Tuell, Steven S(hawn) 1956-
TUELL, Steven S(hawn) 1956-
Born October 3, 1956, in East Liverpool, OH; son of Bernard (a maintenance mechanic) and Mary (a registered nurse; maiden name, Holland) Tuell; married Wendy Rodan (a librarian), May 30, 1981; children: Sean Michael, Anthony Ryan, Mark Anderson. Ethnicity: "White." Education: West Virginia Wesleyan College, B.A. (religion and psychology, magna cum laude), 1978; Princeton Theological Seminary, M.Div., 1981; Union Theological Seminary in Virginia, Ph.D. (Hebrew bible), 1989. Politics: Democrat. Religion: United Methodist. Hobbies and other interests: Amateur folk musician, reading, board games.
Office—Randolph-Macon College, P.O. Box 5005, Ashland, VA 23005. E-mail—stevenwendy81@aol.com.
Pastor of United Methodist churches in Parkersburg, WV, 1981-85; College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA, instructor in religion, 1988; Erskine College, Due West, SC, assistant professor of Bible and religion, 1989-92; Randolph-Macon College, Ashland, VA, assistant professor, 1992-97, associate professor of religious studies, 1997—. Presbyterian School of Christian Education, adjunct professor, 1994; Methodist Theological School, OH, visiting professor, summers, 2001—. Interim pastor of United Methodist church, Midlothian, VA, 1994. Virginia Annual Conference of United Methodist Church, member of Board of Higher Education and Campus Ministry, 2003—. Southeastern Commission for the Study of Religion, member, 1990—; Southern Poverty Law Center, supporter.
Amnesty International, Society of Biblical Literature, American Association of University Professors, Historical Society of the Virginia Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church (member of board of trustees, 2003—).
Teaching award, General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, United Methodist Church, 1995.
The Law of the Temple in Ezekiel 40-48, Scholars Press (Atlanta, GA), 1992.
1 and 2 Chronicles, Westminster-John Knox (Louisville, KY), 2001.
Putting Faith to Work: A Study of James, Abingdon (Nashville, TN), 2001.
Living in God's Presence: A Study of Psalms, Abingdon (Nashville, TN), 2001.
A Call to Faithfulness: A Study of Daniel, Abingdon (Nashville, TN), 2003.
(Editor, with John T. Strong, and contributor) Constituting the Community: Studies on the Polity of Ancient Israel in Honor of S. Dean McBride, Jr., Eisenbrauns (Winona Lake, IN), 2004.
Contributor to books, including The Book of Ezekiel: Theological and Anthropological Perspectives, edited by Margaret S. Odell and John T. Strong, Society of Biblical Literature (Atlanta, GA), 2000; God Who Creates: Essays in Honor of W. Sibley Towner, edited by S. Dean McBride, Jr. and William Brown, Eerdmans (Grand Rapids, MI), 2000; and Thematic Threads in the Book of the Twelve, edited by Aaron Schart and Paul L. Redditt, de Gruyter (Berlin, Germany), 2003. Contributor of articles and reviews to periodicals, including Journal of Biblical Literature, Adult BibleStudies Teacher, Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research, Catholic Biblical Quarterly, and Yellow Jacket.
A commentary on Ezekiel, for Hendrickson; research on the biblical literature of the Persian period, especially the early Judean restoration; the worship, faith, and temple ideology of ancient Israel as reflected in the Hebrew Bible; prophecy and priesthood in the Hebrew Bible; the development of the idea of scripture in ancient Israel; the significance of the Hebrew Bible as scripture for Christians and Jews; mythologies and comparative religions of the ancient Near East, particularly as related to the religion of ancient Israel; and the relationship between science and religion.
Steven S. Tuell told CA: "I am a Bible teacher and preacher. Even though I am no longer involved in full-time pastoral ministry, I understand what I do in the classroom and in my scholarship as the pursuit of the call of Jesus Christ on my life. I work out of love for scripture and for God. That primary faith was first communicated to me by my father and mother; it has been nourished by my church and is enriched continually through the love of my wife and my sons. My scholarship, particularly influenced by my advisor and friend Dean McBride, involves seeing the texts of scripture against the backdrop of the world of the ancient Near East. I am interested in the ways that these ancient encounters with the divine are shaped and preserved by tradition. However, beyond questions of literature and history, I am fascinated that the Bible continues to be powerful and normative for people of faith today."
Interpretation, January, 1994, Jon D. Levenson, review of The Law of the Temple in Ezekiel 40-48, p. 86.
Journal of Theological Studies, April, 1994, Paul Joyce, review of The Law of the Temple in Ezekiel 40-48, p. 183.