Sri Chinmoy 1931-2007 (Sri Chinmoy, Chinmoy Kumar Ghose, Ganapati Kumar Ghose, Sri Chinmoy Kumar Ghose)

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Sri Chinmoy 1931-2007 (Sri Chinmoy, Chinmoy Kumar Ghose, Ganapati Kumar Ghose, Sri Chinmoy Kumar Ghose)


Born August 27, 1931, in Shakpura, East Bengal, India (now Bangladesh); immigrated to the United States, 1964; died of a heart attack, October 11, 2007, in Jamaica, NY; son of Sasha Kumar (a banker and railroad official) and Yoga Maya Ghose. Education: Educated at Aurobindo Ashram. Religion: Hindu.


Member of Aurobindo Ashram (spiritual community), Pondicherry, India, 1943-64; Indian Consulate, New York, NY, member of administrative staff, 1964-67; Sri Chinmoy Centres International, founder and director, beginning 1966. Director of United Nations Meditation Group, beginning 1970; United Nations representative for Sri Chinmoy Centres, Inc., beginning 1975; performer at nearly one thousand peace concerts, beginning 1984; lecturer throughout North America, Europe, and the Far East, including appearances at University of British Columbia, Harvard University, King's College, Cambridge, University of Oslo, and University of Washington, Seattle. Founder of and participant in Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run relay races and Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team; weight lifter, artist, and musical composer.


Awarded hundreds of honors over the years, including Papal Medallion from Pope Paul VI, 1972; two awards from North American Mentor, 1975, for poetry and art; distinguished service awards, United Nations Association, 1976, 1977; commendations, President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, 1976, 1980; proclaimed distinguished and honorary resident of Puerto Rico, 1976; award from School of Visual Arts, 1976, for contributions to the arts; grand cross, Order of Balboa of Panama, 1981; named ambassador of universal peace, Asgiriya Order of Buddhist Monks, 1990; presidential medal of Slovakia, 1993; Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Gandhi Peace Award, 1994, Bharat Jyoti, 1997; Nehru Medal, UNESCA, 1995; Hindu Renaissance Award, Hinduism Today, 1997; Heart of Gold, Society of Authors and Composers of Music of Mexico, 1998; Pilgrim of Peace Award, Centro Internazionale per la Pace Frai Popoli, 1998; Heart of United Nations Progress Award, United Nations Development Program, 2001; Jesse Owens Humanitarian Award, Jesse Owens Foundation, 2002; Mother Teresa Award of Macedonia, 2002; award from Macedonia Olympic Committee, 2003; named prince of the royal palace of Surakarta, 2003; named honorary fellow, University of Sebelas Maret, 2003; medal of freedom of East Timor, 2004; Pro Cultura Hungarica Award of Hungary, 2004; Heart of Europe Award of Austria, 2004; medal for peace and friendship among nations of Viet Nam, 2004; Order of Merit, Republic of Hungary, 2004; named friend of the nation of Cambodia, 2004; gold medal of honor, International University, Moscow, Russia, 2004; award of honor, Moscow State University, 2004; medallion, Union of Mongolian Artists, 2007; Pegasus Literature Award, Mongolian Academy of Culture and Poetry, 2007; medal of friendship of Mongolia, 2007; dozens of honorary degrees from institutions around the world, including Pontifical Catholic University of Brazil, International University, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, and Mongolian University of Culture and Arts; also numerous honors and accolades from other educational institutions.


Meditations: Food for the Soul (poetry), Harper & Row (New York, NY), 1970.

Yoga and the Spiritual Life, two volumes, Tower Publications (New York, NY), 1970, 3rd edition, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1996.

My Ivy League Leaves, Sri Chinmoy Lighthouse (Jamaica, NY), 1970.

My Lord's Secrets Revealed (poetry), Herder & Herder (New York, NY), 1971, revised edition, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1998.

Songs of the Soul (poetry), Herder & Herder (New York, NY), 1971, revised edition, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1998.

Children's Conversations with God, Sri Chinmoy Lighthouse (Jamaica, NY), 1971.

Love Realised, Surrender Fulfilled, Oneness Manifested, Sri Chinmoy Lighthouse (Jamaica, NY), 1971.

