Howgate, Sarah

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Howgate, Sarah






National Portrait Gallery, London, England, contemporary curator.


(With Barbara Stern Shapiro) David Hockney Portraits (exhibit catalog), Yale University Press (New Haven, CT), 2006.

(With Sandy Nairne) The Portrait Now, Yale University Press (New Haven, CT), 2006.


Sarah Howgate, as contemporary curator at the National Portrait Gallery in London, England, collaborated with Barbara Stern Shapiro, curator for special projects at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, Massachusetts, in producing the exhibit and companion catalog David Hockney Portraits. The Boston exhibit was organized by both institutions, along with the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, and was the first to concentrate on Hockney's portraiture. His subjects include his mother, his dachshund, Stanley, male lovers, friends, family, and members of the art community. In a Boston Globe review, Cate McQuaid wrote: "Curators Barbara Stern Shapiro and Sarah Howgate have neatly devised an installation that elucidates Hockney's restless experimentation and the vitality of his social network." McQuaid further described the volume as "an open-hearted portrait, and fervently inquisitive about who we are, how we see, and how we relate to one another." Library Journal reviewer Prudence Peiffer enjoyed the accompanying essays, including one by Edmund White, "whose eloquent investigation of Hockney's homosexual identity and its role in his art is a standout." A Publishers Weekly contributor called the book "an attractive, well-organized introduction to the artist's endlessly inventive career."



Boston Globe, February 26, 2006, Cate McQuaid, review of David Hockney Portraits.

Library Journal, May 1, 2006, Prudence Peiffer, review of David Hockney Portraits, p. 85.

Publishers Weekly, February 27, 2006, review of David Hockney Portraits, p. 52.