Küng, Hans 1928-

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KÜNG, Hans 1928-

PERSONAL: Born March 19, 1928, in Sursee, Lucerne, Switzerland; son of Hans (a merchant) and Emma (Gut) Küng. Education: Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome, Italy, licentiate in philosophy, 1951, licentiate in theology, 1955; Institut Catholique, Sorbonne, University of Paris, Dr.Theol., 1957; also studied in Berlin, Germany, London, England, Amsterdam, Netherlands, and Madrid, Spain. Hobbies and other interests: Classical music, water sports, skiing.

ADDRESSES: Home and office—Foundation for a Global Ethic, Waldhäuserstraße 23, D-72076 Tübingen, Germany. E-mail—hans.kung@uni-tuebingen.de.

CAREER: Ordained Roman Catholic priest, 1954; performed pastoral work at St. Leodegar, Lucerne, Switzerland, 1957-59; University of Münster, Münster, Germany, assistant in dogmatic theology, 1959-60; University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany, ordinary (full) professor of fundamental theology, 1960-63, ordinary professor of dogmatic and ecumenical theology, 1963-80 (removed and censored by the Vatican), ordinary professor of ecumenical theology, 1980-96, director of Institute for Ecumenical Research, 1963-96, professor emeritus, 1996—; Foundation for a Global Ethic, Tübingen, president, 1995—. Appointed peritus (official theological consultant) at Second Vatican Council, 1962. Yale University, Terry Lecturer, 1978; visiting professor at Union Theological Seminary, New York, NY, 1968, University of Basel, 1969, University of Chicago Divinity School, 1981, University of Michigan, 1983, University of Toronto, 1985, and Rice University, 1987; guest lecturer at numerous universities in Europe, Asia, Australia, and the United States.

MEMBER: PEN Center of West Germany, Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutschspachige Dogmatiker, PEN American Center.

AWARDS, HONORS: LL.D., University of St. Louis, 1963, University of Toronto, 1984; D.D., Pacific School of Religion, 1966, University of Glasgow, 1971, Cambridge University, 1985, University of Dublin, 1995, and University of Wales—Swansea, 1999; HH.D., Loyola University of Chicago, 1970; Ludwig Thoma Medal, 1975; L.H.D., University of Michigan, 1985, Ramapo College of New Jersey, 1999, and Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, Cincinnati, OH, 2000; Oskar Pfister Award, American Psychiatric Association, 1986; Silver Medal, University of Tübingen, 1996; Interfaith Gold Medallion, International Council of Christians and Jews, 1998; Theodor-Heuss-Prize, Theodor-Heuss-Foundation, 1998; named honorary citizen of Sursee, Switzerland, 1998, Syracuse, Italy, 2002, and Tübingen, Germany, 2002; Ernst-Robert-Durtius Literary Award, 2001; Göttingen Peace Award, 2002.


Die Anwendung der grundlegenden betriebswirtshaftlichen Erkenntnisse im Rechnungswesen der chemischen Industrie, Buchdruckerei Muri, Schertenlieb & Malzacher (Muri-Bern, Switzerland), 1951.

Rechtfertigung: die Lehre Karl Barths und eine katholische Besinnung, Johannes Verlag (Einsiedeln, Switzerland), 1957, 4th enlarged edition, 1964, translation by Thomas Collins, Edmund E. Tolk, and David Granskou published as Justification: The Doctrine of Karl Barth and a Catholic Reflection, Thomas Nelson (New York, NY), 1964, published with a letter from Karl Barth, Burns & Oates (London, England), 1966, 40th anniversary edition with new foreword by Hermann Häring, Westminster John Knox Press (Louisville, KY), 2003.

Konzil und Wiedervereinigung: Erneuerung als Ruf in die Einheit, Herder (Freiberg im Breisgau, Germany), 1960, translation by Cecily Hastings published as The Council and Reunion, Sheed & Ward (New York, NY), 1961, published as The Council: Reform, and Reunion, 1962, new edition, Image Books (Garden City, NY), 1965.

Damit die Welt glaube: Briefe an junge Menschen, Pfeiffer (Munich, Germany), 1962, 5th edition, 1968, translation by Cecily Hastings published as That the World May Believe, Sheed & Ward (New York, NY), 1963, published as That the World May Believe: Letters to Young People, Sheed & Ward (London, England), 1963.