My Rose Petals, Part 1, Sri Chinmoy Lighthouse (Jamaica, NY), 1971.

The Descent of the Blue, Sri Chinmoy Lighthouse (Jamaica, NY), 1972.

Eastern Light for the Western Mind, Sri Chinmoy Lighthouse (Jamaica, NY), 1972.

Eternity's Breath, Sri Chinmoy Lighthouse (Jamaica, NY), 1972.

The Garland of Nation-Souls, Sri Chinmoy Lighthouse (Jamaica, NY), 1972.

God Wants to Read This Book, Sri Chinmoy Lighthouse (Jamaica, NY), 1972.

In Search of a Perfect Disciple, Sri Chinmoy Lighthouse (Jamaica, NY), 1972.

My Flute (poetry), Sri Chinmoy Lighthouse (Jamaica, NY), 1972, 3rd edition, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1998.

Peace: The Height and Depth of the Absolute, Sri Chinmoy Lighthouse (Jamaica, NY), 1972.

The Vedas: Immortality's First Call, Sri Chinmoy Lighthouse (Jamaica, NY), 1972.

The Seeker's Universe, Sri Chinmoy Lighthouse (Jamaica, NY), 1972.

Arise! Awake! Thoughts of a Yogi, Frederick Fell (New York, NY), 1972.

Discoverers of Light, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1972.

Commentary on the Bhagavad Gita: The Song of the Transcendental Soul, Rudolf Steiner (Blauvelt, NY), 1973.

Mother India's Lighthouse: India's Spiritual Leaders, Rudolf Steiner (Blauvelt, NY), 1973.

The Supreme and His Four Children: Five Spiritual Dictionaries, Fleet Press (New York, NY), 1973.

The Disciple Illumines the Master, Sky Publishers (Jamaica, NY), 1973.

Drink, Drink My Mother's Nectar, Sky Publishers (Jamaica, NY), 1973.

The Heart of a Holy Man, Sky Publishers (Jamaica, NY), 1973.

Lord Gauranga: Love Incarnate, Sky Publishers (Jamaica, NY), 1973.

Mother, Give Me the Light of Your Knowledge, Sky Publishers (Jamaica, NY), 1973.

My Rama Is My All, Sky Publishers (Jamaica, NY), 1973.

Siddhartha Becomes the Buddha, Sky Publishers (Jamaica, NY), 1973, revised edition, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1993.

The Singer of the Eternal Beyond, Sky Publishers (Jamaica, NY), 1973.

The Son, Sky Publishers (Jamaica, NY), 1973, revised edition, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 2002.

Supreme Sacrifice, Sky Publishers (Jamaica, NY), 1973.

God's Hour, Sri Chinmoy Lighthouse (Jamaica, NY), 1973.

My First Friendship with the Muse (poetry), Sri Chinmoy Lighthouse (Jamaica, NY), 1973.

America in Her Depths, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1973.

Ascent and Descent of the Disciples, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1973.

The Dance of Life, twenty volumes, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1973.

Selections from the Dance of Life, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1973.

Death and Reincarnation: Eternity's Voyage, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1973.

Entertainment versus Enlightenment (short stories), Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1973.

Garden of Love-Light, two volumes, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1973.

God's Orchestra, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1973.

Kennedy: The Universal Heart, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1973.

Kundalini: The Mother-Power, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1973.

My Salutation to Japan, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1973.

Promised Light from the Beyond, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1973.

Rainbow-Flowers, Part 1, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1973.

The Silence of Death, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1973.

Something, Somehow, Somewhere, Someday, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1973.

You, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1973.

Eastern Light for the Western Mind, Agni Press (New York, NY), 1973.

