Honig, Alice S(terling) 1929-

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HONIG, Alice S(terling) 1929-

PERSONAL: Born April 19, 1929, in New York, NY; daughter of William (in the garment industry) and Ida (a teacher; maiden name, Bender) Sterling; married Arnold Honig (a physicist; divorced, 1975); married Arthur B. Komar (a physicist); children: (first marriage) Lawrence Sterling, Madeleine Honig Lenski, Jonathan David. Ethnicity: "Jewish." Education: Attended Cornell University, 1946-48; Barnard College, B.A. (magna cum laude), 1950; Columbia University, M.A., 1953; Syracuse University, Ph.D. (developmental psychology), 1975. Religion: Jewish. Hobbies and other interests: Poetry, wildflowers, travel, archaeology, Chinese snuff bottles, Yiddish folk songs.

ADDRESSES: Home—317 Allen St., Syracuse, NY 13210. Offıce—c/o Department of Child and Family Studies, College for Human Development, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY 13244; fax: 315-443-9402. E-mail—ahonig@mailbox.syr.edu.

CAREER: Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, program director for Syracuse Children's Center and Family Development Research Program, 1952-77, professor of child development, 1967-95, professor emeritus, 1996—. Consultant to child care agencies and early education organizations.

MEMBER: International Society on Infant Studies, Society for Research in Child Development (fellow), American Psychological Association (fellow), National Association for the Education of Young Children, Phi Beta Kappa.

AWARDS, HONORS: Named Onondaga County Women of Achievement in Child Development, 1984; Chancellor's Citation for Academic Excellence, Syracuse University, 1995.


Language Learning, Language Development: A Bibliography, ERIC Clearinghouse on Early Child and Elementary Education (Arlington, VA), 1975.

Fathering: A Bibliography, ERIC Clearinghouse on Early Child and Elementary Education (Arlington, VA), 1977.

Parent Involvement in Early Childhood Education, National Association for the Education of Young Children (Washington, DC), 1979.

(With J. R. Lally) Infant Caregiving: A Design for Training, Syracuse University Press (Syracuse, NY), 1981.

(With D. B. Sponseller) Getting Involved: Your Child's Attitudes toward Learning, Head Start (Washington, DC), 1981.

Playtime Learning Games for Young Children, Syracuse University Press (Syracuse, NY), 1982.

(With D. S. Wittmer) Infant/Toddler Caregiving: An Annotated Bibliography, ERIC Clearinghouse on Early Child and Elementary Education (Arlington, VA), 1982.

(Editor) Risk Factors in Infancy, Gordon & Breach International Publishers (Langhorne, PA), 1986.

(With D. S. Wittmer and J. Gibralter) Discipline, Cooperation, and Compliance: An Annotated Bibliography, ERIC Clearinghouse on Early Child and Elementary Education (Arlington, VA), 1987.

(With D. S. Wittmer) Infant-Toddler Caregiving: An Annotated Guide to Media Training Materials, West Ed Center for Child and Family (Sausalito, CA), 1988.

(Editor) Early Parenting and Later Child Achievement, Gordon & Breach International Publishers (Langhorne, PA), 1990.

(Editor) Optimizing Early Child Care and Education, Gordon & Breach International Publishers (Langhorne, PA), 1990.

(With D. D. Wittmer) Prosocial Development in Children: Caring, Sharing, and Cooperation; A Bibliographic Resource Guide, Garland Publishing, Taylor & Francis (New York, NY), 1992.

Infant/Toddler Learning Materials for Caregivers and Parents, ERIC Clearinghouse on Early Child and Elementary Education (Arlington, VA), 1994.

(With H. E. Brophy) Talking with Your Baby: Family as the First School, Syracuse University Press (Syracuse, NY), 1996.

Behavior Guidance for Infants and Toddlers from Birth to Three Years, Southern Early Childhood Education Association (Little Rock, AR), 1996.

Nurturing Young Children's Language Power (screenplay), Davidson Films (San Luis Obispo, CA), 1996.

(Editor, with H. E. Fitzgerald and H. E. Brophy-Herb, and contributor) Encyclopedia of Infancy in America, two volumes, American Bibliographical Center-Clio Press (Santa Barbara, CA), 2001.

Secure Relationships: Nurturing Infant/Toddler Attachment, National Association for the Education of Young Children (Washington, DC), 2002.

Creator of "Parenthood: A Series" (filmstrips and booklets), Guidance Associates (New York, NY). Creator of videotapes, including Toddler Curriculum: Making Connections, National Association for the Education of Young Children (Washington, DC), 1991, and Tips for Helping Parents Raise Achieving Children, National Assocation for the Educaton of Young Children (Washington, DC), 2001. Contributor to books, including Handbook of Parenting, edited by M. Bornstein, 2nd edition, Lawrence Erlbaum (Hillsdale, NJ), 2002; Achieving School Readiness, edited by B. Imroth and V. Ash-Geiser, American Library Association (Chicago, IL); Issues in Early Childhood Educational Assessment and Evaluation, edited by B. Spodek and O. N. Saracho, Teachers College Press (New York, NY); Play from Birth to Twelve and Beyond: Contents, Perspectives, and Meanings, edited by D. P. Fromberg and D. Bergen, Garland Publishing (New York, NY); and Promoting Creativity across the Life Span, edited by M. Bloom and T. P. Gullotta, Child Welfare League of America Press (Washington, DC). Contributor of articles and reviews to professional journals, including International Journal of Early Childhood Education, Child Care Information Exchange, Journal of Primary Prevention, Contemporary Psychology, Montessori Life, Young Children, Early Childhood Education Journal, Zero to Three, Scholastic Parent and Child, and Scholastic Early Childhood Today. Early Child Development and Care, coeditor of special issues, 1991, 1993, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, North American editor, and past member of editorial board; member of editorial board, Young Children Early Childhood Research Quarterly.

WORK IN PROGRESS: Cross-cultural, cross-generational studies of parenting and child outcomes.

SIDELIGHTS: Alice S. Honig told CA: "I write and lecture extensively because young children are so precious as persons who will inherit either heartaches or peaceful competence and confidence from our ways of being with them and rearing them. Therefore I feel impelled to work toward supporting, nourishing, and impelling toward kindness and reflectivity those folks who care for young children and are responsible for intimate emotional and learning experiences in the children's lives.

"My mother read aloud much poetry to us and quoted Shakespeare often. She listened to the opera every Saturday afternoon. She was a model for intellectual activity as well as her generous service as a teacher in junior high school who was completely dedicated to the low-income students she taught and nurtured.

"I am inspired to write to help nurturers, teachers, parents, and caregivers become empowered to understand and appropriately help little children flourish emotionally, intellectually, socially, and all ways in the development."

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