Rutland, Suzanne D. 1946-

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RUTLAND, Suzanne D. 1946-

PERSONAL: Born July 3, 1946, in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia; daughter of Naftali Benjamin (a jeweler) and Perla (Freilich) Perlman; married Jonathan Rutland, 1966 (divorced, 1994); children: Benjamin Naftali, Ronit Yaffa. Education: University of Sydney, B.A. (with honors), 1969, diploma of education, 1970, M.A. (with honors), 1978, Ph.D., 1991. Religion: Jewish. Hobbies and other interests: Walking, swimming.

ADDRESSES: Offıce—Department of Hebrew, Biblical, and Jewish Studies, University of Sydney, Sydney, New South Wales 2006, Australia. E-mail—suzanne.

CAREER: High school teacher, 1970-74, 1976-78; University of Sydney, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, lecturer in Jewish education, 1990-96, senior lecturer in Jewish civilization, 1997-2004, associate professor, 2004—, chair of fepartment of Hebrew, biblical, and Jewish studies, 1999—. International School for Holocaust Studies, Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, Israel, Australian academic representative to seminar for educators from abroad, 1998—. Jewish Educators' Network, committee member, 1990-97, honorary secretary, 1995-97; New South Wales Board of Studies, member of advisory committee, 1995—; Joint Authority for Jewish/Zionist Education in the Diaspora, cochair of national advisory council for Australia, 1995-98; Joint Committee for Jewish Higher Education, honorary secretary, 1997—. B'nei Akiva Youth Movement, leader, 1965-67; Australian Zionist Youth Council, member, 1965-67; Moriah War Memorial College, member of school board, 1985-91; Mandelbaum Trust, member of board of trustees, 2000—; Melton Adult Education Program, academic chair of Shalom Institute, 2001, member of academic board, 2002—.

MEMBER: Australian and New Zealand History of Education Association, Royal Australian Historical Society, Australian Association for Jewish Studies (president, 1993-95, 1997-99, 2002-04), Australian Jewish Historical Society (vice president, 1990-96; president, 1997-2004), Australian Society of Authors, Oral History Association of Australia, Association of Jewish Community Professionals, Local History Association, Professional Historians Association.

AWARDS, HONORS: Linkage grant, Australian Research Council.


Seventy-five Years: The History of a Jewish Newspaper, Australian Jewish Historical Society (Sydney, New South Wales, Australia), 1970.

Edge of the Diaspora: Two Centuries of Jewish Settlements in Australia, Collins (Sydney, New South Wales, Australia), 1988, 2nd edition published as Edge of the Diaspora: Two Centuries of Jewish Settlement in Australia, Holmes & Meier Publishers (New York, NY), 2001.

Pages of History: A Century of the Australian Jewish Press, Australian Jewish Press (Darlinghurst, New South Wales, Australia), 1995.

(With Sophie Caplan) With One Voice: A History of the New South Wales Jewish Board of Deputies, Australian Jewish Historical Society (Sydney, New South Wales, Australia), 1998.

"If You Will It, It Is No Dream": The Moriah Story, Playwright Publishing (Sydney, New South Wales, Australia), 2003.

Contributor to books, including The New South Wales Jewish Community: A Survey, by S. Encel and B. Buckley, 2nd edition, New South Wales University Press (Kensington, New South Wales, Australia), 1978. Sydney editor, AJHS Journal, 1991—; journal editor, Jewish Educators' Network, 1990-97; newsletter editor, Australian Association for Jewish Studies, 1995-97, 1999-2001.

WORK IN PROGRESS: A concise history of the Jews in Australia to be published by Cambridge University Press; a book on the political sociology of Australian Jewry.

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