The Ambition-Deer, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

Animal Kingdom, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

Art's Life and the Soul's Light, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

Aspiration-Flames, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

Aspiration-Plants, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

The Astral Journey, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

Astrology, the Supernatural, and the Beyond, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

At the Doors of Time and Delight Opportunity Knocks, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

Beyond Within: A Philosophy for the Inner Life, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

The Body: Humanity's Fortress, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

Canada Aspires, Canada Receives, Canada Achieves, two volumes, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

Colour Kingdom, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

Consciousness: God-Journey to Man and Man-Journey to God, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

Cry Within, Yours Is the Goal, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

The Dance of the Cosmic Gods, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

The Dance of Life: Selected Poems for Children, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

Earth's Cry Meets Heaven's Smile, two volumes, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

Earth's Dream-Boat Sails, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

Eternity's Silence-Heart, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

Eternity's Soul-Bird, two volumes, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

Europe-Blossoms, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

Fifty Freedom-Boats to One Golden Shore, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

Flame-Goal, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

Fortune-Philosophy, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

A Galaxy of Beauty's Stars, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

The Garden of Love-Light, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

Giving and Becoming, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

The Goal Is Won, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

God the Supreme Humorist, Part 1, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

God the Supreme Musician, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

God-Life: Is It a Far Cry?, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

God's New Philosophy, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

God's Vision-Promise, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

The Golden Boat, twenty volumes, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

Selections from the Golden Boat, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

Gopal's Eternal Brother, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

Gratitude-Sky and Ingratitude-Earth, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

Height of Silence and the Might of Sound, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

Hundred Years from Now, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

The Hunger of Darkness and the Feast of Light, two volumes, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

I Am Telling You a Great Secret: You Are a Fantastic Dream of God, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

Children's Questions on God, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

Illumination-Fruits, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

The Illumination of Life-Clouds, two volumes, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

Immortality's Dance, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

The Inner Promise (poetry), Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974, revised edition, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 2000.

Is God Really Partial?, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

The Journey of Silver Dreams, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

Life-Enquiry and Self-Discovery, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

Life-Tree Leaves, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

Light-Delight-Journeys, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

Lightless Soldiers Fail, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

The Master Surrenders, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

The Master's Self-Appointed Emissary, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

Matsyendranath and Gorakshanath: Two Spiritual Lions, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

Meditation: God Speaks and I Listen, two volumes, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

Meditation: God's Duty and Man's Beauty, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

Meditation: God's Blessing-Assurance, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

Meditation: Humanity's Race and Divinity's Grace, two volumes, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

Meditation: Man's Choice and God's Voice, two volumes, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

Mind-Confusion and Heart-Illumination, two volumes, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

My California Redwoods, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

My Canadian Fruits, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

My Maple Tree, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

My Rose Petals, Parts 2-4, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

My Self-Giving Is My God-Becoming, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

One Lives, One Dies, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

Perfection-World, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

The Prayer of the Sky, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

Prayer-World, Mantra-World, and Japa-World, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

Problems! Problems! Are They Really Problems?, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

Purity: Divinity's Little Sister, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

Realisation-Soul and Manifestation-Goal, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

Service-Boat and Love-Boatman, Parts 1 and 2, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

Sleep: Death's Little Sister, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

Song of Silence and the Dance of Sound, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

A Sri Chinmoy Primer, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

Supreme, I Sing Only for You, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

Supreme, Teach Me How to Cry, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

The Summits of God-Life: Samadhi and Siddhi, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

Surrender's Unlimited Power, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

The Tears of Nation-Hearts, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

Three Hundred Sixty-five Father's Day Prayers, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

Three Strangling Sisters: Fear, Jealousy, and Insecurity, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

Try, You Too Can Laugh, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

Two Devouring Brothers: Doubt and Ego, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

The Upanishads: The Crown of India's Soul, Agni Press (New York, NY), 1974.

The Vision of God's Dawn, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

Why the Masters Don't Mix, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

The Wings of Light, Parts 1-20, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

Selections from the Wings of Light, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

A Yogi's Justice, an Avatar's Justice, and God's Justice, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

A Galaxy of Saints, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

Purity-River Wins, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

Beauty-Drops, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1975.

Brother Jesus, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1975.

Dependence and Assurance, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1975.

Dreams that Fly, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1975.

Earth-Bound Journey and Heaven-Bound Journey, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1975.

Father and Daughter, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1975.

Father and Son, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1975.

Flame-Waves: Questions Answered at the United Nations, Parts 1-5, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1975.

Fourteen American Mothers and Fourteen American Daughters with Sri Chinmoy, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1975.

The Garden of Love-Light, Part 2, Annotated Songbook, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1975.

God-Compassion and God-Justice, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1975.

God-Journey's Perfection Return, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1975.

I Love My Country: Purity's Body, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1975.

