Hvidt, Niels Christian 1969-

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Hvidt, Niels Christian 1969-


Born March 15, 1969, in Copenhagen, Denmark. Education: University of Copenhagen, M.Div., 1997; Pontifical Gregorian University and Pontifical Institute for Oriental Studies, Rome, Th.D.; attended Harvard University and Cambridge University.


Office—University of Southern Denmark, Research Unit: Health, Man & Society, Institute of Public Health, J.B. Winslows Vej 9 B, 5000 Odense C, Denmark. E-mail—nchvidt@health.sdu.dk.


Theologian, educator, and writer. Kofoeds School, Copenhagen, Denmark, teacher, 1992-93; Vatican Radio, radio programmer for Danish programs on various theological topics, 2000-02; Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome, Italy, faculty member and researcher, 2000-04; research scholar on postdoctoral project on faith and health, funded by H. Lundbeck, 2002-06; University of Southern Denmark, Research Unit: Health, Man & Society, Institute of Public Health, Odense, Denmark, associate professor, 2006—. Also humanitarian work in Bosnia-Herzegovina under the French Humanitarian Aid Organisation Mediatrice, 1993; coordinator of the International Ecumenical Bridgettine Centre of Farfa, 1999-2004, and member of the Academic Board, 2003—; member of Scientific Committee for museum project "Mary of Nazareth," 2002—; visiting scholar at Department of Psychosocial Cancer Research, Danish Cancer Society, 2004-05; visiting scholar at the Department of Theology at Notre Dame University, Notre Dame, IN, 2006-06; coordinator of Danish Network for Research in Faith and Health, 2007—.


Gold medal for Prize Dissertation on the concept of Christian prophecy, 1997; scholarship at the Danish Academy in Rome, 1998.


The Problem of Christian Prophecy (extract publication of doctoral thesis), Pontificia Universita Gregoriana (Rome, Italy), 2001.

Mirakler—Møder mellem Himmel og Jord, Gyldendal (Copenhagen, Denmark), 2001.

(Editor, with Christoffer Johansen, and contributor) Kan Tro Flytte Bjerge? (title means "Does Faith Move Mountains?"), Gyldendal (Copenhagen, Denmark), 2003.

Christian Prophecy: The Post-Biblical Tradition, Oxford University Press (New York, NY), 2007.

Also author of Danish book titled Miracles. Contributor to books, including Pax in Virtute, edited by F. Lepore and D. D'Agostino, Libreria Editrice Vaticana (Rome, Italy), 2003; Tryg i Danmark 2003, edited by Ole Frahm and Trine Heidemann, Tryg i Danmark (Copenhagen, Denmark), 2003; Min Engel Daniel (title means "My Angel Daniel"), Copenhagen, 2003; Efter Moden Overvejelse. Sankt Ansgar Kirkes Domkirkejubilum 1953-2003, edited by Andreas Rude, Sankt Ansgar Kirke (Copenhagen, Denmark), 2003; Kan tro flytte bjerge?, edited by Niels Christian Hvidt and Christoffer Gyldendal (Copenhagen, Denmark), 2004; Syrernes Damskus, edited by Michael Irving Jensen, Aarhus, 2005. Contributor to periodicals, including True Life in God, Berlingske Tidende, Weekendavisen, Chrétiens, La Gregoriana, Politiken, 30Giorni and Kristeligt dagblad; contributor to professional journals, including Birgittiana 16, Religion—Tidsskrift for Religionsler-foreningen for Gymnasiet og HF, Cahiers d'Edifà, Communio, Scriptorium, Scandinavian Journal of Theology, and Teolinformation.


Niels Christian Hvidt is a theologian and educator whose primary interest is in the belief in what he calls "Divine Action and Divine Care." His book Christian Prophecy: The Post-Biblical Tradition stems from his postdoctoral work at Pontifical Gregorian University. Throughout the Old Testament, God intervenes to save his people through his prophets. However, following the Bible's account of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Christian God appears to have abandoned his old methods of intervention. In his book, the author argues that prophecy has persisted in Christianity but in a different manner to accommodate new social conditions. The author provides a comprehensive history of prophecy from the days of ancient Israel to modern times and analyzes the theological discourse concerning prophecy as it has evolved over the years. He also discusses how this discourse has led to important insights into the nature of Christianity.

In another book, called Miracles, the author discusses the phenomenology and theology of miracles in modern times in relation to the Orthodox and Catholic traditions. Hvidt is also the editor, with Christoffer Johansen, of the book Kan Tro Flytte Bjerge?, or "Does Faith Move Mountains?" The book addresses the author's research into the interaction of health and spirituality.



Christian Prophecy Web site,http://www.christian-prophecy.org/ (January 30, 2008).

Health, Man & Society Department, University of Southern Denmark Web site,http://www.hms.sdu.dk/ (January 30, 2008), faculty profile of author.

Niels Christian Hvidt Home Page,http://www.hvidt.com (January 30, 2008).

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