Salmon, Jacqueline L. 1957-
SALMON, Jacqueline L. 1957-
PERSONAL: Born January 23, 1957, in Sarnia, Ontario, Canada; daughter of Edward Salmon (in business) and Mava (Simms) Holland; married Tim L. Wendel (a writer), August 21, 1982; children: Sarah, Christopher. Education: Syracuse University, B.S. (newswriting), 1979. Religion: Unitarian.
ADDRESSES: Home—1704 Hunt's End Ct., Vienna, VA 22182. Office—Washington Post, 4020 University Dr., Fairfax, VA 22030. E-mail—
CAREER: Peninsula Times-Tribune, Palo Alto, CA, editor, 1982-83; San Jose Mercury News, San Jose, CA, editor, 1983-87; Washington Post, Washington, DC, reporter, 1987—.
MEMBER: Society of American Business Editors and Writers, Society of Professional Journalists.
(With Stanley I. Greenspan) Playground Politics: Understanding the Emotional Life of Your School-age Child, Addison-Wesley (Don Mills, Ontario, Canada), 1993.
(With Stanley I. Greenspan) The Challenging Child: Understanding, Raising, and Enjoying the Five Difficult Types of Children, Addison-Wesley (Don Mills, Ontario, Canada), 1995.
(With Stanley I. Greenspan) The Four-Thirds Solution: And Other Ways Working Parents Can Put Children First, Addison-Wesley (Do Mills, Ontario, Canada), 2001.
SIDELIGHTS: Journalist Jacqueline Salmon, a Canadian citizen, has published three books of nonfiction during a career that began in the early 1980s, when she was an editor with the California-based Peninsular Times-Tribune newspaper. Salmon, who was born January 23, 1957 in Sarnia, Ontario, Canada, has also worked for the San Jose Mercury News and has been a reporter with the Washington Post since 1987.
Salmon published her first book, Playground Politics, in 1993, and followed it two years later with The Challenging Child. Like her earlier efforts, her most recent work, The Four-Thirds Solution, deals with the topic of child development. Coauthored by Stanley I. Greenspan, a clinical professor of psychiatry and pediatrics at George Washington University Medical School, the book discusses the large number of American children who spend time in daycare facilities. According to the authors, more than half of all preschool age children are enrolled in daycare because of their parents' work schedule. Many of these daycare facilities, the authors say, are inadequate, and they are not able to provide the emotional development skills that children need. As a result, by the time children begin school, they exhibit a number of alarming characteristics, such as impaired social skills and outward aggression.
Salmon and Greenspan believe the solution to the problem is for parents to cut back on work, up to twothirds of the time. The title of the book is derived from taking two-thirds multiplied by two. They also suggest that parents provide "daily doses" of quality time with their children. In essence, the authors call for American parents to rethink their priorities, even if it means less income. The book earned the authors praise from a number of literary critics, including Kay Brodie of Library Journal, who called it "valuable because it will enrich the child care debate" in America. Salmon lives in Vienna, Virginia, with her husband and two children.
Library Journal, November 15, 2001, p. 93.
Publishers Weekly, October 29, 2001, pp. 52-53.*