Strukturen der Kirche, Herder (Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany), 1962, translation by Salvator Attanasio published as Structures of the Church, preface by Cardinal Richard Cushing, Thomas Nelson (New York, NY), 1964, published with a new preface, Crossroad (New York, NY), 1982.

Kirche im Konzil, Herder (Freiberg im Breisgau, Germany), 1963, 2nd edition, 1964, translation by Cecily Hastings published as The Council in Action: Theological Reflections on the Second Vatican Council, Sheed & Ward (New York, NY), 1963, translation by Cecily Hastings and N. D. Smith published as The Living Church: Reflections on the Second Vatican Council, Sheed & Ward (London, England), 1963, translation by Cecily Hastings, William Glen-Doepel, and H. R. Bronk published as The Changing Church, 1965.

Freiheit in der Welt: Sir Thomas More, Benziger (Einsiedeln, Switzerland), 1964, translation by Cecily Hastings published as Freedom in the World: Sir Thomas More (also see below), Sheed & Ward (New York, NY), 1965.

Theologe und Kirche, Benziger (Einsiedeln, Switzerland), 1964, translation by Cecily Hastings published as The Theologian and the Church (also see below), Sheed & Ward (New York, NY), 1965.

Kirche in Freiheit, Benziger (Einsiedeln, Switzerland), 1964, translation by Cecily Hastings published as The Church and Freedom (also see below), Sheed & Ward (New York, NY), 1965.

Christenheit als Minderheit: Die Kirche unter den Weltreligionen (also see below), Benziger (Einsiedeln, Switzerland), 1965.

Freiheit des Christen, Sheed & Ward (New York, NY), 1966, translation by Cecily Hastings published as Freedom Today (includes Freedom in the World: Sir Thomas More, The Theologian and the Church, The Church and Freedom, and a translation of Christenheit als Minderheit: Die Kirche unter den Weltreligionen), Sheed & Ward (New York, NY), 1966.

Gott und das Leid, Benziger (Einsiedeln, Switzerland), 1967.

The Church, translated from German by Ray Ockenden and Rosaleen Ockenden, Sheed & Ward (New York, NY), 1967, abridged German edition published as Was ist Kirche?, Herder (Freiberg im Breisgau, Germany), 1970.

Wahrhaftigkeit: Zur Zukunft der Kirche, Herder (Freiberg im Breisgau, Germany), 1968, translation by Edward Quinn published as Truthfulness: The Future of the Church, Sheed & Ward (New York, NY), 1968.

Menschwerdung Gottes: eine Einführung in Hegels theologisches Denken als Prolegomena zu einer künftigen Christologie, Herder (Freiberg im Breisgau, Germany), 1970, translation by J. R. Stephenson published as The Incarnation of God: An Introduction to Hegel's Theological Thought As a Prolegomena to a Future Christology, Crossword (New York, NY), 1987.

Unfehlbar? Eine anfrage, Benziger (Einsiedeln, Switzerland), 1970, translation by Edward Quinn published as Infallible? An Inquiry, Doubleday (Garden City, NY), 1971, translation by Eric Mosbacher published as Infallible? An Enquiry, Collins (London, England), 1971, expanded edition with preface by Herbert Haag published as Infallible?: An Unresolved Inquiry, Continuum (New York, NY), 1994.

Wozu Priester? Ein Hilfe, Benziger (Einsiedeln, Switzerland), 1971, translation by Robert C. Collins published as Why Priests? A Proposal for a New Church Ministry, Doubleday (Garden City, NY), 1972, translation by John Gumming published as Why Priests?, Collins (London, England), 1972, new edition, SCM Press (London, England), 1991.

Hans Küng, edited by Martin Redfern, Sheed & Ward (New York, NY), 1972.

Was in der Kirche bleiben muss., Benziger (Einsiedeln, Switzerland), 1973, translation published as What Must Remain in the Church, Collins (London, England), 1977.

Christ sein, R. Piper (Munich, Germany), 1974, published as Die christliche Herausforderung, 1980, translation by Edward Quinn published as On Being a Christian, Doubleday (Garden City, NY), 1976, abridged translation published as The Christian Challenge, 1979, new edition, SCM Press (London, England), 1991.

Zwanzig Thesen zum Christsein, R. Piper (Munich, Germany), 1975.