I Need My Country: Beauty's Soul, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1975.

I Need Only God, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1975.

Lord, I Ask You for One Favor, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1975.

Lord, I Need You, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1975.

Lord, Receive This Little Undying Cry, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1975.

Love-Power and Gratitude-Flower, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1975.

My Life-Tree, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1975.

My Promise to God, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1975.

Pole-Star, Promise-Light, Parts 1-4, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1975.

The Sacred Fire, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1975.

A Service-Flame and a Service-Sun, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1975.

Silence-Seed and Sound-Fruit, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1975.

The Silence Song, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1975.

Sound Becomes, Silence Is, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1975.

Supreme, Make My Life a Gratitude-Flood, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1975.

Supreme, Teach Me How to Cry Annotated Songbook, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1975.

Supreme, Teach Me How to Surrender, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1975.

This Is God's Home, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1975.

Transcendence-Perfection, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1975.

Transformation-Night, Immortality-Dawn, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1975.

The Trumpet of the Sky, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1975.

When God-Love Descends, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1975.

When I Left God in Heaven, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1975.

Yesterday I Was a Crying Dream, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1975.

Aspiration-Tree, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1976.

Bicentennial-Flames at the United Nations, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1976.

Compassion-Father, Champion-Brother, Perfection-Friend, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1976.

Dedication-Drops, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1976.

The Disciple's Love-Power, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1976.

Father's Day: Father with His European Children, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1976.

Flame-Waves: Questions Answered at the United Nations, Parts 6-8, Aum Publications (San Antonio, TX), 1976.

The Garden of Love-Light, Part 3, Annotated Songbook, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1976.

A God-Lover's Earth-Heaven-Life, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1976.

I Shall Forgive My Past, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1976.

Illumination-Song and Liberation-Dance, Parts 1-5, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1976.

Illumination-Song and Liberation-Dance, Parts 1-5, Annotated Songbook, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1976.

The Inner Hunger, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1976.

Justice-Light and Satisfaction-Delight, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1976.

Liberty-Torch, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1976.

A Lost Friend, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1976.

My Rose Petals, Parts 5-7, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1976.

My Salutation to Australia, Parts 1 and 2, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1976.

Nineteen American Mothers and Nineteen American Sons with Sri Chinmoy, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1976.

Perseverance and Aspiration, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1976.

Reality-Dream, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1976.

The Soul's Journey, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1976.

Soulful Questions and Fruitful Answers, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1976.

Sri Chinmoy Speaks, Parts 1-9, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1976.

Surrender and Realization, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1976.

They Came Only to Go, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1976.

Two Divine Instruments: Master and Disciple, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1976.

Union and Oneness, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1976.

Union-Vision, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1976.

Warriors of the Inner World, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1976.

Creation and Perfection, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1976.

Dipti Nivas, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1976.

God Then and Now, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1976.

Aspiration-Flow and Dedication-Glow, Parts 1 and 2, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1977.

A Blossoming Soul, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1977.

Blue Light of Discipline-Waves, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1977.

Conversations with the Master, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1977.

The Doubt-World, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1977.

Ego and Self-Complacency, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1977.

Experience of the Higher Worlds, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1977.

Four Intimate Friends: Insincerity, Impurity, Doubt, and Self-Indulgence, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1977.

God and the Cosmic Game, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1977.

God, Avatars, and Yogis, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1977.

Illumination-World, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1977.

India and Her Miracle-Feast, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1977.

The Inner Journey, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1977.

Inner Progress, and Satisfaction-Life, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1977.

Inspiration-Garden and Aspiration-Leaves, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1977.

Meditation-World, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1977.

Miracles, Emanations, and Dreams, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1977.

My Green Adoration-Gifts, Parts 1 and 2, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1977.

My Green Adoration-Gifts, Parts 1 and 2, Annotated Songbook, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1977.

Obedience: A Supreme Virtue, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1977.

Obedience and Oneness, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1977.

Occultism and Mysticism, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1977.

Opportunity and Self-Transcendence, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1977.

Palmistry, Reincarnation, and the Dream State, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1977.

Perfection and Transcendence, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1977.

Pole-Star Promise-Light, Parts 1-4, Annotated Songbook, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1977.

Politics and Spirituality; Can They Go Together?, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1977.

