Maass, Vera Sonja 1931-
MAASS, Vera Sonja 1931-
PERSONAL: Born July 6, 1931, in Berlin, Germany; daughter of Willy Ernst Theodor and Walli Elizabeth Keck; married Joachim Adolf Maass, December 24, 1954 (divorced); married H. Gordon Featherstonaugh (a psychologist), October 1, 2001. Ethnicity: "Caucasian." Education: Monmouth University, B.A., 1971; Lehigh University, M.A., 1974; University of Missouri at Kansas City, Ph.D., 1978.
ADDRESSES: Home and offıce—Living Skills Institute, Inc., 8204 Westfield Blvd., Indianapolis, IN 46240. E-mail—
CAREER: Living Skills Institute, Inc., Indianapolis, IN, owner and psychologist, 1982—. Grey Clinic, psychologist and sex therapist, 1994—. Adjunct faculty member at Ivy Tech State College.Indianapolis Museum of Art Alliance, volunteer.
MEMBER: Zonta International, American Psychological Association, American Counseling Association, National Council on Family Relations, American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists, Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, National League of American Pen Women, Indiana Psychological Association, Indiana Council on Family Relations (board member), Writers' Center of Indiana, Psi Chi.
Counseling Single Parents, Springer Publishing (New York, NY), 2000.
Women's Group Therapy, Springer Publishing (New York, NY), 2002.
Control: Goals, Targets, and Consequences, Psycho-Social Press (Madison, CT), 2005.
WORK IN PROGRESS: Today's Woman—Yesterday's Child; Seeing the Mother I Never Knew; Understanding Women's Sexuality; Single Again.
SIDELIGHTS: Vera Sonja Maass told CA: "My primary motivation comes from the difficulties my clients bring to the sessions and from students who relate some of their struggles in coping with adjustments to various life events. In addition, I value the interviews with people in the community at large and their willingness to volunteer their stories and experiences.
"The influence for my work comes from observing the struggles people are facing and helping them to see alternatives and practice new self-enhancing behaviors. Translating observations and solutions into written and published form will reach more people who may thus realize that they are not the only ones struggling with a particular problem. They can also apply solutions that others in similar situations have used successfully. It is a learning process—an education for living happier, more satisfying lives.
"When a topic strikes me as important, I explore what has been discussed about it. I look for relevant research findings and incorporate them into a theoretical framework that is both logical and easy to understand. I use examples and case histories to illustrate and define the problem area and the solution process.
"My favorite book to date is Women's Group Therapy because, as a woman, I identify with the challenges and options women face. But I also very much enjoyed working on Control: Goals, Targets, and Consequences. By outlining the dynamics of controlling relationships, I hope to help people realize that they are not helpless when facing control attempts from those around them. As they see the control process develop and unfold, they can predict the intended outcome and can seize opportunities to modify the outcome in their own favor.
"This brings me to the effect I hope my books will have. It is my sincere wish to convey to people that they have many choices about their own life. I would like to encourage them to take on responsibility for their own happiness by making decisions independently and wisely—decisions that are in their own best interest. Although my books are categorized as 'professional books,' intended to be of interest and assistance to mental health professionals, it has been my goal to make my books readable and enjoyable for both professionals and lay persons. I strongly believe that the knowledge and lessons to be found in psychology can be applied to everyday life."