(With Pinchas Lapide) Jesus im Widerstreit: Ein jüdisch-christlicher Dialog, Kösel (Munich, Germany), 1976, translation by Edward Quinn published as Brother or Lord? A Jew and a Christian Talk Together about Jesus, Fount Paperbacks (London, England), 1977.

Was ist Firmung?, Benziger (Einsiedeln, Switzerland), 1976.

Heute noch an Gott glauben?, R. Piper (Munich, Germany), 1977.

Existiert Gott? Antwort auf die Gottesfrage der Neuzeit, R. Piper (Munich, Germany), 1978, translation by Edward Quinn published as Does God Exist? An Answer for Today, Doubleday (Garden City, NJ), 1980, new edition, SCM Press (London, England), 1991.

Signposts for the Future (essays; includes "On Being a Christian"), Doubleday (Garden City, NY), 1978.

Freud and the Problem of God (Terry lectures), translated by Edward Quinn, Yale University Press (New Haven, CT), 1979, enlarged edition, 1990.

Kirche, gehalten in der Wahrheit?, Benziger (Zurich, Switzerland), 1979, translation by Edward Quinn published as The Church—Maintained in Truth? A Theological Meditation, Seabury Press (New York, NY), 1980.

24 Thesen zur Gottesfrage, R. Piper (Munich, Germany), 1979.

(With Edward Schillebeeckx, David Tracey, and others) Consensus in Theology? A Dialogue with Hans Küng, Edward Schillebeeckx, edited by Leonard Swidler, Westminster Press (Philadelphia, PA), 1980.

Kunst und Sinnfrage, Benziger (Zurich, Switzerland), 1980, translation by Edward Quinn published as Art and the Question of Meaning, Crossroad (New York, NY), 1981.

Wegzeichen in die Zukunft: Programmatisches fuer eine christlichere Kirche, Rowohlt (Reinbek, Germany), 1980.

Glauben an Jesus Christus, Benziger (Zurich, Switzerland), 1982.

Ewiges Leben?, R. Piper (Munich, Germany), 1982, translation by Edward Quinn published as Eternal Life? Life after Death As a Medical, Philosophical, and Theological Problem, Doubleday (Garden City, NJ), 1984, new edition, SCM Press (London, England), 1991.

(With others) Christentum und Weltreligionen: Hinführung zum Dialog mit Islam, Hinduismus und Buddhismus, R. Piper (Munich, Germany), 1984, translation by Peter Heinegg published as Christianity and the World Religions: Paths of Dialogue with Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism, Doubleday (Garden City, NY), 1986, new edition, SCM Press (London, England).

(With David Tracy) Theologie, wohin? Auf dem Weg zu einem neuen Paradigma, Benziger (Zurich, Switzerland), 1984.

(With Walter Jens) Dichtung und Religion: Pascal, Gryphius, Lessing, Hölderlin, Novalis, Kierkegaard, Dostojewski, Kafka, Kindler (Munich, Germany), 1985, translation by Peter Heinegg published as Literature and Religion: Pascal, Gryphius, Lessing, Hölderlin, Novalis, Kierkegaard, Dostoyevsky, Kafka, Paragon House (New York, NY), 1991.

(With Norbert Greinacher) Katholische kirche, wohin? Wider den Verrat am Konzil, R. Piper (Munich, Germany), 1986.

(With Walter Jens, Karl-Josef Kuschel, and others) Theologie und Literatur: Zum Strand des Dialogs, Kindler (Munich, Germany), 1986.

Church and Change: The Irish Experience, Gill & Macmillan (Dublin, Ireland), 1986.

Theologie im Aufbruch: Eine ökumenische Grundlegung, R. Piper (Munich, Germany), 1987, translation by Peter Heinegg published as Theology for the Third Millennium: An Ecumenical View, Doubleday (New York, NY), 1988.

Woran man sich halten kann, translation by David Smith and others published as Why I Am Still a Christian, edited by E. C. Hughes, Abingdon Press (Nashville, TN), 1987.

(With Walter Jens) Anwälte der Humanität: Thomas Mann, Hermann Hesse, Heinrich Böll, Kindler (Munich, Germany), 1989.

(With Julia Ching) Christianity and Chinese Religions (originally published as Christentum und Chinesische Religion), Doubleday (New York, NY), 1989.

