Patrouch, Joseph F., III 1960–
Patrouch, Joseph F., III 1960–
PERSONAL: Born July 12, 1960, in Cincinnati, OH; son of Joseph F., Jr. (a university professor) and Ruth (a registered nurse) Patrouch; married Barbara Maier (divorced); married Felice Lifshitz (a university professor), May 15, 1994; children: (first marriage) Daniel A.J.; (second marriage) Quinn B. Ethnicity: "European-American." Education: Boston University, B.A. (with distinction), 1982; University of California, Berkeley, M.A., 1985, Ph.D., 1991. Hobbies and other interests: Reading, baseball.
ADDRESSES: Office—Department of History, Florida International University, Miami, FL 33199. E-mail—
CAREER: Florida International University, Miami, associate professor of history, 1991–, director of graduate studies, 1995–97, 2001–04. University of Potsdam, guest researcher, 1995; University of Leipzig, guest researcher, 2000; University of Vienna, guest professor, 2004.
MEMBER: American Historical Association, American Folklore Society, American Catholic Historical Association, Society for Court Studies, Sixteenth-Century Studies Conference, Society for the Study of the Holy Roman Empire, Society for Austrian and Habsburg History, American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Society for the Study of Early Modern Women, Fulbright Association (member of executive board, South Florida chapter, 1992–97 and 1999–2000; chapter president, 2001–06), Institut für die Erforschung der frühen Neuzeit, Czechoslovak History Conference, Czechoslovak Society of Arts and Sciences, Florida Conference of Historians (vice president, 2004–05; president-elect, 2005–06), Miami Beach Historical Association, National Collegiate Honors Society (distinguished member).
AWARDS, HONORS: Fulbright scholar in Vienna, Austria, 1999.
A Negotiated Settlement: The Counter-Reformation in the Habsburg Province of Upper Austria under the Habsburgs, Humanities Press (Boston, MA), 2000.
Another Elizabeth: The Worlds and Works of Queen Elizabeth of France, Archduchess of Austria (1554–1592), Brill Academic Press (Boston, MA), 2007.
Contributor to books, including The Lion and the Eagle: Interdisciplinary Essays on German-Spanish Relations over the Centuries, edited by Cameron M.K. Hewitt and others, Berghahn (New York, NY), 2000; and to encyclopedias. Contributor of articles and reviews to history journals. Editor, Selected Annual Proceedings, Florida Conference of Historians, 2005–06.
SIDELIGHTS: Joseph F. Patrouch III once told CA: "My primary motivation for writing is to explore the complexities of the past and attempt to convey to my reader the rich texture and variety of early modern European histories, especially as they relate to central Europe and the lands of the Habsburg Dynasty. My work is driven by a love of archival research: the joy of discovery and creation which comes from translating and transforming old documents into stories and analyses. I comb through thousands of pages of documents from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, talk with people about them, and try to arrange narratives based on these documents and conversations. I try to choose a wide variety of sources, juxtapose them, and see what this juxtaposition reveals."
Patrouch later added: "Recently I have become intrigued with the histories and experiences of women at the Habsburg courts, particularly those in central Europe in the late sixteenth century. In my biography of the archduchess Elizabeth I hope to be able to place her story in the contexts of the contentious religious landscape that I described and analyzed in my earlier work.
"A related research topic, on the images and histories of the city of Vienna, has led me to translate from German into English a research work of cultural and physical geography on the subject. This translation project has introduced me in a more complex way to the challenges of the translation process, challenges which I encountered in other academic writings on topics dealing mostly with the German-speaking worlds of the (onetime) Holy Roman Empire."
Florida International University Web site: Prof. Joseph Patrouch Home Page,∼patrouch (January 16, 2007).