Martin, Shannon E. (Rossi) 1952–
MARTIN, Shannon E. (Rossi) 1952–
PERSONAL: Born April 3, 1952, in OH; daughter of Robert J. (an artist) and Mary K. (an educator; maiden name, Rust) Rossi; married Edwin A. Martin, Jr. (a photographer); children: Zachary Rosenbarger, Jacob Rosenbarger. Education: Indiana University—Bloomington, B.A., M.A., 1987; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Ph.D., 1993.
ADDRESSES: Office—Department of Communication and Journalism, 5724 Dunn Hall, University of Maine at Orono, Orono, ME 04469-5724; fax: 207-581-1286. E-mail—
CAREER: Annenberg Washington Program, Washington, DC, fellow, 1994; Rutgers University, member of faculty, 1993–2001; University of Maine at Orono, teacher of communication and journalism and director of Maine Center for Student Journalism. Star-Ledger, Newark, NJ, research librarian, 1999–2000.
AWARDS, HONORS: Senior Fulbright scholar in Bosnia-Herzegovina, 2002–03.
Bits, Bytes, and Big Brother: Federal Information Control in a Technological Age, Praeger Publishers (Westport, CT), 1995.
(With Kathleen Hansen) Newspapers of Record in a Digital Age, Praeger Publishers (Westport, CT), 1998.
(Editor, with David Copeland) The Function of Newspapers in Society: A Global Perspective, Greenwood Press (Westport, CT), 2003.
Contributor to books, including Perspectives on Media and the Persian Gulf War, edited by Robert Denton, Praeger Publishers (Westport, CT), 1993; and Law, Information, and Information Technology, edited by Eli Lederman and Ron Shapira, Kluwer Law International, 2001. Contributor to periodicals, including Information and Communication Technology Law, Communications and the Law, Communication Law and Policy, Newspaper Research Journal, New Jersey Journal of Communication, Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, and Information Management Journal.
WORK IN PROGRESS: Research on federal and state public-information access and control-policy issues, computer-assisted reporting, online and digital news services development and policy issues, and information law and policy issues.
University of Maine Web Site, (December 5, 2004), "Shannon E. Martin."