Reforming the Church Today: Keeping Hope Alive, (originally published as Die Hoffnung bewahren: Schriften zur Reform der Kirche), translated by Peter Heinegg and Francis McDonagh, Crossroad (New York, NY), 1990.

Projekt Weltethos, R. Piper (Munich, Germany), 1990, translation by John Bowden published as Global Responsibility: In Search of a New World Ethic, Crossroad (New York, NY), 1991, published with new preface, SCM Press (London, England), 1991.

Das Judentum, R. Piper (Munich, Germany), 1991, translation by John Bowden published as Judaism: Between Yesterday and Tomorrow, Crossroad (New York, NY), 1992, published as Judaism: The Religious Situation of Our Time, SCM Press (London, England), 1992.

Credo: das Apostolische Glaubensbekenntnis Zeietgenossen erklärt, R. Piper (Munich, Germany), 1992, translation by John Bowden published as Credo: The Apostle's Creed Explained for Today, Doubleday (New York, NY), 1993.

Mozart, Spuren der Transzendenz, R. Piper (Munich, Germany), 1992, translation by John Bowden published as Mozart: Traces of Transcendence, William B. Eerdmans Publishing (Grand Rapids, MI), 1993.

Die Schweiz ohne Orientierung? Europäische Perspektiven, Benziger (Zurich, Switzerland), 1992.

Great Christian Thinkers, Continuum (New York, NY), 1994.

Das Christentum: Wesen und Geschichte, R. Piper (Munich, Germany), 1994, translation published as Christianity: Essence, History and Future, Continuum (New York, NY), 1995.

(With Walter Jens and others) Dying with Dignity: A Plea for Personal Responsibility, translated by John Bowden, Continuum (New York, NY), 1995, published as A Dignified Dying: A Plea for Personal Responsibility, SCM Press (London, England), 1995.

Weltethos f̈r Weltpolitik und Weltwirtschaft, R. Piper (Munich, Germany), 1997, translation by John Bowden published as A Global Ethic for Global Politics and Economics, Oxford University Press (New York, NY), 1998.

The Catholic Church: A Short History, translated by John Bowden, Modern Library (New York, NY), 2001.

Die Frau im Christentum, R. Piper (Munich, Germany), 2001.

Erkämpfte Freiheit: Erinnerungen, R. Piper (Munich, Germany), 2002.

Tracing the Way: Spiritual Dimensions of the World Religions, translated by John Bowden, Continuum (New York, NY), 2002.

Wozu Weltethos? Religion und Ethik in Zeiten der Globalisierung, Herder (Freiburg, Germany), 2002.

My Struggle for Freedom: Memoirs, translated by John Bowden, William B. Eerdmans Publishing (Grand Rapids, MI), 2003.

Shorter works include "Gottesdienst, warum?," Benziger (Einsiedeln, Switzerland), 1976. Contributor to books, including Begegnung der Christen: Festschrift O. Karrer, edited by Maxmilian Rösle and Oscar Cullman, Evangelisches Verlagswerk (Stuttgart, Germany), 1959, translation edited by D. J. Callahan, Heiko A. Oberman, and Daniel O'Hanlon published as Christianity Divided: Protestant and Catholic Theological Issues, Sheed & Ward (New York, NY), 1961; Einsicht und Glaube: Festschrift G. Söhngen, edited by Joseph Ratzinger and Heinrich Fries, Herder (Freiberg im Breisgau, Germany), 1962; Looking toward the Council: An Inquiry among Christians, Herder (Freiberg im Breisgau, Germany), 1962; and Freedom and Man, edited by John Courtney Murray, P. J. Kenedy (New York, NY), 1965. Contributor of more than 500 articles to periodicals in Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands, England, and the United States, including Cross Currents, Sign, Catholic Digest, Sunday Visitor, New York Times, Commonweal, Christian Century, Irish Times, Journal for the Study of Christian Culture, and Critic.

Some of Küng's writings have been translated into French and Chinese.


(With Yves Congar and Daniel O'Hanlon) Konzilsreden, Benziger (Einsiedeln, Switzerland), 1964, translation published as Council Speeches of Vatican II, Paulist Press (Glen Rock, NJ), 1964.

(And contributor) The Church and Ecumenism, Paulist Press (New York, NY), 1965.

Do We Know the Others?, Paulist Press (New York, NY), 1966.

