Luciak, Ilja A. 1956-

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LUCIAK, Ilja A. 1956-

PERSONAL: Born May 15, 1956, in Gmunden, Austria; son of Gregor and Diane (Wirsén) Luciak; married Jane Goette, May 26, 1991; children: Carl David. Education: University of Vienna, LL.M., 1979, J.D., 1980; attended University of Uppsala, 1979-80; University of Iowa, M.A., 1981, Ph.D., 1987.

ADDRESSES: Offıce—Department of Political Science, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061. E-mail—

CAREER: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, assistant professor, 1987-94, associate professor, 1994-2002, professor of political science and department chair, 2002—, chair of El Salvador committee, 1994-2000. Universidad Centroamericana, Managua, Nicaragua, visiting professor, 1984-85; Cornell University, fellow of Society for the Humanities, 1989-90; University of Innsbruck, guest professor, 1995, 1997, 1999, 2001; University of Stockholm, scholar-in-residence at Latin America Institute, 1996; ÖsterreichischesLateinamerika-Institute Vienna, scholar-in-residence, 2001-02; guest lecturer at other institutions in United States and abroad, including Radford University, U.S. Military Academy, Le Moyne College, University of California—Irvine, and University of Iowa; also public speaker to nonprofit organizations. Invited observer at elections in Nicaragua and El Salvador; conducted field research in Nicaragua, Guatemala, El Salvador, Cuba, Costa Rica, Panama, and Colombia; consultant to Swedish International Development Authority and United Nations Development Fund for Women.

MEMBER: International Political Science Association, International Studies Organization, Society for International Development, American Political Science Association, Latin American Studies Association, Österreichische Gesellschaft für Politikwissenschaft, Nordic Association for Research on Latin America.

AWARDS, HONORS: Fellow of Austrian government, 1975-79, and Swedish government, 1979-80; grant from National Endowment for the Humanities, 1990; named outstanding professor of the year, Pi Sigma Alpha, 1993; major grants from European Commission, DIAKONIA (Sweden), United Nations Population Fund, and Church of Sweden.


The Sandinista Legacy: Lessons from a PoliticalEconomy in Transition, University Press of Florida (Gainesville, FL), 1995.

After the Revolution: Gender and Democracy in ElSalvador, Nicaragua, and Guatemala, Johns Hopkins University Press (Baltimore, MD), 2001.

Contributor to books, including Understanding the Central American Crisis: Sources of Conflict, U.S. Policy, and Options for Peace, edited by Kenneth M. Coleman and George C. Herring, Scholarly Resources (Wilmington, DE), 1991; Radical Women in Latin America: Left and Right, edited by Victoria González and Karen Kampwirth, Pennsylvania State University Press (University Park, PA), 2001; Rereading Women in Latin America and the Caribbean, edited by Jennifer Abbassi and Sheryl Lutjens, Rowman & Littlefield (Boulder, CO), 2002; and Gender, Complex Emergencies, and Peacekeeping: National and International Perspectives, edited by Dyan Mazurana, Angela Raven-Roberts, and Jane Parpart, Rowman & Littlefield (Boulder, CO), 2003. Contributor of articles and reviews to periodicals, including Development, Latin American Perspectives, Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs, Scandinavian Journal of Development Alternatives, Comparative Politics, and Journal of Latin American Studies.

WORK IN PROGRESS: Research on gender equality and democratization, reproductive health, the political economy of transition, development theory, women in development, grass-roots movements, and socialist theory.



American Political Science Review, December, 1996, Gary Prevost, review of The Sandinista Legacy: Lessons from a Political Economy in Transition, p. 941.

Social Forces, December, 2002, Wendy Wolford, review of After the Revolution: Gender and Democracy in El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Guatemala, p. 680.

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