Junne, George H., Jr. 1953-

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Junne, George H., Jr. 1953-


Born May 10, 1953, in Philadelphia, PA; son of George H. (in the military) and Gertrude (a practical nurse; maiden name, Gant) Junne; divorced.Ethnicity: "African American." Education: University of Michigan, B.F.A., 1972, M.A., 1978, Ph.D., 1988.Politics: Independent.


Home—2557 18th Ave., Greeley, CO 80631. Office—Department of Africana Studies, University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, CO 80639.E-mail—ghjunne@aol.com.


Writer. University of Colorado, Boulder, instructor, 1988-2004; University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, professor of Africana studies, 1994—. Bogazici University, visiting professor, summers, 2000, 2002, 2004. Overseas Brats, volunteer director.


National Association for Ethnic Studies, Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, Western Social Science Association.


Charles C. Irby Award, National Association for Ethnic Studies, 2000.


Afroamerican History: A Chronicle of People of African Descent in the United States,Kendall/Hunt (Dubuque, IA), 1996.

Blacks in the American West and Beyond—America, Canada, and Mexico: A Selectively Annotated Bibliography, Greenwood Press (Westport, CT), 2000.

History of Blacks in Canada: A Selectively Annotated Bibliography, Greenwood Press (Westport, CT), 2003.


Massachusetts 54th, a Civil War history, completion expected in 2007; Neither Christian nor Heathen: African Muslim Slaves in theUnited States, 2007; research on black eunuchs of theOttoman Empire.


George H. Junne, Jr., told CA: "So far, I have tended to research topics that I find interesting or exciting. Many times it means that someone will ask me a question that I can't answer or I stumble across a little-known topic that someone will encourage me to investigate. The books on Blacks in the American West and in Canada came about because I was interested in both topics and could not locate adequate resources. Therefore, I created them and now no one can say that there is no information on either subject."

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