Seleshanko, Kristina L. 1971-
SELESHANKO, Kristina L. 1971-
(Kristina Harris)
PERSONAL: Born December 29, 1971, in Santa Cruz, CA; daughter of Jerry and Gretchen Harris; married Alexei Seleshanko, June 16, 2001. Religion: "Christian."
ADDRESSES: Home—1205 S. 8th St., Cottage Grove, OR 97424. E-mail—
CAREER: Writer. Worked as a sales associate for Crain's New York Business, a research librarian for Gourmet, editor of Costume Society of America's national newsletter, and as a professional stage actress and singer.
Carry Me over the Threshold: A Christian Guide to Wedding Traditions, Zondervan (Grand Rapids, MI), 2005.
Vintage Fashion Collector: Collected Articles,, Pioneer Printwork (Springfield, OR), 1994.
Vintage and Edwardian Fashions for Women, 1840–1919, Schiffer Publishing (Atglen, PA), 1995.
Vintage Fashions for Women: 1920s–1940s, Schiffer Publishing (Atglen, PA), 1996.
The Child in Fashion, 1750–1920 Schiffer Publishing (Atglen, PA), 1999.
Collector's Guide to Vintage Fashions: Identification and Values, Collector Books (Paducah, KY), 1999.
Vintage Fashions for Women: 1950s & '60s, Schiffer Publishing (Atglen, PA), 2000.
Victorian Fashion in America: 264 Vintage Photographs, Dover (Mineola, NY), 2003.
Fifty-nine Authentic Turn-of-the-Century Fashion Patterns, Dover (Mineola, NY), 1995.
Home Pattern Company 1914 Fashions Catalog, Dover (Mineola, NY), 1995.
Authentic Victorian Dressmaking Techniques, Dover (Mineola, NY), 1999.
Authentic Victorian Fashion Patterns: A Complete Lady's Wardrobe, Dover (Mineola, NY), 2000.
Turn-of-the-Century Fashion Patterns and Tailoring Techniques, Dover (Mineola, NY), 2000.
Contributor of articles to periodicals, including Woman's Day, Today's Christian Woman, Victorian Decorating & Lifestyle, True West, Country Victorian, and Sew News.
WORK IN PROGRESS: Singing Secrets: What Every Singer Needs to Know, for Pioneer, expected 2005.
SIDELIGHTS: Kristina L. Seleshanko, who has also written as Kristina Harris, told CA: "My ideas pop into my brain, but only those that linger and nag me end up being developed in any way. When I answer the nags, I circulate the idea to see if there's a publisher that's interested. If there is, I work up a comprehensive book proposal, and if all goes well, I'm offered a contract. I like to have a year to write most books, but often I write them in six months. Recently, I had to really hustle and write a book in three months. I then enjoy working with the editors and designers to create the best book we can come up with."
Kristina Seleshanko Home Page, (June 25, 2005).