Svartvik, Jesper 1965-

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SVARTVIK, Jesper 1965-

PERSONAL: Born December 13, 1965, in Gothenburg, Sweden; son of Jan (a university professor) and Gunilla (a teacher; maiden name, Berner) Svartik; married Lena Bliding (a psychiatrist), September 21, 1985; children: Maria, Mikael. Education: University of Lund, M.Th., 1990, Ph.D., 2000; attended Swedish Theological Institute, Jerusalem, Israel, 1990, and Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1993. Hobbies and other interests: Music, travel.

ADDRESSES: Home—Nils Lundahls väg 6, SE-224 66 Lund, Sweden. Offıce—Department of Theology and Religious Studies, University of Lund, Allhelgona Kyrkogata 8, SE-223 62 Lund, Sweden; fax: +46-46-222-4426. E-mail—

CAREER: Ordained Lutheran minister, 1991; University of Lund, Lund, Sweden, Swedish Research Council fellow, 2002—. Speaker at educational institutions, including Kristianstad University, Ersta College, and secondary schools in Sweden; guest on media programs.

MEMBER: International Council for Christians and Jews (chair for southern Sweden, 1994-98), Society of Biblical Literature, Uppsala Exegetiska Sällskap.


Mark and Mission: Mark 7:1-23 in Its Narrative and Historical Contexts, Almqvist & Wiksell International (Stockholm, Sweden), 2000.

Skriftens ansikten: Konsten att läsa mellan raderna i Bibeln, Arcus (Lund, Sweden), 2001.

(With Bo Frid) Thomasevangeliet: Med Jesusorden från Oxyrhynchus, Arcus (Lund, Sweden), 2002.

Author of introductions to videos on New Testament topics. Contributor to books, including The Concept of God in Global Dialogue, edited by Werner Jeanrond and Aasulv Lande, Maryknoll Press, 2002. Contributor of articles and reviews to periodicals, including Christian Compass. Member of editorial committee, Svensk teologisk kvartalskrift, 2002—.

WORK IN PROGRESS: In the Shadow of the Cross, on Christians and the Holocaust; Let My People Go!, a "mnemohistorical survey of Egypt as metaphor."

SIDELIGHTS: Jesper Svartvik told CA: "After my basic training at the University of Lund, I was granted a scholarship for theological studies at the Swedish Theological Institute in Jerusalem. The director of the institute, Dr. Goran Larsson, and his competent staff introduced me to Judaism today, rabbinical theology, and inter-faith dialogue. I returned to Sweden determined to commence doctoral studies after my pastoral theological studies.

"My second book discusses biblical figures central to both Jewish and Christian interpreters. I am happy to see that it has been well received by both Jews and Christians. My third book is a translation of and a commentary on the popular apocryphal Gospel of Thomas."

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