Selfless-Service Light, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1977.

The Significance of a Smile, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1977.

The Silent Mind, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1977.

Soul and the Process of Reincarnation, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1977.

Soul-Education for the Family World, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1977.

Spiritual Journey: Oneness in Diversity, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1977.

Sri Chinmoy Speaks, Part 10, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1977.

Transformation of the Ego, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1977.

A Twentieth Century Seeker, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1977.

U Thant: Humanity's Cry, Divinity's Smile, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1977.

Aspiration and God's Hour, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1977.

God the Supreme Humourist, Part 2, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1977.

Great Masters and the Cosmic Gods, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1977.

The Hour of Meditation, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1977.

The Master's Inner Life, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1977.

The Mind and the Heart in Meditation, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1977.

Reincarnation and Evolution, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1977.

The Soul's Evolution, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1977.

Transcendence of the Past, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1977.

A Soulful Tribute to the Secretary-General: The Pilot Supreme of the United Nations, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1978.

The Seeker's Mind: Talks Delivered at the United Nations, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1979.

Meditation: Man-Perfection in God-Satisfaction, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1979.

Everest-Aspiration (poetry), Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1979.

Einstein: Scientist-Sage, Brother of Atom-Universe, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1979.

Philosophy, Religion, and Yoga, Agni Press (New York, NY), 1980.

Big Pot, Little Pot (short stories), Agni Press (New York, NY), 1981.

Inner and Outer Peace, Peace Publishing (Montreal, Quebec, Canada), 1984.

Beyond Within: A Philosophy for the Inner Life, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1985.

A Child's Heart and a Child's Dreams, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1986.

Relaxation-Secrets for the Pressured Mind (humor), Agni Press (New York, NY), 1988.

A Real Member of the Untied Nations, Agni Press (New York, NY), 1989.

Gorbachev: The Master-Key of the Universal Heart, Agni Press (Jamaica, NY), 1990.

Laugh, Laugh! Mind Burden Gone (humor), Agni Press (New York, NY), 1991.

Kundalini: The Mother Power, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1992.

The Inner Role of the United Nations, Agni Press (New York, NY), 1993.

My Life's Soul-Journey: Daily Meditations for Ever-Increasing Spiritual Fulfillment, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1995.

The Garland of Nation-Souls: Complete Talks at the United Nations, Health Communications (Deerfield Beach, FL), 1995.

My Meditation-Service at the United Nations for 25 Years, Agni Press (Jamaica, NY), 1995.

Garden of the Soul: Lessons on Living in Peace, Happiness, and Harmony, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1996.

Heart-Songs: Everyday Prayers and Meditations, Hazelden (Center City, MN), 1996.

India, My India, Agni Press (Jamaica, NY), 1997.

Sri Aurobindo: The Infinite, Agni Press (Jamaica, NY), 1997.

God Is …: Selected Writings of Sri Chinmoy, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1997.

Amusement I Enjoy, Enlightenment I Study (humor), eight parts, Agni Press (New York, NY), 1997.

Mother Teresa: Humanity's Flower-Heart, Divinity's Fragrance-Soul, Agni Press (Jamaica, NY), 1997.

Commentaries on the Vedas, the Upanishads, and the Bhagavad Gita: The Three Branches of India's Life-Tree: Commentaries on the Vedas, the Upanishads, and the Bhagavad Gita, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1997.

The Wings of Joy: Finding Your Path to Inner Peace (short stories), Simon & Schuster (New York, NY), 1997.

Diana, Princess of Wales, Empress of the World, Agni Press (Jamaica, NY), 1997.

Philosopher-Thinkers: The Power-Towers of the Mind, and Poet-Seers: The Fragrance-Hours of the Heart in the West, Agni Press (New York, NY), 1998.

Two Thirsty Eyes, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1998.

Nelson Mandela: The Pinnacle-Pillar of Mother Earth, Agni Press (Jamaica, NY), 1998.

Birthdays, Jharna Kala Card Company, 1998.

The Caged Bird and the Uncaged Bird, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 1998.

The New Millennium (poetry), Agni Press (New York, NY), 1999.

Philosophy: Wisdom-Chariot of the Mind, Agni Press (New York, NY), 1999.

