Kooistra, Lorraine Janzen 1953-

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KOOISTRA, Lorraine Janzen 1953-

(Lorraine Janzen)

PERSONAL: Born February 19, 1953, in Vineland, Ontario, Canada; daughter of John G. (a home builder) and Irma Marie (a teacher and secretary; maiden name, Koop) Janzen; married John Peter Kooistra (an English professor and writer), August 26, 1972; children: Alison Marie, John Adam. Ethnicity: "Dutch-Russian Mennonite." Education: Brock University, B.A. (with honors), 1977; McMaster University, M.A., 1988, Ph.D., 1993.

ADDRESSES: Office—Ryerson University, Department of English, Jorgenson Hall, Toronto, 380 Victoria St., Ontario, Canada, M5B 2K3. E-mail—lorraine@nipissingu.ca.

CAREER: Writer. Lincoln County Board of Education, Ontario, Canada, primary school teacher, 1973–75, 1977–79; University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, postdoctoral fellow, 1992–94; Nipissing University, North Bay, Ontario, assistant professor, 1994–98, associate professor, 1998–2002, professor of English studies and department chair, 2002–04; Ryerson University, Toronto, English department chair, 2005–.

MEMBER: Modern Language Association, Society for the History of Authorship, Reading, and Publishing, North American Victorian Studies Association, As-sociation of Canadian College and University Teachers of English (Nipissing University representative, 1997–2004), Canadian League of Poets, William Morris Society of Canada, Imaginative Book Illustration Society, Victorian Studies Association of Ontario (president, 1999–2001), Northeast Victorian Studies Association.

AWARDS, HONORS: Governor General's Gold Medal, McMaster University, 1993; Chancellor's Award for excellence in research, Nipissing University, 2002.


The Artist as Critic: Bitextuality in Fin-de-siècle Illustrated Books, Scholar Press (Brookfield, VT), 1995.

(Editor, with Mary Arseneau and Antony H. Harrison) The Culture of Christina Rossetti: Female Poetics and Victorian Contexts, Ohio University Press (Athens, OH), 1999.

Christina Rossetti and Illustration: A Publishing History, Ohio University Press (Athens, OH), 2002.

(As Lorraine Janzen) Learning to See in the Dark (poetry), Wolsak and Wynn (Toronto, Ontario, Canada), 2003.

Contributor of scholarly articles to periodicals, including Victorian Poetry, Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies, Children's Literature, English Studies in Canada, Biography, Prairie Fire, Hopkins Quarterly, New Quarterly, Mosaic, Imaginative Book Illustration Society Journal, Antiquarian Book Monthly, English Literature in Transition, University of Toronto Quarterly, and Victorian Studies Association of Ontario Newsletter. Contributor to books, including Confessional Politics: Women's Sexual Self-Representations in Life Writing and Popular Media, edited by Irene Gammel, Southern Illinois University Press (Carbondale, IL), 1999; A Companion to Victorian Poetry, edited by Richard Cronin, Alison Chapman, and Antony H. Harrison, Basil Blackwell (Oxford, England), 2002; Studies in Honour of William E. Fredeman, edited by David Latham, University of Toronto Press (Toronto, Ontario, Canada), 2003; and Outsiders Looking In: The Rossettis Then and Now, edited by David Clifford and Laurence Roussillon, Anthem Press (London, England), 2003. Also contributor, as Lorraine Janzen, of poetry to periodicals, including Canadian Woman Studies, New Quarterly, Secrets from the Orange Couch, Canadian Mennonite, and Museletter. Author's poems have been anthologized in Spring-Fever: An Anthology of Poems from the Ontario Division of the League of Canadian Poets (W)Rites of Spring 1997, edited by Roger Nash, Scivener Press (Sudbury, Ontario, Canada), 1997; and Licking the Honey off a Thorn: An Anthology of Poems from the Ontario Division of the League of Canadian Poets (W)Rites of Spring 1998, edited by Roger Nash, Catchfire Press (North Bay, Ontario, Canada), 1998. Rossetti Archive, William Morris Society Journal, and Nineteenth-Century Feminisms, editorial board member.

WORK IN PROGRESS: Book-length study of Victorian poetry and illustration, research on Victorian publisher and bookseller F.S. Ellis.



Victorian Studies, spring, 2002, Joseph Bristow, review of The Culture of Christina Rossetti: Female Poetics and Victorian Contexts, p. 501; winter, 2004, Catherine J. Golden, review of Christina Rossetti and Illustration: A Publishing History, p. 355.

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Kooistra, Lorraine Janzen 1953-

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