Kufeldt, Kathleen

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Kufeldt, Kathleen


Born in Hounslow, England; daughter of John and Cathleen Galvin; married Kenneth Kufeldt (a banker), 1961; children: Peter, Catherine Kufeldt Cartmill, John, Patricia Kufeldt Orozco, Thomas. Education: University of Edinburgh, certificate in social studies, 1957; University of Southampton, certificate in social casework, 1958; University of Calgary, B.S.W. (with distinction), 1976, M.S.W., 1977, Ph.D., 1981.


Home—St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada; fax: 709-738-8003. Office—Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre for Family Violence Research, University of New Brunswick, P.O. Box 4400, Fredericton, New Brunswick E3B 5A3, Canada. E-mail—kathleen.kufeldt@nf.sympatico.ca.


Parke Davis and Co. Ltd., pricing and costing clerk, 1950-54; London County Council, London, England, house mother in a group home for children, 1954-55; Hampshire County Council, Winchester, Hampshire, England, probation officer, 1958-60; City of Medicine Hat, Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada, probation officer and acting director of child welfare, 1960-61; Catholic Family and Child Service, Edmonton, Alberta, family counselor, 1964-65, 1971-73; City of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, juvenile probation of- ficer, 1975; University of Calgary, Calgary, postdoctoral fellow, 1981-82, instructor, 1981-85, assistant professor, 1982-85, associate professor, 1989-93, professor of social work, 1993; Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada, professor of social work and chair of child protection, 1993-97; University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada, adjunct professor and child welfare consultant, 1996—. Inter-University of Dubrovnik, course director, 1989-93; lecturer at other institutions, including Thebacha College, University of Newcastle, St. Thomas University, and Dalhousie University; workshop and seminar participant; guest on Canadian media programs. Who Cares Society of Alberta, organizer, 1979, chair, 1981-82; Calgary Diocesan Synod, cochair of Commission on the Domestic Family, 1990-93; Mediation Newfoundland and Labrador, board member, 1996-97; Community Services Council of St. John, board member, 1996- 2000; Newfoundland and Labrador Youth in Care, board member, 1997-2000; International Foster Care Organization, board member, 2003-07, executive secretary, 2005-07; member of Canadian Council on Social Development; consultant to other organizations and agencies, including Calgary Coalition for the Support of Persons on Welfare, Bow River Correctional Centre for Young Offenders, and Learning Disabilities Association of Canada.


International Society for Child Abuse and Neglect, International Foster Care Organization (secretary general), Canadian Association of Social Workers, Mediation Society of Newfoundland and Labrador, Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Social Workers.


Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, postdoctoral fellow, 1981-82, and grants, 1987-88, 2000-06; Killam resident fellowship, 1993; Florence O'Neill Memorial Friend of Adult Education Award, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1997; grants from Alberta Social Services, Laidlaw Foundation and Toronto Sick Children's Hospital, Human Resources Development of Canada, Bell Canada, and Child Welfare League of Canada.


(Editor, with B. McKenzie, and contributor) Child Welfare: Connecting Research, Policy, and Practice, Wilfrid Laurier University Press (Waterloo, Ontario, Canada), 2003.

Contributor to books, including The State As Parent, edited by J. Hudson and B. Galaway, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1989; International Perspectives on Specialist Foster Family Care, edited by B. Galaway, D. Maglajlic, and others, Human Service Associates (St. Paul, MN), 1990; Current Perspectives on Foster Family Care, edited by B. McKenzie, Wall & Emerson (Toronto, Ontario, Canada), 1993; Canadian Children in 1997, edited by Annette Richardson, Kanata Learning (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada), 1997; and Promoting the Wellbeing of Vulnerable Children, edited by J. Scott and H. Ward, Jessica Kingsley Publishers (London, England), 2005. Contributor of articles and reviews to academic journals, including Adoption and Fostering, Social Worker, Child Welfare, International Journal of Children's Rights, Child Abuse and Neglect: International Journal, Journal of Health and Social Policy, British Journal of Social Work, Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health, and Child and Family Social Work. Book review editor, Canadian Children: Journal of the Canadian Association for Young Children, 1984-86; Community Alternatives: International Journal of Family Care, associate editor, 1988-99, senior editor, 1995-99; associate editor, Child and Youth Services Review, 1994—; member of review board, Canadian Social Work Review, 1995—; member of editorial board, Child and Family Social Work, 1997—.



Community Action, July 12, 2004, Sheila Tiernay, review of Child Welfare: Connecting Research, Policy, and Practice, p. 7.