Moghul Emperors, Agni Press (Jamaica, NY), 2000.

The Source of Music: Music and Mantra for Self-Realization, Aum Publications (Jamaica, NY), 2000.

The Wisdom of Sri Chinmoy, Blue Dove Press (San Diego, CA), 2000.

Pope John Paul II: God's Heart-Prize-Winner, Agni Press (Jamaica, NY), 2002.

The Divine Hero: Winning in the Battlefield of Life, Watkins Publishing (London, England), 2002.

The Oneness of the Easter Heart and the Western Mind, three volumes, Agni Press (Jamaica, NY), 2004.

Sri Chinmoy's Heart-Garden: A Book of Aphorisms for Joy and Inspiration, New Holland Publishers (New South Wales, Australia), 2005.

Editor, Aum (magazine), beginning 1965.

Sri Chinmoy's writings have been translated into many languages, including Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Norwegian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, and Swedish.


As a young boy, Sri Chinmoy experienced an intense mystical vision during which he saw the "Absolute Supreme." Soon after this experience, he entered a Hindu ashram to pursue religious studies. He lived at the ashram for twenty years, spending much of his time writing poetry and practicing meditation, although he was an athlete as well and twice won the ashram decathlon.

In 1964, Chinmoy heeded an inner command to leave the ashram and come to the United States to teach his spiritual ideas and practices. Quickly attracting a group of disciples, he soon established the first of the Sri Chinmoy Centres where his followers gather for meetings and meditation. Aum, a magazine comprised of Chinmoy's talks and writings, is the official publication of the organization and is distributed exclusively through the Centres.

In addition to working with his disciples, Chinmoy spread his spiritual message by lecturing at universities throughout the world. After his first lecture tour in 1968, Chinmoy spoke at Harvard University, Dartmouth College, Princeton University, and many other institutions. His national lecture tour of 1974 took him to a university in each of the fifty states. These fifty speeches were later gathered together and published under the title Fifty Freedom-Boats to One Golden Shore.

Beginning in 1970, Chinmoy served as director of the United Nations Meditation Group at the United Nations headquarters in New York City. He conducted twiceweekly meditation sessions for delegates and staff members and delivered the monthly Dag Hammarskjold Lecture. He also served as official representative to the United Nations for the Sri Chinmoy Centres. Chinmoy saw his work there as an important step toward bringing peace and understanding to the nations of the world. Chinmoy's usual presentation, both on the lecture circuit and at the United Nations, began with a period of silent meditation, followed by the intonation of mantras and the delivery of a short, informal talk, and ends with a question-and-answer period. Newcomers to these presentations were sometimes startled by Chinmoy's meditative condition—as he rose through higher levels of consciousness, his eyes rolled back in his head and his lips moved rapidly. Chinmoy likened his state to a bird hopping from one tree branch to another, rising higher and higher.

Based upon certain Hindu religious beliefs, Chinmoy's teachings seek to raise the consciousness of his disciples. The essayist in Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology explained that "Chinmoy's basic teaching is the pathway of love, devotion, and surrender to God." Linda Hess in Saturday Review called Chinmoy "one whose path to liberation lies in love of the lord." "Chinmoy's path," Robert Greenfield wrote, "is that of the heart, bhakti yoga, in which the disciple is taken to God-realization by becoming one with the consciousness of his teacher, by loving him totally, by meditating on his picture twice a day, by endeavoring always to hold him in his heart." Ruth S. Haas in Library Journal noted that Chinmoy "emphasizes the centrality of love to higher states of consciousness," although he "does not present a systematic philosophy as such, but concentrates on his personal practice of meditation and spiritual discipline." Writing in the Library Journal, James F. DeRoche noted that Chinmoy's "disciples regard him as a fully realized spiritual master and as divine in a real sense."

