Kardulias, P. Nick 1952- (Paul Nick Kardulias)

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Kardulias, P. Nick 1952- (Paul Nick Kardulias)


Born May 11, 1952, in McKeesport, PA; son of Drosos G. (a steel worker) and Theodosia (a homemaker) Kardulias; divorced; children: Drosos Nicholas. Ethnicity: "Greek-American." Education: Youngstown State University, B.A. (summa cum laude), 1974, M.A. (history), 1977; State University of New York at Binghamton, M.A. (anthropology), 1980; Ohio State University, Ph.D., 1988. Politics: Democrat. Hobbies and other interests: Football, basketball, stamp collecting, travel.


Home—Wooster, OH. Office—Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Kauke Hall, College of Wooster, Wooster, OH 44691-2363; fax: 330-263-2614. E-mail—pkardulias@wooster.edu.


Youngstown State University, Youngstown, OH, adjunct member of anthropology faculty, 1980-84 and 1988-89; Kenyon College, Gambier, OH, visiting assistant professor of anthropology, 1989-93; College of Wooster, Wooster, OH, adjunct member of archaeology faculty, 1993-94; Kenyon College, visiting assistant professor of anthropology, 1994-96; College of Wooster, assistant professor, 1996-2001, associate professor, 2001-07, professor of anthropology and archaeology, 2007—, chair of archaeology program committee, 1999—. Field coordinator of Isthmia Excavations in Greece, 1988—; director of Kokosing River Basin Survey, 1991—; associate director of Athienou Archaeological Project in Cyprus, 1991—; participant in numerous excavations in Greece, Cyprus, and the United States. Guest lecturer at colleges and universities; public speaker. Ohio Archaeological Council, member of Native American Concerns Committee, 1999—. Reviews in Anthropology, member of editorial advisory board, 2005—.


American Anthropological Association (fellow), Archaeological Institute of America (life member; local chapter president, 2000-01, 2003—), Society for American Archaeology (life member), Society for Historical Archaeology (life member), Society for the Anthropology of Europe, Central States Anthropological Society (member of executive board, 2001-04), Sigma Xi, Phi Kappa Phi, Lambda Alpha (Gamma of Ohio chapter).


Frederick E.G. Valergakis grant for Isthmia, Hellenic University Club of New York, 1989; grants for Korinthia, Greece, Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research and National Geographic Society, 1991, and U.S. Department of Education and European Union, 1997-99; National Science Foundation grants for Cyprus, 1995, 1997, 1998, 1999-2001, 2004-07; teaching award, Archaeological Institute of America, 2002; Charles R. Jenkins Award for distinguished achievement, Lambda Alpha, 2002; Andrew W. Mellon Foundation grant, 2002-07.


(Editor and contributor) Beyond the Site: Regional Studies in the Aegean Area, University Press of America (Lanham, MD), 1994.

(Editor, with Mark T. Shutes, and contributor) Aegean Strategies: Studies of Culture and Environment on the European Fringe, Rowman & Littlefield (Lanham, MD), 1997.

(Editor and contributor) World-Systems Theory in Practice: Leadership, Production, and Exchange, Rowman & Littlefield (Lanham, MD), 1999.

(Editor, with Richard W. Yerkes, and contributor) Written in Stone: The Multiple Dimensions of Lithic Analysis, Lexington Books (Lanham, MD), 2003.

From Classical to Byzantine: Social Evolution in Late Antiquity and the Fortress at Isthmia, Greece, Archaeopress (Oxford, England), 2005.

