Mraz, John 1943-

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MRAZ, John 1943-

PERSONAL: Born November 16, 1943, in Hanford, CA; son of Gerald (a physician) and Nancy Lee (a homemaker; maiden name, Sikes) Mraz; married; wife's name Ulla (divorced); married Eli Bartra (a professor), July 14, 1981; children: (first marriage) Isaac, (second marriage) Anna Lee. Ethnicity: "White." Education: University of California, Santa Barbara, B.A., 1970, M.A., 1975; University of California, Santa Cruz, Ph.D., 1986.

ADDRESSES: Home—Madrono 23, Xotepingo, Mexico City 04610, Mexico. E-mail—elijohn@infosel.

CAREER: Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Puebla, Mexico, research professor at Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities, 1984—. Visiting professor or researcher at institutions, including University of Connecticut, University of California, Santa Cruz, San Diego State University, University of Barcelona, 1992-93, Fototeca, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, 1993-94, Dartmouth College, 1996, Oxford University, 1997, Duke University, 2000-01, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil, 2004. Secretaría de Educación Pública, national researcher, 1990—; curator of photographic exhibits on Latin America, shown in Europe, Latin America, and the United States; director of videotapes, films, and other audiovisual materials on Latin American history.

AWARDS, HONORS: International awards for videotapes.


(Coauthor) Mexico, 1900-1960: Brehme, Casasola,Kahlo, Modotti, López, Das Andere Amerika Archive (Berlin, Germany), 1992.

(Coauthor) Uprooted: Braceros in the Hermanos MayoLens, Arte Público Press (Houston, TX), 1996.

La mirada inquieta: nuevo fotoperiodismo mexicano,1976-1996, CNCA-Centro de la Imagen-UPA (Mexico City, Mexico), 1996.

Nacho López y el fotoperiodismo mexicano en los años cincuenta, INAH-Océano (Mexico City, Mexico), 1999.

Nacho López, Mexican Photographer, University of Minnesota Press (Minneapolis, MN), 2003.

Contributor to books. Contributor of more than 150 articles and reviews to periodicals. Guest editor, History of Photography, 1996, Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe, 1998, and Film Historia, 1999.

Mraz's writings have been published in English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Italian, French, Catalonian, Galician, and Korean.

WORK IN PROGRESS: Looking for Mexico: Modern Visual Culture and National Identity.

SIDELIGHTS: John Mraz told CA: "My writing has focused upon the incorporation of modern media (photography, cinema, video, etc.) in history. I believe that we live in an ocularcentric, hypervisual world in which little critical attention has been paid to the impact of the credibility we extend to 'technical imagery.' I would hope that my work has made people think critically about the uses of photographs and movies in history writing, and our relationship to the past."



Hispanic American Historical Review, February, 2004, Paul Vanderwood, review of Nacho López, Mexican Photographer, pp. 156-158.

History of Photography, Volume 28, number 2, 2004, Jan Baetens, review of Nacho López, Mexican Photographer.

Library Journal, March 1, 2003, Sylvia Andrews, review of Nacho López, Mexican Photographer, p. 88.

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