Hyams, Philip 1954-

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HYAMS, Philip 1954-

PERSONAL: Born February 9, 1954, in Montreal, Quebec, Canada; son of Frank (an avionics specialist) and Eileen (a medical secretary; maiden name, Cohen) Hyams; married Lisya Ahituv (an architectural technologist), August 20, 1987; children: Eitan Allen.

ADDRESSES: Home—7/2 Rivka Guber St., Kfar Sava, Israel 44471. Agent—Lynne Rabinoff Associates. E-mail—plhyams@isdn.net.il.

CAREER: Commonwealth Journalists Association, director of Aboriginal Affairs, 1996—. Formerly affiliated with One World Poetry Organization, Amsterdam, Netherlands; former producer of documentary films for Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.


Ghosts (poetry chapbook), Hans van der Storm (Amsterdam, Netherlands), 1983.

Canaan Barred (fiction), Tell Books (New York, NY), 1995.

Contributor of poetry to periodicals, including First Time, Ariga, Psychozoan, Eclectica, Isibongo (South Africa), Gravity, Deal Letter, Sf. Salvo, Art Bin Morningstar, Talus and Scree, Spirals, Columbus, Southern Ocean Review, Oracular Tree, Poetry, Oblique, InnerChild, Offcourse, Niederngasse, Amarilo Bay, Nuvein, Red Coral, Animist, Irelingus, Experimental Forest, Phatitude, Poets Cut, Black Bear, and Free Verse Poetry Journal.

WORK IN PROGRESS: Poetry and science fiction.

SIDELIGHTS: Philip Hyams told CA: "I am a multicultural author who has lived in a number of countries around the world. I am deeply engaged in the pursuit of unraveling our 'common humanity,' the things which bring us together but also keep us apart. My interests and influences range from neoclassical writing to avant-garde fiction and poetry."



Writers Net,http://www.writers.net/ (November 13, 2003), "Philip Hyams."

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