Contributor to books, including Artifact and Assemblage: The Finds from a Regional Survey of the Southern Argolid, Greece, Volume 1: The Prehistoric Pottery and the Lithic Artifacts, edited by Curtis Runnels, Daniel Pullen, and Susan Langdon, Stanford University Press (Stanford, CA), 1996; A Contingent Countryside: Settlement, Economy, and Land Use in the Southern Argolid since 1700, edited by Susan Buck Sutton, Stanford University Press (Stanford, CA), 2000; Early Urban Life in the Land of Ashan: Excavations at Tal-e Malyan in the Highlands of Iran, edited by William Sumner, Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA), 2003; Mediterranean Archaeological Landscapes: Current Issues, edited by Effie Athanassopoulos and LuAnn Wandsnider, Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA), 2004; and Studying Societies and Cultures: Marvin Harris's Cultural Materialism and Its Legacy, edited by Lawrence Kuznar and Stephen Sanderson, Paradigm Publishers (Boulder, CO), 2007. Contributor of articles and reviews to professional journals, including Ohio History, American Indian Culture and Research Journal, Hesperia, American Antiquity, Old Northwest, Historical Archaeology, American Journal of Archaeology, Journal of Archaeological Science, and Journal of Field Archaeology. Guest editor, Journal of World Systems Research, 1996; contributing editor, Journal of Archaeological Research, 1991-96.


P. Nick Kardulias once told CA: "As a grade school student in Pennsylvania, reading about ancient history and the work of early excavators led to a fervent desire to become an archaeologist. By the time I was in the fifth grade, I had decided on my future occupation. A two-year stay in Greece between the ages of eleven and thirteen confirmed this interest, and I eventually pursued this dream as an undergraduate major in both history and anthropology. A doctorate in anthropology with a focus on the archaeology of Europe and the Near East provided the credentials for a career as a college educator. My interests in archaeology have remained rather broad, though, as I have participated in a number of excavations in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Illinois since 1974.

"An interest in recreating the ancient world is what inspired my professional writing. In addition, this active involvement in scholarship is vital to good teaching. As I conduct research, I find more material and insights that I can convey to students. With the stress on independent study as a vehicle for deep engagement with a discipline at Wooster, it is important that I maintain an active research agenda so that I am better able to guide students in their own efforts. The research activities in which I engage have two related aspects: field work and analysis. The geographic area of primary interest in my studies is the Eastern Mediterranean. I have been involved in fieldwork in Greece and Cyprus for more than twenty-five years. The research in the Eastern Mediterranean has resulted in a number of publications in which I examine the dynamics of culture change over time. I have also maintained archaeological research in Ohio. In addition to training students, I have used the Ohio work as an opportunity to inform the general public about archaeology through public lectures, visits to schools, and Archaeology Days in which interested members of the community learn firsthand about the techniques professionals use to explore the past; these events enhance the public's appreciation of local history.

"Topically, my major research interest is the analysis of stone tools, especially as they relate to craft specialization and the development of complex societies (the rise of civilization). I have published articles on lithics from both North America and Greece. I conduct micro-wear analysis of several collections; in the summer of 1990 I attended an international field school on micro-wear analysis in the U.S.S.R. to learn this important technique, which uses microscopes to discern minute traces on stone tools that indicate how the implements were used (for example, to scrape wood, or to drill shell).

"Since field research is a vital aspect of anthropology and archaeology, I encourage the active involvement of students in research projects. After certain individual students gain sufficient experience, I give them the responsibility of training others in field or laboratory procedures; as they learn from each other, the students see archaeology as a collaborative investigation. I have also made a regular practice of taking students to the Mediterranean for field work. In addition I have coauthored a number of papers with students. These activities allow students to see the full range of professional activities.

"One of the best ways to communicate to both students and the public the enthusiasm for a field and an appreciation for the complexities that it involves is for one to be engaged fully and energetically in moving a discipline forward. Some of my recent research has focused on the use of world-systems theory in archaeology. Formulated by economic historians and sociologists in the 1970s, many social scientists have adopted the world-systems model. This work has clarified my thinking, helped me to convey to students a deeper understanding of social change and to demonstrate the role of analytical frameworks in helping us make sense of the past. The world-systems approach emphasizes the interconnections between cultures, both in the past and the present. The interactions vary from unilateral exploitation to negotiation across a cultural divide. In the past the process often involved the expansion and contraction of imperial systems, and today it concerns the amalgam of events we call globalization. Investigating and writing about these past events continuously impresses on me the many traits that people share across time and space. For example, my study of the North American fur trade revealed that Native Americans played a far more active role in the creation of the system than is commonly believed. Many Indians negotiated shrewdly with whites and controlled the flow of furs to their benefit. The use of a world-systems perspective to examine the process of incorporation reveals the dynamics of cultural interaction."

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