Mann, W(illiam) Edward 1918-

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MANN, W(illiam) Edward 1918-

PERSONAL: Born April 4, 1918, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada; son of Charles Edward (a transfer agent) and Laura Louise (Wainwright) Mann; married Madeleine Helen Bear, March 16, 1951 (divorced); married Elizabeth Dianne Hughes, August 27, 1983; children: Jocelyn, Gwynneth, Christopher, Allison, Andrew, Portia. Ethnicity: "Anglo-Saxon." Education: University of Toronto, B.A., 1942, M.A., 1943, Ph.D., 1953. Politics: "Social anarchist." Religion: Anglican. Hobbies and other interests: Travel, squash, volleyball, tennis, gardening.

ADDRESSES: Home—21 Elizabeth St. S., Apt. 203, Richmond Hill, Ontario L4C 3V5, Canada. E-mail—

CAREER: University instructor, 1945-47; Anglican parish priest in Ontario, Canada, 1949-53; Toronto Anglican Diocesan Council for Social Service, Toronto, Ontario, executive secretary, 1953-58; Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, assistant professor of sociology, 1959-61; University of Western Ontario, London, assistant professor of sociology, 1961-65; Atkinson College, York University, Toronto, Ontario, associate professor, 1965-68, professor of sociology, 1969-83, department chair, 1965-68. Life Energy Action and Research Network, president, 1978-82; Creative Solutions Consulting, president, 1987; consultant to Community Relations Services. University of Toronto, special lecturer at Trinity College, 1945-46. Canadian Council of Churches, assistant secretary, 1948-49. Social Science Publishers, director, 1967-69. Military service: Royal Canadian Air Force, instructor in navigation and flying officer, 1943-45.

MEMBER: World Federalists, Canadian Anthropological and Sociological Association, Science for Peace (Canada).

AWARDS, HONORS: Canada Council fellowships and awards, 1946-47, 1958-59, 1961-62, 1968-69, 1970-71, 1972-73; Motoyama-Bentov fellowship for research in Japan, 1985; two awards from Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada.


The Rural Church in Canada, Canadian Council of Churches, 1948.

Sect, Cult, and Church in Alberta, University of Toronto Press (Toronto, Ontario, Canada), 1955, reprinted, 1972.

Society behind Bars, Social Science Publishers, 1967.

Canadian Trends in Premarital Behavior, Anglican Church of Canada, 1967.

Canada: The Way It Is and Could Be, Willowdale Press, 1968.

Orgone, Reich, and Eros, Simon & Schuster (New York, NY), 1973.

(With John Alan Lee) The R.C.M.P. vs. the People: Inside Canada's Security Service, General Publishing, 1979.

(With Edward Hoffman) The Man Who Dreamed ofTomorrow: A Conceptual Biography of Wilhelm Reich, J. P. Tarcher (New York, NY), 1980.

Vital Energy and Health, Hounslow (Toronto, Ontario, Canada), 1989.

The Quest for Total Bliss: A Psycho-Sociological Perspective on the Rajneesh Movement, Canadian Scholars Press (Toronto, Ontario, Canada), 1991.

Quest for the Psychic Grail: Exploring the Psychic onFour Continents, Future Directions (Aurora, Ontario, Canada), 1995.

Pivotal Concerns: Spirituality, Social Activism, and the Future, Future Directions (Aurora, Ontario, Canada), 1996.

A Mann for All Seasons: A Memoir, Lugus (Toronto, Ontario, Canada), 1996.

Coauthor, with Earle Beattie, of television series on urbanism, for Canadian Broadcasting Corp. Contributor to Encyclopedia Canadiana; contributor to periodicals, including Canadian Review of Sociology, Continuous Learning, Christian Century, Maclean's, Toronto Star Weekly, and Chatelaine.


Canada: A Sociological Profile, Copp Clark (Toronto, Ontario, Canada), 1968, 3rd edition (with Leslie Wheatcroft), 1976.

Deviant Behavior in Canada, Social Science Publishers, 1968.

The Underside of Toronto, McClelland & Stewart (Toronto, Ontario, Canada), 1970.

Poverty and Social Policy in Canada, Copp Clark (Toronto, Ontario, Canada), 1970.

Social and Cultural Change in Canada, two volumes, Copp Clark (Toronto, Ontario, Canada), 1970.

Social Deviance in Canada, Copp Clark (Toronto, Ontario, Canada), 1971.

Also editor of the book Poverty and Social Policy in Canada, Copp Clark. Editor, International Journal of Life Energy, 1978-81.

WORK IN PROGRESS: Quest for the Psychic Grail: Investigating the Psychic on Four Continents, an update of Quest for the Psychic Grail: Exploring the Psychic on Four Continents; Jesus and His Religious Movement: A Scientific Perspective; Liberated Minds of Our Times.



Financial Post, May 1, 1974.

Los Angeles Times, November 27, 1980.

Publishers Weekly, October 31, 1980, p. 82.

Richmond Hill Liberal, January 29, 2002.

Washington Post, January 29, 1981.

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