Irland, Lloyd C. 1946-

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Irland, Lloyd C. 1946-


Born 1946, in Chicago, IL. Education: Michigan State University, B.S.; University of Arizona, Tucson, M.S.; Yale University, Ph.D.


Office—The Irland Group, 174 Lord Rd., Wayne, ME 04284; Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies, 205 Prospect St., New Haven, CT 06511. E-mail—;;


Forester, educator, and writer. U.S. Forest Service, insect control manager administrator, then Director of Bureau of Public Lands, also served as an Associate Economist, beginning 1978; State of Maine, state economist; forestry consultant, 1987; The Irland Group (forestry consultation), founder and president, 1985—; Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies, New Haven, CT, assistant professor; University of Maine School of Forest Resources, Orono, faculty associate in forest management; Ecole Nationale Du Génie Rural des Eaux et des Forêts (ENGREF; French forestry School), Nancy, France, 2006. Also served as a research analyst at the Chicago Board of Trade, working on plywood and lumber futures. Military service: U.S. Army, served in the Vietnam War.


Labor Trends in Southern Forest Industries, 1950 to 1969, Southern Forest Experiment Station, Forest Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture (New Orleans, LA), 1972.

Is Timber Scarce? The Economics of a Renewable Resource, Yale University (New Haven, CT), 1974.

(Preparer, with M. Yvonne Gonzales and M. Ligare) Studies of the Federal Water Project Recreation Act: Its Operation in the New England Division, Army Corps of Engineers, and Technical Issues, U.S. Government Printing Office (Washington, DC), 1975.

(Editor) Manpower, Forest Industry's Key Resource: Papers Presented at the 39th Industrial Forestry Seminar, New Haven, Connecticut, May 20-24, 1974, Yale University (New Haven, CT), 1975.

(With Brian R. Payne and Richard C. Gannon) The Second-Home Recreation Market in the Northeast: A Problem Analysis of Economic, Social, and Environmental Impacts, U.S. Government Printing Office (Washington, DC), 1976.

Wilderness Economics and Policy, Lexington Books (Lexington, MA), 1979.

Wildlands and Woodlots: The Story of New England's Forests, University Press of New England (Hanover, MA), 1982.

A Just and Reasonable Price: State Cartelization of Maine's Milk Industry, State Planning Office (Augusta, ME), 1982.

Natural Resources in Maine's Economy, Maine State Planning Office (Augusta, ME), 1983.

(With Charles S. Colgan and Joyce Benson) The Natural Resource Industries of Maine: An Assessment and Statistical Portrait, Maine State Planning Office: Finance Authority of Maine (Augusta, ME), 1986.

(With Jody Jellison and Christopher Murdoch) Technology Development, Transfer, and Application Priorities for Maine Wood Products Industries, Maine Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Maine (Augusta, ME), 1989.

Maine's Economic Heritage, Commission on Maine's Future (Augusta, ME), 1989.

(Editor) Ethics in Forestry, Timber Press (Portland, OR), 1994.

The Northeast's Changing Forests, distributed by Harvard University Press for Harvard Forest (Petersham, MA), 1999.

Should the Log and Wood Product Trade Be Regulated in the Northeastern Borderlands? Canadian-American Center, University of Maine (Orono, ME), 2000.

(With Paul E. Sendak and Richard H. Widmann) Hardwood Pulpwood Stumpage Price Trends in the Northeast, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Research Station (Newton Square, PA); USDA Forest Service, Publications Distribution (Delaware, OH), 2001.

Contributor to professional journals and periodicals, including Forest Ecology and Management.


Lloyd C. Irland is a forestry expert whose primary interests are forestry planning, timber supply, policy evaluation, wood markets, trade, and impacts of climate change. He is also the editor and author of a number of books concerning forestry. His book Wilderness Economics and Policy focuses on the public's desire for preservation of the nation's forests and on the various ways the government implements its forestry policies in keeping with this mandate. In Ethics in Forestry, the author discusses the ethical frameworks that can help guide foresters. Drawing from a wide range of professional journals, including business, public policy, and forestry journals, Irland writes about various ethical viewpoints within the broad context of forestry and natural resource management ethics. "His style is to encourage readers to begin to ask the right questions—a refreshing contrast to approaches that attempt to teach the right answers," wrote David C. Iverson in the Journal of Soil and Water Conservation.

The Northeast's Changing Forests is a historical look at the Northeastern United States' forests and forestry practices. Writing in BioScience, Marc D. Abrams noted that the author "takes a broad approach to evaluating the changing forests of the Northeast, including forest landscapes, forest dynamics, forest industry; policy and management, and economics." Targeting a nonscientific audience, the author organizes his book according to various classifications of forest: industrial, recreational, suburban, wild, and rural. Within these classifications, he discusses a wide range of topics, including understanding of forest biology, ecology, and industry. Abrams noted: "This book may appeal to the layperson who wants some general information about forestry in the Northeast."



BioScience, February, 2000, Marc D. Abrams, review of The Northeast's Changing Forests, p. 169.

Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, July-August 1996, David C. Iverson, review of Ethics in Forestry, p. 303.


College of the Atlantic Web site, (March 24, 2007), "Lloyd Irland Offers Two Forestry Talks."

CR Info, (March 24, 2007), T.A. O'Lonergan, review of Wilderness Economics and Policy.

Irland Group Web site, (March 24, 2007), profile of author.

University of Maine School of Forest Resources Web site, (March 24, 2007), author's curriculum vitae.

Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies Web site, (March 24, 2007), faculty profile of author.

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