(And author of preface) The Sacraments: An Ecumenical Dilemma, Paulist Press (New York, NY), 1967.

(And author of preface) The Unknown God? (translation of Are We Searching for God? by Joseph Möller, The God of the Beginnings and of Today by Herbert Haag, and Encounter with God by Gotthold Hasenhüttl; originally published separately in German), Sheed & Ward (New York, NY), 1967.

(And contributor) Apostolic Succession: Rethinking a Barrier to Unity, Paulist Press (New York, NY), 1968.

(And author of preface) Life in the Spirit (translation of volumes by Karl H. Schelkle, Thomas A. Sartory, and Michael Pfliegler originally published separately in German), Sheed & Ward (New York, NY), 1968.

The Future of Ecumenism, Paulist Press (New York, NY), 1969.

Post-Ecumenical Christianity, Herder (New York, NY), 1970.

Papal Ministry in the Church, Herder (New York, NY), 1971, published as The Petrine Ministry in the Church, Burns & Oates (London, England), 1971.

(With Walter Kasper) The Plurality of Ministries, Herder (New York, NY), 1972.

(With Walter Kasper) Polarization in the Church, Herder (New York, NY), 1973.

Fehlbar? Eine Bilanz, Benziger (Zurich, Switzerland), 1973.

(With Walter Kasper) Christians and Jews, Seabury Press (New York, NY), 1974.

(With David Tracy and Johann B. Metz) Toward Vatican III: The Work That Needs to Be Done, Seabury Press (New York, NY), 1978.

(With Jürgen Moltmann) Why Did God Make Me?, Seabury Press (New York, NY), 1978.

(With Jürgen Moltmann) An Ecumenical Confession of Faith?, Seabury Press (New York, NY), 1979.

(With Jürgen Moltmann) Conflicts about the Holy Spirit, Seabury Press (New York, NY), 1979.

(With Jürgen Moltmann) Conflicting Ways of Interpreting the Bible, Seabury Press (New York, NY), 1980.

(With Jürgen Moltmann) Who Has the Say in the Church?, Seabury Press (New York, NY), 1981.

(With Jürgen Moltmann) The Right to Dissent, Seabury Press (New York, NY), 1982.

(With Jürgen Moltmann) Mary in the Churches, Seabury Press (New York, NY), 1983.

(With Jürgen Moltmann) Christianity among World Religions, T. & T. Clark (Edinburgh, Scotland), 1986.

(With Leonard Swidler) The Church in Anguish: Has the Vatican Betrayed Vatican II?, Harper (New York, NY), 1987.

(With Jürgen Moltmann) A Council for Peace, T. & T. Clark (Edinburgh, Scotland), 1988.

(With David Tracy) Paradigm Change in Theology, two volumes (originally published as Theologie—Wohin? and Das Neue Paradigma von Theologie), translated by Margaret Kohl, Crossroad (New York, NY), 1989.

(With Jürgen Moltmann) The Ethics of World Religions and Human Rights, Trinity Press International (Philadelphia, PA), 1990.

(With Jürgen Moltmann) Fundamentalism As an Ecumenical Challenge, SCM Press (London, England), 1992.

(With Karl-Josef Kuschel) Weltfrieden durch Religionsfrieden: Antworten aus den Weltreligionen, R. Piper (Munich, Germany), 1993.

(With Karl-Josef Kuschel) A Global Ethic: The Declaration of the Parliament of the World's Religions, special edition, Continuum (New York, NY), 1993.

(With Jürgen Moltmann) Islam: A Challenge for Christianity, Orbis Books (Maryknoll, NY), 1994.

(And author of preface) Ja zum Weltethos: Perspektiven für die Suche nach Orientierung, R. Piper (Munich, Germany), 1995, translation published as Yes to a Global Ethic: Voices from Religion and Politics, Continuum (New York, NY), 1996.

(With Karl-Josef Kuschel) Wissenschaft und Weltethos, R. Piper (Munich, Germany), 1998.

(With H. Schmidt) A Global Ethic and Global Responsibilities: Two Declarations, SCM Press (London, England), 1998.

(With Berthold Leibinger and Werner Spies) Auf sicherem Fundament: Festschrift für Erwin Teufel, Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt (Stuttgart, Germany), 1999.

(With Dieter Senghaas) Friedenspolitik: ethische Grundlagen internationaler Beziehungen, R. Piper (Munich, Germany), 2003.