It is while in a deep meditative state that Chinmoy pursued his literary and artistic interests, producing a surprisingly large body of work. In one twenty-four hour period in 1974, for example, Chinmoy wrote 360 poems. In 1975, he broke his record by writing 843 poems in a single day. He is said to have written some 1,000 books on spiritual topics. When he decided to try his hand at painting, Chinmoy completed a reported 100,000 works of art in less than a year, several of which were subsequently displayed in art galleries and museums. He also composed some 2,000 songs in both English and Bengali and recorded seven albums of music. Although some observers look askance at Chinmoy's abundant rate of creation and question the quality of work done so hastily, his disciples are convinced of his talents and of the spiritual nature of his creations. Chinmoy described his creative work as Jharna-Kala, or "Fountain-Art," because of its abundance. He has stated that "my spirituality, my art, my poetry, my books, my music, all my creative expressions form a family, a spiritual family. The members of the family will take me wherever I am needed to be of service to aspiring mankind. Whichever form of spiritual expression a seeker finds most helpful in order to increase his aspiration, he will be able to get from me."

Chinmoy turned to athletics as a means of publicizing the spiritual life. Besides participating in marathons and road races, he has also set two world records in weight lifting. On July 14, 1999, the 68-year-old Chinmoy lifted 1,000 pounds using a seated calf-raise machine. Hours later, he used a standing calf-raise machine to lift 2,000 pounds. As a writer in American Fitness reported, "international strength authorities are astounded not only by the tonnage Chinmoy has lifted, but by the dramatic progress he has made at his age."

Chinmoy wrote in a variety of genres and dealt with a wide range of spiritual topics. He published books of poetry, plays, stories, aphorisms, and religious philosophy, as well as books comprised of transcripts of his many talks. Despite their diversity of content and form, Chinmoy's books, as Haas observed, "are all to be approached as guides to [spiritual] practice." "The goal of art and the goal of the artist," Chinmoy wrote, "should be to serve God devotedly, soulfully, and unconditionally. As a seeker prays and meditates in order to achieve the highest and manifest the highest on Earth, even so an artist—a seeker-artist—must pray to the Absolute Supreme to grant him the capacity to realise the highest through art and literature and to manifest the highest through art and literature. For realisation and manifestation are the only things that a true seeker needs."

Shermakaye Bass wrote in the Austin American-Statesman, "Espousing unity and compassion through words, music and action, Sri Chinmoy has advocated global harmony for decades, developing a vast following among international leaders, grass-roots activists and armchair peaceniks—all of whom revere the yogi as a multidisciplinary doer." Speaking to Martha Sawyer Allen in the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, Chinmoy explained: "My ultimate desire is to see a world inundated with peace and bliss. And I would like to take part, soulfully and self-givingly, in that divine project. If the world becomes one with my hope, then there will be no misunderstandings, no disputes, no conflicts and no fights, no wars. Only harmony will reign supreme."



Annett, Stephen, editor, The Many Ways of Being, Abacus Books, 1976.

Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology, Gale (Detroit, MI), 2001.

The Expanding Light: Sri Chinmoy's Manifestation as Reflected in the World Press, November 1967-July 1974, Agni Press (Jamaica, NY), 1974.

Greenfield, Robert, The Spiritual Supermarket, Saturday Review Press (New York, NY), 1975.

Madhuri, The Life of Sri Chinmoy, Sri Chinmoy Centres, Inc., Volume 1, 1969, Volume 2, 1972.

Religious Leaders of America, Gale (Detroit, MI), 2nd edition, 1999.

Thompson, William Irwin, Passages about Earth: An Exploration of the New Planetary Culture, Harper (New York, NY), 1974.


American Fitness, January, 2000, "A Spiritual Lift," p. 12.

Austin American-Statesman, June 20, 1998, Shermakaye Bass, "Peace Messenger," p. C9.

Horoscope, July, 1996, review of Garden of the Soul: Lessons on Living in Peace, Happiness, and Harmony, p. 17.

Library Journal, December 1, 1974, Ruth S. Haas, article about the author; September 1, 2000, James F. DeRoche, review of The Wisdom of Sri Chinmoy, pp. 214-215.

Minneapolis Star-Tribune, October 14, 2000, Martha Sawyer Allen, "Poetry, Music, and Eastern Mysticism: Spiritual Leader Sri Chinmoy Brings Peace Concert to Town," p. B9.

Time, July 29, 1991, David Ellis, "Spiritual Aid Easier to Obtain," p. 13.



Los Angeles Times, October 14, 2007, p. B14.

New York Times, October 13, 2007, p. B9.

Times (London, England), October 15, 2007, p. 57.

Washington Post, October 16, 2007, p. B8.

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