Lee, Rebecca Hagan

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Lee, Rebecca Hagan


Married. Education: College graduate.


Home—GA. E-mail—rhaganlee@yahoo.com.


Author. Has also worked in radio and television and as a genealogical library assistant and pet groomer.


Waldenbooks award, 1992, for Golden Chances.



Homespun Mother's Day, Berkley/Diamond (New York, NY), 1994.

Taking Chances, Diamond (New York, NY), 1994.

Gossamer, Berkley/Jove (New York, NY), 1999.

Whisper Always, Berkley/Jove (New York, NY), 1999.

A Hint of Heather, Berkley/Jove Seduction (New York, NY), 2000.

Also contributor to the anthology Talk of the Ton, Jove (New York, NY), 2005.


Golden Chances, Berkley/Diamond Homespun (New York, NY), 1992.

Harvest Moon, Berkley/Diamond Homespun (New York, NY), 1993.

Something Borrowed, Berkley/Diamond Homespun (New York, NY), 1995.


Once a Mistress, Berkley/Jove (New York, NY), 2001.

Ever a Princess, Berkley/Jove (New York, NY), 2002.

Always a Lady, Berkley/Jove (New York, NY), 2002.


Barely a Bride, Berkley Sensation (New York, NY), 2003.

Merely the Groom, Berkley Sensation (New York, NY), 2004.

Hardly a Husband, Berkley Sensation (New York, NY), 2004.

Truly a Wife, Berkley Sensation (New York, NY), 2005.


Rebecca Hagan Lee writes historical romances in which, as described on the author's Web site, the "heroines get their men and help them become ideal husbands, lovers, friends and fathers." In Ever a Princess, the second book in the "Marquess of Templeston's Heirs" series, Lee's Victorian heroine is a princess who flees after her parents are killed in a coup. While hiding in Scotland, she meets and falls in love with American Adam McKendrick, the new owner of the lodge where she is staying. In Always a Lady, an American man who inherits an earldom in Ireland falls in love with someone he promised to marry when she was an orphan. The novel is the final book in the "Marquess of Templeston's Heirs" series, which Booklist contributor John Charles called "a charmingly clever romance deftly seasoned with wit and graced with some delightfully unforgettable characters." Truly a Wife is part of the author's "Free Fellows League" series. The story tells of the love between a French smuggler, who is a member of the Free Fellows League, and the Amazonian-like Miranda. In a review in MBR Bookwatch, a contributor commented: "The story line is exciting and is character driven, a trademark of this series."

In addition to another series titled the "Jordan-Alexander Family" series, the author has also written several stand-alone romances. In Gossamer, Lee tells the story of Elizabeth Sadler, who develops a hatred for the Chinese after discovering that her brother died in an opium den. When she is hired by James Cameron Craig to be a governess for his adopted daughters, Elizabeth is shocked to find out that they are all of Chinese origin. As the novel progresses, Elizabeth falls in love with both the children and James as she overcomes her own prejudices and James's heartbreaking past. "Warmth, love, tenderness and humanity fill the pages to overflowing in another beautifully rendered romance" by the author, wrote Kathe Robin on the Romantic Times Web site. Romance Reader contributor Bev Hill called Gossamer "delightful" and went on to note: "My hat's off to the mind of this author, for creating a vision I'll be happy to entertain for a good long while."

Whisper Always features Christina Fairfax, who tries to escape from a highest-bidder marriage to the Hapsburg Prince Rudolph and, in the process, falls in love with her London escort, Blake Ashford. Kathe Robin, once again writing for Romantic Times, called the novel "a sophisticated, fascinating romance that brings readers into a glittering world and a thrilling romance." In A Hint of Heather, Lee features Lady Jessalyn, laird of the Scottish Clan MacInnes, which has come upon hard times because of the war with the British. Looking for a husband for Lady Jessalyn, the clan kidnaps Neil Claremont, English Earl of Dared, a man who finds himself falling for Lady Jessalyn despite his hatred of Scotland. Romantic Times critic Robin stated that the author "captures the allure of Scotland through the eyes of her memorable characters."



Booklist, February 1, 2002, John Charles, review of Ever a Princess, p. 928; October 15, 2002, John Charles, review of Always a Lady, p. 395; September 15, 2004, John Charles, review of Hardly a Husband, p. 220.

MBR Bookwatch, April, 2005, review of Truly a Wife.

Publishers Weekly, January 14, 2002, review of Ever a Princess, p. 46.


Best Reviews,http://thebestreviews.com/ (August 31, 2001), Harriet Klausner, review of Once a Mistress; (January 9, 2002), Janice Bennett, review of Ever a Princess; (September 15, 2002), Harriet Klausner, review of Always a Lady; (July 14, 2003), Suzanne Tucker, review of Barely a Bride; (March 10, 2004), Suzanne Tucker, review of Merely the Groom; (September 10, 2004), Harriet Klausner, review of Hardly a Husband; (March 25, 2005), Harriet Klausner, review of Truly a Wife; (April 29, 2005), Sharon Galligar Chance, review of Talk of the Ton.

Rebecca Hagan Lee Home Page,http://www.rhaganlee.com (April 20, 2007).

Romance Reader,http://theromancereader.com/ (April 20, 2007), Bev Hill, review of Gossamer, and Nancy J. Silberstein, review of Whisper Always.

Romantic Times,http://www.romantictimes.com/ (April 20, 2007), Kathe Robin reviews of A Hint of Heather, Always a Lady, Barely a Bride, Ever a Princess, Gossamer, Merely the Groom, Truly a Wife, and Whisper Always, and Joan Hammond, review of Once a Mistress.