Simerson, Byron K. 1957–
Simerson, Byron K. 1957–
(Byron Keith Simerson)
PERSONAL: Born April 16, 1957, in Salisbury, NC; son of Boyd (a telephone company employee) and Coleen (Dennis) Simerson; married Darlie Ward (a family nurse practitioner), December 24, 1976; children: Jarrett, Brent, Andrew. Ethnicity: "Caucasian." Education: Pfeiffer University, B.A., 1979; Appalachian State University, M.A., 1981; University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Ed.D., 1987. Hobbies and other interests: Astronomy, backpacking, reading.
ADDRESSES: Home—7N561 Wagontire Rd., St. Charles, IL 60175. Office—Tradewinds Consulting, 305 Ridgeway, Kohler, WI 53044. E-mail—
CAREER: Writer. Arthur Andersen, Chicago, IL, senior manager, 1995–97; Hewitt Associates, Lincolnshire, IL, associate, 1997–98; Amoco Corp., Chicago, director of quality and deployment, 1998–99; Deloitte Consulting, Chicago, global human relations leader, 1999–2001; Tradewinds Consulting, Kohler, WI, partner, 2001–. Group Homes of Forsyth, Inc., member of board of directors, 1992–93.
MEMBER: Authors Guild, Authors League of America, Academy of Management, Strategic Management Society.
AWARDS, HONORS: Excellence in Practice Citation, American Society for Training and Development, 2004, for advanced leadership development program created for Manitowoc Company.
(With William T. Markham) Evaluating Police Management Development Programs, Praeger (New York, NY), 1990.
(With Michael D. McCormick) Fired, Laid Off, Out of a Job: A Manual for Understanding, Coping, Surviving, Greenwood Press (Westport, CT), 2003.
Creator of advanced leadership development programs. Past editor, Police Chief's Desk Reference; past associate editor, Police Chief.
WORK IN PROGRESS: A business book on contextual leadership, with Michael L. Venn.
SIDELIGHTS: Byron K. Simerson told CA: "I enjoy collaborating with others to create material likely to prove useful and beneficial to the reader. My first book was designed to serve as a desk reference of practical information and ideas. My second book was designed the same way."