Pugh, Geoff(rey) 1953-
PUGH, Geoff(rey) 1953-
PERSONAL: Born May 12, 1953, in Exeter, England. Education: London University, M.Sc. (economics); Kent University, Ph.D. Religion: Christian.
ADDRESSES: Home—9 Richmond Rd., Wakefield WF1 3LA, England. E-mail—gpugh@rmond.demon.co.uk.
CAREER: Staffordshire University, Stafford, England, principal lecturer in economics, 1993—. Birmingham University, Institute for German Studies, external research associate.
(Editor with Chris Cook) Sources in European History, Volume I: The European Left, Volume II: Diplomacy and International Affairs, Volume III: War and Resistance, Facts on File (New York, NY), 1987-1991.
(With Thomas Lange) The Economics of German Unification: An Introduction, Edward Elgar (Northampton, MA), 1998.
Contributor to periodicals, including International Journal of Manpower and Financial Management.
WORK IN PROGRESS: The German Social Market Economy: Culture and Performance.