Henn, Martin J. 1968–
Henn, Martin J. 1968–
PERSONAL: Born August 16, 1968, in Kansas City, MO; son of B. L. and M. A. (Aylward) Henn. Ethnicity: "German." Education: University of Kansas, B.G.S., 1990, M.A. (philosophy), 1994, M.A. (classics and classical languages), 1995, Ph.D., 1999. Religion: Roman Catholic.
ADDRESSES: Home—3220 St. John Ave., No. 3E, Kansas City, MO 64123. E-mail—profhenn@aol.com.
CAREER: University of Missouri—Kansas City, adjunct professor of philosophy and classics, 1999; Benedictine College, Atchison, KS, adjunct professor of philosophy and classics, 1999–2002. Saint Mary College, Overland Park, KS, adjunct professor, 2001–02; Johnson County Community College, adjunct professor, 2002.
Parmendies of Elea: A Verse Translation with Interpretive Essays and Commentary to the Text, Praeger Publishers (Westport, CT), 2003.
Thomas Aquinas's Earliest Treatment of Being and the Good: A Translation of the Scriptum Super Libros Sententiarum, Book 1, Distinction 1, Global Scholarly Press (New York, NY), 2004.
Contributor of articles and poetry to periodicals, including Mediterranean Perspectives, Auslegung: Journal of Philosophy, Journal of Speculative Philosophy, Modern Schoolman, and Journal of Philosophical Research.
WORK IN PROGRESS: A Treatise on the Origins of International Law: Being a Dialectical Treatment of Questions Foundational to the Law of Peoples, with Compendium Locorum of Classical, Medieval, and Renaissance Texts, publication expected in 2009.