Lasar, Matthew 1954-

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Lasar, Matthew 1954-


Born November 26, 1954, in Fort Lee, NJ; son of Theodore and Rita Lasar; companion of Sharon Wood (a documentary film writer). Ethnicity: "Jewish-American." Education: City College of the City University of New York, B.A., 1978; attended Graduate Center of the City University of New York, 1979-82; University of California, Davis, M.A., 1992; Claremont Graduate School, Ph.D., 1997. Politics: "Big government liberal." Religion: "Atheist." Hobbies and other interests: Programming languages.


Home—San Francisco, CA. E-mail—


Bronx Community College, Bronx, NY, history teacher, 1982; researcher for private investigation firms in and around San Francisco, CA, 1996-98; University of San Francisco, San Francisco, adjunct instructor in history, 1999; University of California Press, Berkeley, member of information services staff. Adjunct instructor at Pomona College, 1997, and University of California, Santa Cruz, 2002—. USENIX Association, Web site editor, 2000-01; KPFA-FM Radio, member.


Phi Beta Kappa.


Silver Reel Award, National Association of Community Broadcasters, 1988.


Pacifica Radio: The Rise of an Alternative Network, Temple University Press (Philadelphia, PA), 1999.

Uneasy Listening: Pacifica Radio's Civil War, Black Apollo Press (Cambridge, England), 2005.

Writer and editor of the Internet periodical Lasar's Letter on the Federal Communications Commission. Contributor to periodicals, including San Francisco Bay Guardian, Journal of Policy History, Journal of Radio Studies, Pacific Historical Review, and San Francisco Chronicle.


Matthew Lasar once told CA: "I am particularly influenced by the consensus historians of the 1950s, who saw so clearly how people can say one thing and mean another. I find that admitting my own intellectual errors is often the best starting point for new creative work. I try to start writing as quickly as possible. Writing for me is as much about learning as it is about concluding. I never wait until I've finished my research to begin writing. I write and revise constantly."

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