Leiby, Linda F. 1947-

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Leiby, Linda F. 1947-


Born August 21, 1947, in Media, PA; daughter of Clyde Moore (an engraver and postal clerk) and Ella Mae (a secretary) Flounders; married Bruce R. Leiby (a schoolteacher and writer), June 26, 1971. Ethnicity: "Caucasian." Education: Attended West Chester University, 1965-66. Politics: Republican. Religion: United Methodist. Hobbies and other interests: Collecting teddy bears, travel, photography.


Home—Media, PA. E-mail—leiby66@msn.com.


Media Office Supply Co., Media, PA, began as sales clerk, became assistant manager, 1967-92. Member of Bonanza Convention, Inc., 2006—.


United Methodist Women, Friends of Boyds.


(With husband, Bruce R. Leiby) A Reference Guide to Television's Bonanza, McFarland (Jefferson, NC), 2001.


Linda F. Leiby told CA: "I began my writing career by assisting my husband, Bruce, with compiling information for his early works. My favorite television program was the Western series Bonanza. Over the years I viewed most of the episodes and compiled information on each show. I always felt that there should be an extensive book on the show. I approached my husband with the idea that we could write our own book. My interest in photography came in handy when we went to the Bonanza Ranch house near Lake Tahoe and to Virginia City to take pictures. The publisher allowed us to include many of them in our book.

"My purpose for writing was to record the most comprehensive documentation of my subject as possible for readers, fans, and researchers. My advice to new writers would be: if you have a dream to publish, hold on to that dream and never give up, because dreams do come true."

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