Roy, Donald H. 1944-

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ROY, Donald H. 1944-

PERSONAL: Born July 29, 1944, in Hartford, CT; son of Donald H., Sr. (a laborer) and Madeline (a laborer; maiden name, Reynolds) Roy; married; wife's name Bernice Phyllis (divorced, August, 1996); children: Daniel, Marisa. Ethnicity: "Anglo-French American." Education: Bard College, B.A., 1966; Georgetown University, M.A., 1970; University of Notre Dame, Ph.D., 1977. Politics: "Sloppy middle, radical centrist." Religion: Roman Catholic. Hobbies and other interests: Classical music.

ADDRESSES: Home—901 Colburn Ave., Apt. WD4, Big Rapids, MI 49307. Office—Department of Social Sciences, Ferris State University, Big Rapids, MI 49307. E-mail—

CAREER: Carroll College, Helena, MT, assistant professor of political science, 1978-82; Dallas Chamber of Commerce, Dallas, TX, director of research, 1984-87; Jefferson Community College, Louisville, KY, assistant professor of political science, 1987-89; Ferris State University, Big Rapids, MI, associate professor of political science, 1989—.

MEMBER: Amnesty International, Catholic League for Civil Rights, Michigan Conference of Political Scientists, Catholic League for Civil Rights.


Dialogues in American Politics, Kendall-Hunt (Dubuque, IA), 1993.

Public Policy Dialogues, University Press of America (Lanham, MD), 1994.

The Reuniting of America: Eleven Multicultural Dialogues, Peter Lang (New York, NY), 1996.

The Dialogic Resurgence of Public Intellectuals, Xlibris (Philadelphia, PA), 2001.

WORK IN PROGRESS: State and Local Government: Dialogues on Pivotal Issues, fifteen dialogues covering the full range of topical issues.

SIDELIGHTS: Donald H. Roy once told CA: "All kinds of people talk about 'dialoguing' but they only issue monologues. It is rare to find a dialogue. Dialogues don't decide; they provoke and stimulate even further dialogue.

"To date public policy issues primarily stir me to write, and dialogues are very useful as tools to focus attention on key, dividing arguments. I am influenced by normative political theorists who try to bridge the gap between theory and experts on one side and practice and ordinary people on the other side.

"My short public policy dialogues begin during the process of reading everything I can get my hands on concerning a hot topic. My dialogues go wherever the argument takes them. Whatever is topical and controversial is deserving of a fifteen-to-twenty-page dialogue. My larger dialogues will cover the role of the public intellectual, the conflict within modern liberalism, and religion's contribution to political theory. My plan is never to write a monologue."

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