within Swedish society. A Hasselblad Center Web site contributor noted, "His photographs are witty and also a little melancholic, as he observes the way in which Sweden has become both homogenised and Americanized."



Contemporary Photographers, 3rd edition, St. James Press (Detroit, MI), 1996.


Wisconsin Sate Journal, October 6, 1997, "Freshmen Make New York Times," p. 3B.


Hasselblad Center Web site, http://www.hasselblad center.se/ (May 3, 2002), "Scratches on a Smooth Surface."*

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