Lisboa, Maria Manuel 1963–
Lisboa, Maria Manuel 1963–
PERSONAL: Born November 17, 1963, in Mozambique; Portuguese citizen; daughter of Eugenio and Maria Antonieta (Gabao) Lisboa; married Michael Brick (a painter), May 11, 1993; children: Laura Caroline. Ethnicity: "White." Education: University of London, B.Sc., 1985; University of Nottingham, M.A., Ph.D., 1988.
ADDRESSES: Office—St. John's College, Cambridge University, Cambridge CB2 1TP, England; fax: 440-1223-335062. E-mail—
CAREER: University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Newcastle upon Tyne, England, lecturer in Portuguese and Brazilian literature, 1988–93; Cambridge University, St. John's College, Cambridge, England, lecturer in Portuguese, Brazilian, and African (Lusopaone) literature, 1993–. Guest lecturer at University of Leeds, University of St. Andrews, University of Hamburg, Institute of Romance Studies, London, and University of Reading.
Machado de Assis and Feminism: Re-Reading the Heart of the Companion, Edwin Mellen (Lewiston, NY), 1996.
Teu Amor Fez de Mim um Lago Triste: Ensaios sobre Os Maias, Campo das Letras (Sao Paulo, Brazil), 2000.
Paula Rego's Map of Memory: National and Sexual Politics, Ashgate Publishing (Burlington, VT), 2003.
Contributor to books, including Ritual and Remembrance: Responses to Death in Human Societies, edited by Jon Davies, Sheffield University Press (Sheffield, England), 1994; Other Women's Voices/Other Americas, edited by Georgiana Colville, Edwin Mellen (Lewiston, NY), 1996; Scarlet Letters: Fictions of Adultery from Antiquity to the 1990s, edited by Naomi Segal and Nicholas White, Macmillan (Basingstoke, England), 1997; Fiction in the Portuguese-Speaking World, edited by Charles M. Kelley, University of Wales Press (Cardiff, Wales), 2000; and Postcolonial Perspectives on Latin America and Lusophone Cultures, edited by Robin Fiddian, Liverpool University Press (Liverpool, England), 2000. Contributor of short stories, articles, translations, and reviews to periodicals, including Portuguese Studies, Letras e Letras, Journal of the Institute of Romance Studies, Journal of Hispanic Research, and Revista Arca.
WORK IN PROGRESS: Uma Mãe Desconhecida: En-saios sobre Eça de Queirós; translating Paula Rego's Map of Memory into Portuguese.