Editor of the series "Theologische Meditationen," Benziger (Einsiedeln, Switzerland), beginning 1964, and "Concilium"; coeditor of the series "Ökumenische Forschungen," Herder (Einsiedeln, Switzerland), and "Ökumenische Theologie." Associate editor, Tübinger Theologische Quartalschrift, 1960-80, Journal of Ecumenical Studies, beginning 1964, and Revue Internationale de Theologie Concilium, beginning 1965; member of editorial board, Buddhist-Christian Studies, 1987—, Currents of Encounter: Studies on the Contact between Christianity and Other Religions, Beliefs, and Cultures, 1988—, Journal of Religious Pluralism, 1989—, Christian Culture Review, 1990—, and International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 1991—; member of executive editorial committee, Concilium.

SIDELIGHTS: Swiss-born theologian Hans Küng is credited with modernizing the outlook of the Roman Catholic Church from a rigidly anti-Protestantism viewpoint that grew out of the historic Council of Trent (1545) to the far more liberal one reflected by the standards established in Vatican Council II, called by Pope John XXIII in 1962. Over a span of more than four decades, Küng has advanced from his initial study of Roman Catholic institutions, through an examination of the basic tenets of Catholicism, to directly addressing the question of whether or not God exists. His work became well known on an international level during the 1960s, due to his extensive lecturing and wide-ranging travel. Among Küng's numerous works, many of which have been translated into English, are Unfehlbar? Eine anfrage, Ewiges Leben?, and Ja zum Weltethos: Perspektiven für die Suche nach Orientierung, a collection of essays that he edited in 1996.

Küng's quest for greater freedom within the strictures of the Catholic Church underlies much of his work, including his magnum opus, Christ sein. In the theologian's first book, Rechtfertigung: die Lehre Karl Barths und eine katholische Besinnung, Küng attempts to reconcile the beliefs of noted Protestant theologian Karl Barth with Roman Catholicism with regards to grace, or "justification"—the means by which an individual is ultimately reconciled with God—one of the most-divisive issues of the Reformation. Showing that modern Protestantism as outlined by Barth is an outgrowth of centuries of modifications, the author concludes that "there is a fundamental agreement between Karl Barth's position and that of the Catholic Church seen in its totality."

In Unfehlbar? Eine anfrage, Küng delves deeper into the workings of the modern Church and traces the roots of a belief held by many Catholics for centuries: that in regard to major pronouncements, the pope cannot err. Citing numerous instances of papal error, Küng contends that the Church and, by extension, the pope, are human and capable of making mistakes; only God is infallible. While papal infallibility was dogmatized by the First Vatican Council's designation of the pope as "Vice-God of Man" in 1870, it began quietly to be questioned in the years following. Küng's purpose in publishing his work was to openly articulate that questioning and argue for the repudiation of the century-old dogma. While Commonweal reviewer Gregory Baum took issue with the author over what he termed Küng's "vehement, though brilliant polemical style" and the theologian's unwillingness to concede that though mistakes were made throughout history, many were later corrected, Martin E. Martin praised the work as "a reverent book by a disappointed man who urges that Catholicism live not by the propositions of the church but by Christ's gospel," in his review of Infallible for the New York Times Book Review.

In Ewiges Leben?, Küng focuses on man's quest for eternal life through faith. Divided into three sections, the volume presents the problem, outlines the history of philosophical thought on the subject of eternal life, and then examines the manner in which several different religious traditions attempt to come to terms with it.

Once again taking the role of religious arbitrator, Küng attempts to bridge theological gaps between Christians and Jews in Das Judentum. Ranging from a study of the Jewish Jesus to the Catholic Church's relentless persecution of the Jews throughout history, Küng confronts the issues dividing two of the world's major religions. Again the scholar divides his work into three sections: the history of Judaism, from its tribal beginnings through its modern incarnation—what Küng sees as assimilation into Christian-dominated cultures; contemporary issues such as Christians' post-Holocaust guilt, and the problems surrounding the establishment of the modern state of Israel; and a conclusion that predicts the future course of Judaism. While the 753-page volume was praised by several critics for what a Choice reviewer deemed "a major work," Commonweal critics Eugene Fisher and Jack Bemporad took issue with Küng, citing the theologian's "needlessly harsh rhetoric" with regard to the Jewish people and his lack of scholarship in presenting such a broad topic. "Küng's aim may simply have exceeded his reach," the reviewers maintained, adding that although the project may have been "well intentioned," "Jewish readers—with good cause—are likely to find this volume, which purports after all to present their faith and their traditions, to be insensitive and inaccurate."

