McNally, Patrick S.

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McNally, Patrick S.

PERSONAL: Born in Detroit, MI. Education: University of Massachusetts at Amherst, B.A., 1989; State University of New York at Albany, Ph.D., 1995.

ADDRESSES: Agent—c/o Author Mail, Author Solutions, Inc., 1663 S. Liberty Dr., Bloomington, IN 47403. E-mail—

CAREER: Historian and writer.


From Chappaquiddick to New York and Washington: Through Oklahoma City (nonfiction), Author Solutions (Bloomington, IN), 2004.

SIDELIGHTS: Patrick S. McNally told CA: "My formal academic training has been in mathematics. As a teenager I picked up an enthusiasm for voracious reading on the side, outside of any formal academic training, yet supplementing the latter.

"My book starts the process of tying together scattered threads which run from the Chappaquiddick 'accident' up to the bombings of the Murrah Building and World Trade Towers. Where the evidence indicates varying possibilities, this is pointed out, but without blandly burying the issue of 'what happened' under a philosophical cover. Although one may forecast various refinements and revisions in future analyses as evidence becomes sharply more clear, this book makes one of the clearest efforts yet in book format to lay down facts and analyses that may carry some long-term pertinence. Many other authors (Noam Chomsky being a case in point) who have reached the published book stage have frequently fallen into general socio-historical analyses about what the United States has been doing wrong in the Middle East for the last sixty years. While this has a general value in terms of broad background, it fails to point out the phony nature of the claims that two jet planes were able to level three World Trade Towers.

"Because this is a first attempt to begin placing the events of 9/11 in a real historical framework, the book goes back to earlier events as well. In some instances advantage is taken of relatively recent historical discoveries which are only beginning to receive publicity, such as the Mossad planning of the John F. Kennedy assassination, which Michael Collins Piper had begun investigating in the 1990s. The recently freed political prisoner Mordechai Vanunu only just declared his broad endorsement of the Piper thesis, but this may take some time to sink into public awareness. On the matter of Chappaquiddick, much more ambiguity still remains as to how it was done and who did the exact planning, but various scenarios are laid out which fit the real facts much better than the official story. With the initial bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993 and the later bombing of the Murrah Building, consistent tie-ins are made with the patterns which the spy agencies of Washington and Tel Aviv followed in the later 9/11 scenario."


ONLINE Web Site, (March 29, 2004), Patrick S. McNally, "JFK—Murder Planned in Israel?"

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