Plant, Judith Anne 1946-

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Plant, Judith Anne 1946-


Born June 21, 1946, in Salt Lake City, UT; daughter of George Edward and Jennie Irene Anderson; married Gary Carmine Sarnelli (deceased); married Robert F. Plant (a postmaster), October 14, 1990; children: (first marriage) Gina Marie. Ethnicity: "Caucasian." Education: Consumnes River College, A.S., 2002. Religion: Roman Catholic. Hobbies and other interests: Travel, quilting and sewing, horseback riding, cooking.


Home—Nampa, ID. E-mail—


Worked as secretary and teacher's aide; Nampa School District, Nampa, ID, substitute teacher, 2003-05; writer, 2005—. Community volunteer.


Beta Sigma Phi (life member; area council president, 1971—).


Meet Miss Jordan, the Curious Cockatiel (juvenile nonfiction), Trafford Publishing (Victoria, British Columbia, Canada), 2005.


Judith Anne Plant told CA: "My love for writing began with my love of reading decades ago. Books were my absolute favorite gift. I always excelled in my reading and writing classes. I wrote diaries galore and journals of late. My secretarial career gave me many opportunities to write and construct material for my employers. My sometimes overly active mind is constantly thinking up things to write about, even when I should be sleeping at times. I write because I love to! It's as simple as that. Everyone and everything around me influences my writing and gives me endless resources of subject matter. I've often thought how wonderful it would be to have a personal secretary to keep up with all the subjects that spring into my consciousness.

"Children are an especially big influence on my writing because of their wonderful uncluttered brains. They are ready to be entertained, excited, delighted, informed. They show real emotions. They are receptive and fresh and make for a wonderful audience.

"My writing process is direct and organized. I think about a subject for a story and work through the details in my mind before I begin to write the ideas down. After I have written a section, I begin to edit, rewrite, and refine over and over until I am satisfied with the result. I always try out my thoughts on willing listeners, especially my best friend and husband, who are kind enough to help me express myself accurately.

"My first book, Meet Miss Jordan, the Curious Cockatiel, was inspired by my own pet cockatiel, the first bird I have ever owned. Animals have always inspired me, and their stories are always on my list of favorites. I grew up reading every horse story I could get my hands on, and I never tire of reading more animal fare.

"I look forward to exploring some other venues that hold a good deal of fascination for me, including the homeless, teenagers, and religion. I have several other animal stories just waiting to be shared as well."

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