Sheridan, Mary S. 1948-

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Sheridan, Mary S. 1948-


Born August 5, 1948, in Pasadena, CA; daughter of Jacob Gurney (in refrigeration and air conditioning business) and Virginia Elizabeth (an elementary schoolteacher) Stoebe; married Harold C. Sheridan (an artist), August 23, 1968 (deceased). Ethnicity: "Caucasian." Education: Northwestern University, B.A., 1969; University of Illinois at Chicago Circle, M.S.W., 1972; University of Hawaii at Manoa, Ph.D., 1985. Politics: Democrat. Religion: Roman Catholic.


Home—Honolulu, HI. Office—Hawaii Pacific University, 1188 Fort St., Honolulu, HI 96813. E-mail—


Cook County Department of Public Aid, Cook County, IL, welfare caseworker, 1969-70; University of Illinois at Chicago Circle, Chicago, began as instructor, became assistant professor of social work, 1972-77, field instructor, 1975-77; Hawaii Pacific University, Honolulu, adjunct professor, 1978-79; University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, field instructor, 1979-82, instructor in American studies, 1982-85, field instructor, 1989-93; Hawaii Pacific University, adjunct professor, 1987-95, associate professor, 1996-2000, professor of social work, 2000—, program chair for sociology and social work, 1996—. School social worker in Leeward district of Hawaii, 1979-80; Kapiolani Medical Center, social work education coordinator at Pediatric Pulmonary Center, 1980-81, home monitor coordinator at Medical Center for Women and Children, 1982-88, director of social services at Pali Momi Medical Center, 1989-93; Straub Pacific Health Foundation, research coordinator, 1993-95; Leeward Nursing Home, Waianae, HI, social work director, 1986-87. National Kidney Foundation, member of Council of Nephrology Social Workers, 1974-77; Hawaii Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Program, coordinator, 1995-97; Spiritual Life Center, board member, 1997-2000; chair of Catholic Diocesan Board of Education, 2004-05; member of Catholic Charities Hawaii Board, 2006; public speaker on infant health and other topics.


National Association of Social Workers, Academy of Certified Social Workers, Oahu Women Leaders (at-large member of board of directors, 2000-01; corresponding secretary, 2002—).


Certificate of merit, National Kidney Foundation, 1977; Social Worker of the Year in Professional Education, state chapter, National Association of Social Workers, 2003; Trustees Award for Teaching Excellence, Hawaii Pacific University, 2003.


To Michael with Love (novel), Avalon Books (New York, NY), 1977.

Pain in America, University of Alabama Press (University, AL), 1992.

(Editor and contributor) The NAAP Handbook of Infant Apnea and Home Monitoring, National Association of Apnea Professionals (Waianae, HI), Volume 1, 1992, Volume 2, 1996.

(Editor) America: Readings in Themes and Eras, University Press of America (Lanham, MD), 1992.

(Editor, with A.V. Levin) Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy, Lexington Books (Boston, MA), 1995.

(With L.J. Lasher) Munchausen by Proxy Maltreatment: Identification, Intervention, and Case Management, Haworth Press (Binghamton, NY), 2004.

Contributor to books, including Adult Psychopathology: A Social Work Perspective, edited by Frances J. Turner, Free Press (New York, NY), 1984; and Child Maltreatment: A Clinical Guide and Reference, 3rd edition, edited by A.P. Giardino and R. Alexander, G.W. Medical Publishing (St. Louis, MO), 2005. Columnist and regional newsletter editor for National Kidney Foundation, 1970s. Contributor to periodicals, including Social Work in Health Care, Dialysis and Transplantation, Social Casework, Chicago Tribune Magazine, Human Sexuality in Medical Social Work, American Journal of Diseases of Children, Hawaii Medical Journal, Clinical Pediatrics, and Social Work.

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