Maramorosch, Karl 1915-

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PERSONAL: Born January 16, 1915, in Vienna, Austria; United States citizen; son of Jacob Maramorosch (an agricultural engineer) and Stephanie Olga (Schlesinger); married Irene Ludwinowska (a librarian); children: Lydia Ann. Education: Columbia University, Ph.D., 1949.

ADDRESSES: Home—17 Black Birch Lane, Scarsdale, NY 10583. Offıce—Entomology, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ 08901; fax: 732-932-7225. E-mail—

CAREER: Rockefeller University, New York, NY, began as assistant, became associate, 1949-61; Boyce Thompson Institute, Yonkers, NY, began as senior entomologist, became program director, 1961-74; Rutgers University, Rudgers, NJ, distinguished professor, 1974—.

MEMBER: American Society Virology, American Phytopathology Society, Society of Invertebrate Pathology, In-Vitro Biology Society, New York Academy of Science, Leopoldina Academy, Indian Academy of Science.

AWARDS, HONORS: American Association of Arts and Sciences fellow, 1955; Wolf Prize, 1980; AIBS Award; Jurzykowski Award; American Phytopathology Society fellow; Entomological Society of American fellow and honorary member; honorary fellow, Indian Virological Society, 1987.



Biological Transmission of Disease Agents, Academic, 1962.

Insect Viruses, Springer, 1968.

Viruses, Vectors and Vegetation, Wiley-Interscience, 1969.

(With H. Koprowski) Methods in Virology, eight volumes, Academic, 1967-84.

(With E. Kurstak) Comparative Virology, Academic, 1971.

Mycoplasma and Mycoplasma-like Agents of Human, Animal and Plant Diseases, New York Academy of Sciences, 1973.

(With E. Kurstak) Viruses, Evolution, and Cancer, Academic, 1974.

(With R. E. Shope) Invertebrate Immunity, Academic, 1975.

(With J. Bird) Tropical Diseases of Legumes, Academic, 1975.

(With others) Advances in Virus Research, forty volumes, Academic, twelve volumes with A. Lauffer, K. M. Smith, and F. B. Bang, 1973-82, Volumes 28 and 29 with Lauffer, 1983 and 1984, Volumes 30-55 with F. A. Murphy and A. J. Shatkin, 1987-99.

Invertebrate Tissue Culture: Research Applications, Academic, 1976.

(With E. Kurstak) Invertebrate Tissue Culture: Applications in Medicine, Biology, and Agriculture, Academic, 1976.

(With K. F. Harris) Aphids as Virus Vectors, Academic, 1977.

The Atlas of Insect and Plant Viruses, Academic, 1977.

(With E. Kurstak) Viruses and Environment, Academic, 1978.

(With K. F. Harris) Leafhopper Vectors and Plant Disease Agents, Academic, 1979.

(With H. Hirumi) Practical Tissue Culture Applications, Academic, 1979.

(With E, Kurstak, and A. Dubendorfer) Invertebrate Systems in Vitro, Elsevier-North Holland Biomedical Press, 1980.

(With J. J. McKelvey and B. F. Eldridge) Vectors of Disease Agents: Interactions with Plants, Animals, and Man, Praeger, 1980.

(With K. F. Harris) Vectors of Plant Pathogens, Academic, 1980.

Advances in Cell Culture, Academic, Volumes I-V, 1981-87, Volumes VI and VI, with G. H. Sato, 1988-89.

(With H. C. Govindu, S. P. Raychaudhuri, and V. Muniyappa) Mycoplasma and Allied Pathogens of Plants, Animals, and Human Beings, University Agricultural Sciences (Bangalore, India), 1981.

(With S. P. Raychaudhuri) Mycoplasma Diseases of Trees and Shrubs, Academic, 1981.

Plant Diseases and Vectors: Ecology and Epidemiology, Academic, 1981.

(With J. Mitsuhashi) Invertebrate Cell Culture Applications, Academic, 1982.

(With K. F. Harris) Pathogens, Vectors, and Plant Diseases: Approaches to Control, Academic, 1982.

(With J. J. McKelvey) Subviral Apthogens of Plants and Animals: Viroids and Prions, Academic, 1985.

(With K. E. Sherman) Viral Insecticides for Biological Control, Academic, 1985.

Biotechnology in Insect Pathology and Cell Culture, Academic, 1987.

(With S. P. Raychaudhuri) Mycoplasma Diseases of Crops: Basic and Applied Aspects, Springer, 1987.

(With E. Kurstak and Y. Kuroda) Invertebrate and Fish Tissue Culture, Springer, 1988.

Biotechnology for Biological Control of Pests and Vectors, CRC, 1991.

Viroids and Satellites: Molecular Parasites at the Frontier of Life, CRC, 1991.

Plant Diseases of Viral, Viroid, Mycoplasma, and Uncertain Etiology, Oxford University Press (New York, NY), 1992.

(With A. H. McIntosh) Arthropod Cell Culture Systems, CRC, 1994.

(With A. H. McIntosh) Insect Cell Biotechnology, CRC, 1994.

(With S. P. Raychaudhuri) Forest Trees and Palms: Diseases and Control, Science Publishers, 1996.

(With M. J. Loeb) Invertebrate Cell Culture: Looking toward the XXI Century, SIVB (Columbia, MD), 1997.

(With M. Mitsuhashi) Invertebrate Cell Culture: Novel Directions and Biotechnology Applications, Science Publishers, 1997.

(With S. P. Raychaudhuri) Biotechnology and Plant Protection in Forestry Science, Science Publishers, 1999.

(With F. Mahmood) Maintenance of Animal/Human and Plant Pathogen Vectors, Science Publishers, 1999.

WORK IN PROGRESS: More in "Advances in Virus Research" series.