Despite his early fame and mainstream acceptance as a theological scholar—Küng served as an advisor to the Second Vatican Council—his increasingly unconventional views resulted in restrictions being placed on his teaching position at the University of Tübingen after he was censored by the Vatican in 1980. However, he remains an influential voice in Roman Catholic circles, and his works continue to be widely read. Because of demand for his work, many of Küng's essays for German publications have been collected and translated into English, including Theology for the Third Millennium: An Ecumenical View, containing works dating from the 1960s through the 1980s. Readers of this collection can clearly discern the evolution of Küng's thought during his controversial career, as he seeks to create a new paradigm with regard to the way Roman Catholics will view the Church in the coming thousand years. While his theology continues to be considered radical—even heretical—in some circles, Küng maintains a deep loyalty to the Christian foundations of his faith, a loyalty shared by many progressive and liberal-minded Roman Catholics.



Anatharackal, T., Towards a Theocentric Normative Christology: A Critical Analysis of the ChristologicalProject of Hans Küng within the Framework of the Theology of Religions, Catholic University of Louvain (Louvain, Belgium), 2002.

Becker, Rolf, Hans Küng und die Ökumene: evanglische Katholizität als Modell, Matthias-Grünewald-Verlag (Mainz, Germany), 1996.

Duggan, G. H., Hans Küng and Reunion, Newman Press (Mahwah, NJ), 1964.

Eingel, U. and Walter Jens, Um nichts als die Wahrheit, R. Piper (Munich, Germany), 1978.

Greinacher, Norbert and Herbert Haag, editors, Der Fall Küng: e. Dokumentation, R. Piper (Munich, Germany), 1980.

Häring, Hermann and J. Nolte, Diskussion um Hans Küng "Die Kirche," [Vienna, Austria], 1971.

Häring, Hermann and Karl-Joseph Kuschel, editors, Hans Küng: Weg und Werk, R. Piper (Munich, Germany), 1978, translation by Robert Nowell published as Hans Küng: His Work and His Way, Fount Paperbacks (London, England), 1979.

Häring, Hermann and Karl-Joseph Kuschel, editors, Hans Küng: New Horizons for Faith and Thought, Continuum (New York, NY), 1993.

Häring, Hermann, Hans Küng: Breaking Through, SCM Press (London, England), 1998.

Hinsdale, Mary Ann, Hans Küng's Use of Scripture: Theological, Hermeneutical, and Socio-Critical Perspectives, Peter Lang (New York, NY), 1996.

Jens, Walter, Literature & Religion, translated from the German by Peter Heinegg, Paragon House (New York, NY), 1991.

Jens, Walter and Karl-Josef Kuschel, Dialog mit Hans Küng, R. Piper (Munich, Germany), 1996, translation published as Dialogue with Hans Küng, SCM Press (London, England), 1997.

Kiwiet, John, Hans Küng, Word Books (Waco, TX), 1985.

Küng, Hans, Rechtfertigung: die Lehre Karl Barths und eine katholische Besinnung, Johannes Verlag (Einsiedeln, Switzerland), 1957, 4th enlarged edition, 1964, translation by Thomas Collins, Edmund E. Tolk, and David Granskou published as Justification: The Doctrine of Karl Barth and a Catholic Reflection, Thomas Nelson (New York, NY), 1964, published with a letter from Karl Barth, Burns & Oates (London, England), 1966, 40th anniversary edition with new foreword by Hermann Häring, Westminster John Knox Press (Louisville, KY), 2003.

Küng, Hans, My Struggle for Freedom: Memoirs, translated by John Bowden, William B. Eerdmans Publishing (Grand Rapids, MI), 2003.

Nowell, Robert, A Passion for Truth: Hans Küng and His Theology, Crossroad (New York, NY), 1981.

Rebeiro, Manual, The Church As the Community of the Believers: Hans Küng's Concept of the Church As a Proposal for an Ecumenical Ecclesiology, Volumes 1-2, Intercultural Publications (New Delhi, India), 2001.

