Hasan, Ruqaiya

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HASAN, Ruqaiya


ADDRESSES: Office—Department of Linguistics, Macquarie University, Sydney, New South Wales 2109, Australia. E-mail—rhasan@laurel.ocs.mq.edu.au.

CAREER: Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, emeritus professor of linguistics.


The Language of Eight-Year-Old Children, University of York (Leeds, England), 1964.

The Language of Nine-Year-Old Children, Nuffield Foreign Language Teaching Materials Project (Leeds, England), 1965.

The Language of Ten-Year-Old Children, Nuffield Foreign Language Teaching Materials Project (Leeds, England), 1966

Child Language Survey: Grammatical Analysis Code, Nuffield Foundation Foreign Language Teaching Materials Project (Leeds, England), 1967.

The Written Language of Nine- and Ten-Year-Old Children, Nuffield Foreign Language Teaching Materials Project (Leeds, England), 1967.

Grammatical Cohesion in Spoken and Written English, Harlow, Longmans (London, England), 1968.

(With Stephen Lushington) The Subject-Matter of English, Harlow, Longmans (London, England), 1968.

(With R. J. Handscombe) The Language of Eleven-Year-Old Children: Transcript Number 4A, Nuffield Foreign Languages Teaching Materials Project (Leeds, England), 1968.

(With M. A. K. Halliday) Cohesion in English, Long-mans (London, England), 1976.

Linguistics, Language, and Verbal Art, Deakin University (Victoria, Australia), 1985.

(With M. A. K. Halliday) Language, Context, and Text: Aspects of Language in a Social-Semiotic Perspective, Deakin University (Victoria, Australia), 1985.

Ways of Saying, Ways of Meaning: Selected Papers of Ruqaiya Hasan, edited by Carmel Cloran, David Butt, and Geoff Williams, Cassell (New York, NY), 1996.

The Collected Works of Ruqaiya Hasan, edited by Jonathan Webster, Equinox Publishers (Oakville, CT), 2005.


Discourse on Discourse: Workshop Reports from the Macquarie Workshop on Discourse Analysis, February 21-25, 1983, Applied Linguistics Association of Australia (Mt. Gravatt, Queensland, Australia), 1985.

(With J. R. Martin) Language Development: Learning Language, Learning Culture, Ablex Publishing Corp. (Norwood, NJ), 1989.

(With Peter Howard Fries) On Subject and Theme: A Discourse Functional Perspective, J. Benjamins (Philadelphia, PA), 1995.

(With Carmel Cloran and David Butt) Functional Descriptions: Theory in Practice, J. Benjamins (Philadelphia, PA), 1996.

(With Geoffrey Williams) Literacy in Society, Long-man (New York, NY), 1996.

SIDELIGHTS: Ruqaiya Hasan is professor emeritus of linguistics at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia, where she taught until 1994. She has contributed numerous papers and articles on linguistics to various journals and scholarly collections, as well as serving as author or editor of numerous books. Hasan's research interests focus particularly on the areas of stylistics; cohesion and discourse analysis; language and socialization; sociosemantic variation, ideology, and social class; and language, learning, and social structure.

Hasan has written a number of books analyzing the language of children across a broad spectrum of ages, and is the editor or coeditor of several volumes of collected papers on various aspects of linguistics. For example, Cohesion in English, which Hasan wrote with colleague M. A. K. Halliday, presents the concept that "cohesion" is a quality of language that contributes to its coherence. In TESOL Quarterly, Patricia L. Carroll quoted Hasan and Halliday as writing, "If a speaker of English hears or reads a passage of English which is more than one sentence in length, he can normally decide whether it forms a unified whole or is just a collection of unrelated sentences." This property of being a "unified whole" is the text's cohesion. In Cohesion in English, Hasan and Halliday attempt, through studying cohesion and other factors, to identify the particular, objective features that lead to a text being either coherent or disjointed.



Koul, Omkar N., and S. Imtiaz Hasanain, editors, Linguistics, Theoretical and Applied: A Festschrift for Ruqaiya Hasan, Indian Institute of Language Studies (Delhi, India), 2004.


TESOL Quarterly, December, 1982, Patricia L. Carroll, "Cohesion Is Not Coherence," pp. 479-488.


Equinox Books Web site, http://www.equinoxpub.com/ (October 14, 2004), "Ruqaiya Hasan."*

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