Simon, Les 1945-

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Simon, Les 1945-


Born October 6, 1945, in Corpus Christi, TX; children: Janna, Tricia. Education: Attended Austin Community College, 1981-82, and School of Visual Arts, 1983. Politics: Independent.


Home—Jonesboro, ME. Office—P.O. Box 190, Jonesboro, ME 04648. E-mail—


Writer and publisher based in Jonesboro, ME. Publisher of the literary magazine Aputamkon Review, 2006. Military service: U.S. Coast Guard, 1963-70.


The Secret of the Red Silk Pouch (young adult historical fiction), Royal Fireworks Press (Unionville, NY), 1998.


Les Simon told CA: "Writing is a work of love and frustration. All around I find inspiration—in the wonder of the universe, in greed, and especially in the generosity of the poorest.

"I had a rather sudden instinct to write, and a dozen children's stories came out. One was turned into the young adult novel The Secret of the Red Silk Pouch. Much guidance came from Miriam Cohen, an excellent writer of children's books, a dear person, and teacher. My influences come from life, observation, and personal emotions.

"It is surprising how many books are published every year, how many submissions are received by the publishers, and how difficult it is to get a decent book, or short story, published. I am also surprised how much fun it is to see a story unfold literally before my eyes."