Robinson, Donald, The 100 Most Important People in the World Today, Putnam (New York, NY), 1970.

Swidler, Leonard, Küng in Conflict, Doubleday (Garden City, NY), 1981.


America, October 19, 1963; May 22, 1965; April 20, 1968; November 20, 1976; September 22, 1979; July 19-26, 1980; March 25, 1989, p. 274; April 22, 1989, p. 374; April 14, 1990, p. 384; October 31, 1992, p. 332; October 21, 1995, p. 23.

Best Sellers, April 15, 1971; July 1, 1972; April, 1977; July, 1978; September, 1979.

Choice, October, 1992, review of Das Judentum, p. 318.

Christian Century, September 1, 1965; June 1, 1966; September 11, 1968; May 19, 1971; March 2, 1977; November 24, 1978; September 24, 1980; September 12, 1984, pp. 842-843; January 4, 1989, p. 21; March 15, 1989, p. 290; March 7, 1990, p. 254; May 29, 1991, p. 599; October 16, 1991, p. 945; March 17, 1993, p. 299; March 2, 1994, p. 231; May 18, 1994, p. 530; December 20, 1995, p. 1250.

Commonweal, July 5, 1963; August 7, 1964; February 5, 1965; May 6, 1966; February 28, 1969; April 9, 1971, Gregory Baum, review of Unfehlbar? Eine anfrage, pp. 103-105; August 25, 1972; May 23, 1975; December 3, 1976; March 4, 1977; June 24, 1977; March 3, 1978; February 29, 1980; May 9, 1980; November 7, 1980; January 29, Eugene Fisher and Jack Bemporad, review of Das Judentum, 1993, pp. 29-30; April 7, 1995, p. 29; December 15, 1995, p. 22.

Critic, October, 1963; December, 1964-January, 1965; April, 1965; June, 1966; June, 1968; December, 1968; July, 1971; spring, 1977; October, 1979; October, 1980; November, 1980.

Detroit Free Press, September 25, 1983.

Economist, January 22, 1977; April 20, 1991, p. 89.

Los Angeles Times, November 14, 1980.

Los Angeles Times Book Review, January 4, 1987; July 29, 1987.

National Catholic Reporter, September 24, 1993, p. 11.

National Review, May 3, 1966; July 23, 1990, p. 45.

New Perspectives Quarterly, spring, 1991, p. 44.

New Republic, May 15, 1971; July 21, 1979; July 28, 1979; November 8, 1980.

New Statesman, January 16, 1981.

Newsweek, January 25, 1971; July 16, 1973; December 6, 1976; July 8, 1991, B. Ivry, "The Christian Thing to Do"; August 12, 1996, "New Rules to Live By," p. 54.

New Yorker, February 7, 1977.

New York Review of Books, May 15, 1968, p. 16; August 22, 1968; February 7, 1980.

New York Times, June 11, 1967; February 8, 1980.

New York Times Book Review, October 27, 1963; March 7, 1965; May 5, 1968; April 4, 1971, Martin E. Martin, review of Unfehlbar?, p. 6; September 17, 1972; December 19, 1976; July 22, 1979; January 11, 1981; April 19, 1981; May 6, 1984.

New York Times Magazine, October 12, 1975.

Observer, January 16, 1977.

Publishers Weekly, September 26, 1980; October 5, 1990, p. 85; October 26, 1990, p. 60; March 9, 1992, p. 44; April 11, 1994, p. 30; June 12, 1995, p. 28; April, 22, 1996, p. 65.

Saturday Review, June 9, 1962; December 21, 1963; March 29, 1969; April 10, 1971.

Spectator, January 22, 1977.

Third Way: The Modern World through Christian Eyes, Volume 24, number 1, 2001, R. McCloughry, "Thinking Big," pp. 18-21.

Time, July 8, 1962; September 20, 1963; February 23, 1968; July 16, 1973; March 3, 1975; January 3, 1977.

Times (London, England), January 8, 1987.

Times Literary Supplement, October 21, 1965; August 25, 1966; August 1, 1968; November 21, 1980; September 25, 1987.

Washington Post Book World, November 28, 1976.


Stiftung Weltethos für interkulturelle und interreligiöse Forschung, Bildung und Begegnung,http://www.uni-tuebingen.de/stiftung-weltethos/ (March 17, 2004).

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