Koš, Erih 1913–

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Koš, Erih 1913–

PERSONAL: Born April 15, 1913, in Sarajevo, Yugoslavia. Education: Belgrade Faculty of Law, graduated 1935.

ADDRESSES: Agent—c/o Author Mail, Srpska knjizevna zadruga, Srpskih vladara 19/I, YU-11000 Belgrade, Serbia.

CAREER: Lawyer, 1935–41; Cultural Committee of Government of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia, president; Yugoslavian Ministry for Culture and Education, diplomat; Yugoslavian National Museum, assistant director; Yugoslav League for Peace, Independence and Equality of Peoples, secretary general, 1964–69; Contemporary (magazine), founder and first editor. Military service: Fought with the Serbian partisans during World War II.

MEMBER: Association of Writers of Serbia, PEN Club of Serbia (past president), Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts.

AWARDS, HONORS: Yugoslav Writers Association award, 1958, for Big Poppy; Belgrade October award, 1964, for Prvo lice jednine; NIN award, 1968, for Mreze; Seventh of July Award, for life accomplishments; lifetime achievement award, Zlatni Beocug, 2003.


Tri hronike (stories; title means "Three Chronicles"), 1949.

Zapisi o mladim ljudima (stories; title means "Notes on Young People"), 1950.

Vreme: ratno (stories; title means "Time: War"), Novo Pokolenje (Belgrade, Yugoslavia), 1952.

Veliki Mak (novel), 1956, translation by Lovett F. Edwards published as The Strange Story of the Great Whale, also Known as Big Mac, Harcourt (New York, NY), 1962.

Il tifo (novel), Matica Srpska (Belgrade, Yugoslavia), 1958.

Kao vuci, Nolit (Belgrade, Yugoslavia), 1958.

Novosadski pokolj (novel; title means "Slaughter at Novi Sad"), Rad (Belgrade, Yugoslavia), 1961.

Vrapci Van Pea (novel), Nolit (Belgrade, Yugoslavia), 1962.

Prvo lice jednine (stories; title means "First Person Singular"), Veselin Maslesa (Sarajevo, Yugoslavia), 1963.

Names (novel; originally published in Serbo-Croatian), 1964, translation by Lovett F. Edwards, Harcourt (New York, NY), 1966.

Mreze (novel; title means "Nets"), Matica Srpska (Novi Sad, Yugoslavia), 1967.

Satire, 1968.

Mesano drustvo, 1969.

Eis, 1970.

Zasto da ne? (essays; title means "Why Not?"), Nolit (Belgrade, Yugoslavia), 1971.

Dosije Hrabak (novel; title means "Hrabak File"), Prosveta (Belgrade, Yugoslavia), 1971.

Cve'ce i bodlje, 1972.

Na autobuskoj stanici (stories; title means "At the Bus Stop"), Prosveta (Belgrade, Yugoslavia), 1974.

Rasskazy, 1974.

Sneg i led, [Belgrade, Yugoslavia], 1977.

U potrazi za mesijom (novel; title means "Searching for Messiah"), 1978.

Short Story and Story Telling, 1980.

Izlet u Paragvaj (stories; title means "Journey to Paraguay"), Prosveta (Belgrade, Yugoslavia), 1983.

Stories from Bosnia, 1984.

Satira i satiricari (essays; title means "Satire and Satirists"), Prosveta (Belgrade, Yugoslavia), 1985.

Samforova smrt (novel; title means "Death of Samfor"), [Belgrade, Yugoslavia], 1986.

Pisac govora (novel; title means "Talks with Writers"), Svjetost (Sarajevo, Yugoslavia), 1989.

Odlomci se'canja pisci (title means "Fragments and Memories"), Prosveta (Belgrade, Yugoslavia), Volume one, 1990, Volume two, 1996.

Uzgredne zabeleske (essays; title means "Side Notes"), Svjetlost (Sarajevo, Yugoslavia), 1990.

Izmedu redova (essays; title means "Between the Lines"), Prosveta (Belgrade, Yugoslavia), 1994.

Ku'ca 25a (novel; title means "House No. 25a") Srpska Knjizevna Zadruga (Belgrade, Yugoslavia), 1994.

Nove i stare bosanske price, BIGZ (Belgrade, Yugoslavia), 1996.

Poverljivi izvestaj: o upotrebi i svetskom dejstvu kokakole: spijunsko-satiricna farsa, Srpska Knjizevna Zadruga (Belgrade, Yugoslavia), 1997.

Also author of other works published in Serbian, including Fire (stories), 1947; The Best Years (stories), 1955; As Wolves (stories), 1958; and That Strange Writers' Craft (essays), 1965. Translator of works from German and English to Serbo-Croatian.

SIDELIGHTS: Erih Koš held several positions with the Yugoslav government. He then became a journalist and a prolific writer of essays, articles, stories, and novels, many of which have been translated and published internationally, including several in English.



Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts Web site, http://www.sanu.ac.yu/ (July 3, 2005).

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