Radice, Barbara 1943–

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Radice, Barbara 1943–

PERSONAL: Born in 1943, in Como, Italy; daughter of Mario (an artist) and Rosetta (a professor of mathematics) Radice; married Ettore Sottsass (an architect). Ethnicity: "Indo-European." Education: Catholic University of Milan, lettere moderne, 1968.

ADDRESSES: Home—Via San Tomaso 6, 20121 Milan, Italy. E-mail—b.radice@micronet.it.

CAREER: Flash Art Italia, Milan, Italy, editor, 1973–74; Data, Milan, associate editor, 1974–76; Memphis Group, Milan, art director, 1981–87; Terrazzo, Milan, editor and publisher, 1988–97; teacher of private lessons in Sanskrit, 1997–2002. Translator from Sanskrit into Italian.


(Editor) Elogio del banale, Studio Forma (Turin, Italy), 1980.

Memphis: The New International Style, Electa (Milan, Italy), 1981.

Memphis: ricerche, experienze, risultati, fallimenti e successi del nuovo design, Electa (Milan, Italy), 1984, translation published as Memphis: Research, Experiences, Results, Failures, and Successes of New Design, Rizzoli International (New York, NY), 1985.

Jewelry by Architects, Rizzoli International (New York, NY), 1987.

(Editor) Ettore Sottsass, Design Metaphors, Rizzoli International (New York, NY), 1987.

Gioielli di architetti: dalla collezione di Cleto Munari, Electa (Milan, Italy), 1987.

Intorno al polso (poetry), Franco Cesati (Florence, Italy), 1990.

Ettore Sottsass: A Critical Biography, translated by Rodney Stringer, Rizzoli International (New York, NY), 1993.

Moscerini e zanzare—poesie d'Asia (poetry), Campanotto (Udine, Italy), 1996.

(Translator from Sanskrit, with Paola Rossi) Kena Upanishad, Lythos (Como, Italy), 1999.

(Editor, with Milco Carboni) Ettore Sottsass, Scritti, 1946–2001, N. Pozza (Venice, Italy), 2002.

Translating from Sanskrit into Italian ten hymns, with drawings by Ettore Sottsass, published by Lythos (Como, Italy), 2002. Contributor to exhibition catalogs. Contributor to art and design journals, including Space Design and Art and Auction. Editor, Italian Art; editor of special issue, LAICA Journal.

WORK IN PROGRESS: Lost at Sea (tentative title), a work of poetry and other writings.

SIDELIGHTS: Barbara Radice, who speaks English and French and translates material from Sanskrit into Italian, has traveled extensively in the United States and Europe, India, North Africa, and the Pacific. Her influences range from Dante and Shakespeare to Taoist writ-ers, Hafez, and "the apparition of the world." She once told CA that her interests include poetry, philosophy, the visual arts, all contemporary culture, food, politics, and the history and philosophy of science.

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