Miller, Richard F. 1951-

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MILLER, Richard F. 1951-


Born 1951. Education: Harvard College, A.B. (cum laude), 1974; Case Western Reserve University, J.D., 1977.




Worked as an investment banker, money manager, and investment consultant, 1976-2000; Talk Radio News, military affairs correspondent.


Massachusetts Historical Society (fellow).


(With Robert F. Mooney) The Civil War: The Nantucket Experience, Wesco (Nantucket, MA), 1994.

A Carrier at War: On Board the USS "Kitty Hawk" in the Iraq War, Potomac Books (Washington, DC), 2005.

Harvard's Civil War: A History of the Twentieth Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, University Press of New England (Hanover, NH), 2005.

Contributor to periodicals, including History News Network, World Net Daily, and Cleveland Jewish News.


Richard F. Miller is a historian and military affairs correspondent for Talk Radio News. After graduating from Harvard College, and through his studies at Case Western Reserve University, Miller worked in the securities' industry until 2000. From 2003 to 2006, Miller served on several occasions as an embedded journalist on the USS Kitty Hawk and in Iraq. His experience on the ship and in Iraq led to his publishing edited sections of his notes in the form of a diary, A Carrier at War: On Board the USS "Kitty Hawk" in the Iraq War. The book recounts his interaction with the crew, from cooks to the captain. As the oldest serving ship in the U.S. fleet during the Iraq War, the Kitty Hawk has a long history, one which Miller covers back to its commissioning at the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard in 1961. Paul Davis reviewed the book in the Philadelphia Inquirer, pointing out Miller's atypical approach to wartime reporting by focusing more on the crew than on the naval tactics employed. Because of this, Davis wrote, the work becomes "an intimate and sympathetic portrait of sailors." Although Davis declared that he "enjoyed" reading the book, he did mention having a single "nagging complaint: Miller's habit of referring to the carrier as a 'boat.' An aircraft carrier is a ship."

In 2005 Miller published Harvard's Civil War: A History of the Twentieth Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry. This history of the Civil War period focuses on a regiment whose members were primarily graduates or current students of Harvard. Due to the higher-than-average education level of the group, many written records exist about the regiment's involvement in the war and the personalities involved. A reviewer for Bookwatch praised the book's depth of research, labeling it "a superb glimpse into the sufferings, sacrifices, and triumphs of a truly courageous and hardy military unit."



Bookwatch, February, 2006, review of Harvard's Civil War: A History of the Twentieth Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry.

Philadelphia Inquirer, April 13, 2006, Paul Davis, review of A Carrier at War: On Board the USS "Kitty Hawk" in the Iraq War.


Richard F. Miller Home Page, (July 14, 2006).

Talk Radio News Web site, (July 14, 2006), profile of Miller.*

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Miller, Richard F. 1951-

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