Lindstrom, Matthew J. 1969-

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LINDSTROM, Matthew J. 1969-


Born August 28, 1969, in Willmar, MN; son of John S. (a state court judge) and Mary D. (a director of a women's shelter) Lindstrom; married Amy E. Braig (an artist), July 9, 1993; children: Isaac, Anna. Ethnicity: "White." Education: St. John's University (Collegeville, MN), B.A. (cum laude), 1992; Northern Arizona University, Ph.D. (with distinction), 1997. Politics: Green Party. Hobbies and other interests: Music, cooking, farmers' markets.


Home—68 Old Loudon Rd., Latham, NY 12110. Office—Department of Political Science, Siena College, 515 Loudon Rd., Loudonville, NY 12211; fax: 518-782-6548. E-mail—


Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, instructor in political science, 1996-97; Siena College, Loudonville, NY, assistant professor of political science, 1997—, member of peace studies executive committee, 1998—, and environmental studies executive committee, 2000—, founder and director of Siena Program for Sustainable Land Use, 2001—. Hofstra University, guest speaker, 2001; Pace University, chair of panel on ecology, culture, and politics in land use planning, 2002; public lecturer, including appearances on television and radio programs. Regional Farm and Food Project, member of board of directors, 1998-2000; Honest Weight Food Cooperative, member, 1998—; Troy Waterfront Farmers' Market Association, cofounder and president of board of directors, 2000—; consultant to Turning Tide Productions (film production company).


American Political Science Association, Peace Studies Association, Justice Studies Association, Urban Affairs Association, Consortium for Peace Research, Education, and Development, Western Political Science Association.


Grant from Arizona Department of Transportation, 1996-97; shared Volunteer of the Year Award, Regional Farm and Food Project, 2000; Best Paper Award, Undergraduate Division, American Political Science Association, 2002.


(With Zachary A. Smith) The National Environmental Policy Act: Judicial Misconstruction, Legislative Indifference, and Executive Neglect, Texas A & M University Press (College Station, TX), 2002.

(Editor, with Hugh Barling) Surveying Sprawl: Culture, Ecology, and Politics, Rowman & Little-field, in press.

Contributor to books, including Public Policy and Politics in Arizona, 2nd edition, edited by Zachary A. Smith, Praeger Publishers (Westport, CT), 1996; Environmental Policy: Cases in Managerial Role-Playing, edited by Robert P. Watson, Dwight Conrad Kiel, and Steven Robar, Island Press (Covelo, CA), 2002; and Redefining Suburban Studies: Searching for a New Paradigm, edited by Daniel Rubey and Barbara Kelly, Greenwood Press (Westport, CT), 2002. Contributor of articles and reviews to periodicals, including Alternative Perspectives.


Matthew J. Lindstrom told CA: "Writing allows me to express my passion and conviction about various social and environmental issues. As a professor, I see writing as a natural extension of the classroom. Writing forces me to organize my thoughts and find the best ways of communicating an idea or interpretation—two skills also necessary for effective teaching. Knowing that one's writing is never perfectly finished or ever truly finished, I am constantly rethinking and reworking my pieces. As I write, I learn more about both the art and craft of writing, or, in a sense, the creative and scientific elements of writing.

"The bulk of my writing concerns environmental policies and issues primarily, but not exclusively, in the United States. I am currently working on land use planning issues related to the ever-increasing problem of suburban sprawl and the ensuing waste and inefficiencies. Fortunately, there are a great number of solutions to the multi-faceted issue of sprawl, and these will be explored in my forthcoming publications as well.

"Low-density, auto-dependent, generic development known as sprawl usually occurs on the fringe of metropolitan areas but affects everyone on the planet. Sprawl impacts so many different elements of everyone's lives, rich or poor, urban or rural, that the consequences of addressing some of the root causes are extremely beneficial. Concerns about the 'livability' of many neighborhoods and communities are sweeping across the country. I am excited to see and participate in efforts to counter the forces that propel sprawl. Adopting ecologically sustainable and family-friendly alternatives to sprawl will benefit the vast majority of people while only hurting a small but disproportionately influential group of people."



Matt Lindstrom Web site, (February 11, 2003).

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