Kamholz, Edward J. 1946–

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Kamholz, Edward J. 1946–

PERSONAL: Born August 6, 1946, in Portland, OR; son of Marvin (a newspaper owner and publisher) and Amy (a teacher; maiden name, Hughes) Kamholz; children: Mark. Education: University of Oregon, B.S. (business management), 1968; University of Portland, M.B.A., 1974; Foothill College, A.A. (graphic design), 2001. Hobbies and other interests: Hiking, fly-fishing, nature, visual arts, reading, storytelling, writing.

ADDRESSES: Home—1 Sorrel Lane, San Carlos, CA 94070. E-mail—ekamholz@comcast.net.

CAREER: Writer. International Telephone and Telegraph, Chicago, IL, marketing manager, 1976–80; Plantronics, Inc., Santa Cruz, CA, marketing manager, 1981–84; Cushman Electronics, San Jose, CA, director of marketing and sales, 1984–85; The Horizon Company, Menlo Park, CA, marketing consultant, 1986–2000; Designs by Design, San Carlos, CA, graphic designer, 2001–.

AWARDS, HONORS: 2004 Book Award, Bay Area Independent Publishers Association, for The Oregon-American Lumber Company: Ain't No More.


(With Jim Blain and Gregory Kamholz) The Oregon-American Lumber Company: Ain't No More, Stanford University Press (Stanford, CA), 2003.

Contributor to Business Age.

WORK IN PROGRESS: Pacific Northwest and Northwest Oregon history.

SIDELIGHTS: Edward J. Kamholz told CA: "I go where the materials lead me. I'm never quite sure of the destination until I arrive. I also edit my own work, endlessly. I wrote The Oregon-American Lumber Company: Ain't No More because the mechanical marvels of a steam-powered, stump-to-the-boxer lumbering operation were at my doorstep, bestowing me with a rich source of childhood memories. The sheer magnitude and depth of the former company president's correspondence files told of the social, economic, political, industry, and strategic issues underlying the company's existence from a single point of view and inspired me to write the company's story."

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